Papers Lists of MISL 2003
- 適応的重みを有する多目的最適化のための分散遺伝的アルゴリズム
- Multi-Objective Distributed Genetic Algorithm with Weight Adaptation
- 廣安 知之, 上浦 二郎, 三木 光範, 渡邉 真也
- Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Jiro KAMIURA, Mitsunori MIKI and Shinya WATANABE
- 情報処理学会論文誌:数理モデル化とその応用,Vol.44 No.SIG 7(tom8号), (2003) , pp.1-9
- 20030501
- エリート解の集中的な交叉メカニズムを持つ分散遺伝的アルゴリズムのTSPにおける解探索性能の検討
- Distributed Genetic Algorithm with Cetralized Multiple Crossover Applied to Traveling Salesman Problems
- 三木 光範, 廣安 知之, 花田 良子, 水田 典伯
- Mitsunori MIKI, Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Yoshiko HANADA and Takanori MIZUTA
- システム制御情報学会論文誌,Vol. 16, No.12, (2003) , pp.607-615
- 20030524
- 遺伝的交叉を用いた並列SAによるタンパク質立体構造のエネルギー最小化
- 廣安 知之, 三木 光範, 小椋 信弥, 青井 桂子, 吉田 武史, 岡本 祐幸
- Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Mitsunori MIKI, Shinya OGURA, Keiko AOI, Takeshi YOSHIDA and Yuko OKAMOTO
- 情報処理学会論文誌:コンピューティングシステム, Vol.44, SIG-11(ACS3), (2003) , pp.277-285
- 20030815
- 適応的最高温度を持つシミュレーテッドアニーリング
- Adaptive Simulated Annealing for Maximum Temperature
- 三木 光範, 廣安 知之, 實田 健
- Mitsunori MIKI, Tomoyuki HIROYASU and Takeshi JITTA 情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.44, No.11, (2003) , pp.2787-2795
- 20031100
- 多目的方形パッキング問題に対する進化的手法の有効性
- The Effect of Evolutionary Alogorithm for Multi-Objective Rectangular Packing Problem
- 渡邉 真也, 廣安 知之, 三木 光範
- Shinya WATANABE, Tomoyuki HIROYASU and Mitsunori MIKI 電子情報通信学会論文誌, D-I, Vol,. J86-D-I, No.11, (2003) , pp.791-799
- 20031100
- 最適な受理確率を目標とする適応的近傍を持つ温度並列シミュレーテッドアニーリング
- 三木 光範, 廣安 知之, 小野 景子, 伏見 俊彦
- Mitsunori MIKI, Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Keiko ONO and Toshihiko FUSHIMI
- 情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.44, No.12, (2003) , pp.3123-3130
- 20031200
- 現象論モデルと遺伝的アルゴリズムによるディーゼルエンジン燃料噴射率の多目的最適化
- Multi-Objective Optimization of Diesel Engine Emissions using Genetic Algorithms and a Phenomenological Model
- 廣安 知之, 廣安 博之, 三木 光範, 渡邉 真也, 上浦 二郎
- Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Hiroyuki HIROYASU, Mitsunori MIKI and Shinya WATANABEJiro KAMIURA
- 自動車技術会論文誌,Voi.35, No.1, (2004) , pp.51-56
- 20040100
- 離散最適化のための大域的交叉メカニズムを持つ分散遺伝的アルゴリズム
- Global Crossover based Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Discrete Optimization Problems
- 三木 光範, 廣安 知之, 勝崎 俊樹, 水田 伯典
- Mitsunori MIKI, Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Toshiki KATSUZAKI and Takanori MIZUTA
- 日本計算工学会論文集,2,004年号,No. 20040001, (2004)
- 20040129
- 分散確率モデル遺伝的アルゴリズム
- Distributed Probablistic Model-Builiding Genetic Algorithm
- 廣安 知之, 三木 光範, 下坂 久司, 佐野 正樹, 筒井 茂義
- Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Mitsunori MIKI, Hisashi SHIMOSAKA and Masaki SANOShigeyoshi TSUTSUI
- 情報処理学会論文誌:数理モデル化と応用,Vol.45, No. SIG2(TOM 10), (2004) , pp.56-65
- 20040200
- Multi-Objective Rectangular Packing Problem and Its Applications
- Multi-Objective Rectangular Packing Problem and Its Applications
- 渡邉 真也, 廣安 知之, 三木 光範
- Shinya WATANABE, Tomoyuki HIROYASU and Mitsunori MIKI
- Lecture Notes in Computer Sicence, 2632, Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, (2003) , pp.565-577
- 20030408
- Optimization Problem Solving System using Grid RPC
- Optimization Problem Solving System using Grid RPC
- 廣安 知之, 三木 光範, 下坂 久司, Jack Dongarra
- Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Mitsunori MIKI, Hisashi SHIMOSAKA and Jack Dongarra
- IEEE/ACMWeb page of 3rd CCGrid, (2003)
- 20030514
- Optimization of Diesel Engine Emissions and Fuel Efficiency Using Genetic Algorithms and Phenomenological Model with EGR, Injection Timing and Multiple Injections
- Optimization of Diesel Engine Emissions and Fuel Efficiency Using Genetic Algorithms and Phenomenological Model with EGR, Injection Timing and Multiple Injections
- 廣安 博之, Haiyan Miao, 廣安 知之, 三木 光範, 上浦 二郎, 渡邉 真也
- Hiro Hiroyasu, Haiyan Miao, Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Mitsunori MIKI, Jiro KAMIURA and Shinya WATANABE
- JSAE/SAE Proceedings of 2003 JSAE/SAE International Spring Fuels & Lubricants Meeting, CD-ROM, (2003)
- 20030519
- Optimization Problem Solving System using GridRPC
- Optimization Problem Solving System using GridRPC
- 廣安 知之, 三木 光範, 下坂 久司, Jack Dongarra
- Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Mitsunori MIKI, Hisashi SHIMOSAKA and Jack Dongarra
- Online Proceedings on CCGrid 2003, Posters and Research Demo, (2003)
- 20030600
- Simple Installation and Administration Tool for Large Clusters
- Simple Installation and Administration Tool for Large Clusters
- 廣安 知之,三木 光範,児玉 憲造,上川 純一, Jack DONGARRA
- Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Mitsunori MIKI, Kenzo KODAMA, Junichi UEKAWA, Jack DONGARRA
- Proceedings of ClusterWorld Conference and Expo, CD-ROM, (2003)
- 20030624
- Dual Individual Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Minimizing Enrgy op Protein Teriary Structure
- Dual Individual Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Minimizing Enrgy op Protein Teriary Structure
- 廣安 知之, 岩橋 崇史, 岡本 祐幸
- Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Takashi IWAHASHI and Yuko OKAMOTO
- Proceedings of 2003 Genetic and Evolutionary Computaion Conference Workshop Program, (2003) , pp.86-88
- 20030712
- Distributed Probabilistic Model-Building Genetic Algorithm
- Distributed Probabilistic Model-Building Genetic Algorithm
- 廣安 知之, 三木 光範, 佐野 正樹, 下坂 久司, 筒井 茂義, Jack Dongarra
- Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Mitsunori MIKI, Masaki SANO, Hisashi SHIMOSAKA, Shigeyoshi TSUTSUI and Jack Dongarra
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2724, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation-GECCO 2003, (2003) , pp.1015-1028
- 20030716
- Atom-Lebel Simulations of Protein Folding
- Atom-Lebel Simulations of Protein Folding
- 廣安 知之, 三木 光範, 小椋 信弥, 青井 桂子, 吉田 武史, 岡本 祐幸
- Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Mitsunori MIKI, Shinya OGURA, Keiko AOI, Takeshi YOSHIDA and Yuko OKAMOTO
- Proceedings of the 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI2003), Vol. XIV, (2003) , pp.117-122
- 20030801
- 2個体分散遺伝的アルゴリズムによるタンパク質立体構造のエネルギー最小化
- Dual Individual Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Minimizing the Energy of Protein Tertiary Stucture
- 廣安 知之, 三木 光範, 岩橋 崇史, 岡本 祐幸
- Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Mitsunori MIKI, Takashi IWAHASHI and Yuko OKAMOTO
- SICE Proceedings of Annual Conference 2003, (2003) , pp.1088-1093
- 20030806
- シミュレーテッドアニーリングにおける重要温度領域に関する考察
- 三木 光範, 廣安 知之, 米澤 基
- Mitsunori MIKI, Tomoyuki HIROYASU and Motoi YONEZAWA
- 情報処理学会 FIT2003 情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, (2003) , pp.1-3
- 20030901
- Parallel Simulated Annealing with Adaptive Neighborhood Determined by Genetic Algorithm
- Parallel Simulated Annealing with Adaptive Neighborhood Determined by Genetic Algorithm
- 伏見 俊彦, 三木 光範, 廣安 知之
- Toshihiko FUSHIMI, Mitsunori MIKI and Tomoyuki HIROYASU
- IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (2003) , pp.26-31
- 20031010
- Adaptive Simulated Annealing for Maximum Temperature
- Adaptive Simulated Annealing for Maximum Temperature
- 實田 健, 三木 光範, 廣安 知之
- Takeshi JITTA, and
- IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (2003) , pp.20-25
- 20031010
- On the Effect of Introducing a Tag node in Solving Scheduling Problems using PMBGAs
- On the Effect of Introducing a Tag node in Solving Scheduling Problems using PMBGAs
- 筒井茂義, 廣安 知之, 三木 光範
- Shigeyoshi TSUTSUI, Tomoyuki HIROYASU and Mitsunori MIKI
- IEEE Proceedings of 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computaion, (2003) , pp.22-29
- 20031201
- Discussion on Searching Capability of Distributed Genetic Algorithm on The Grid
- Discussion on Searching Capability of Distributed Genetic Algorithm on The Grid
- 谷村 勇輔, 廣安 知之, 三木 光範
- Yusuke TANIMURA, Tomoyuki HIROYASU and Mitsunori MIKI
- IEEE Proceedings of 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computaion, (2003) , pp.1086-1094
- 20031215
- Comparison of Pulling Back and Penalty Methods for Constraints in PMBGA
- Comparison of Pulling Back and Penalty Methods for Constraints in PMBGA
- 下坂 久司, 廣安 知之, 三木 光範
- Hisashi SHIMOSAKA, Hisashi SHIMOSAKA and Mitsunori MIKI
- IEEE Proceedings of 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computaion, (2003) , pp.1941-1948
- 20031215
- Energy Minimization of Protein Tertiary Structures by Local Search Algorithm based on the Characteristic of α-helix and Parallel Simulated Annealing using Genetic Crossover
- Energy Minimization of Protein Tertiary Structures by Local Search Algorithm based on the Characteristic of α-helix and Parallel Simulated Annealing using Genetic Crossover
- 小椋 信弥, 青井 桂子, 廣安 知之, 三木 光範, 岡本 祐幸
- Shinya OGURA, Keiko AOI, Tomoyuki HIROYASU and Mitsunori MIKIYuko OKAMOTO
- IEEE Proceedings of 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computaion, (2003) , pp.1933-1940
- 20031215
- Adaptive Temperature Schedule Determined by Genetic Algorithm for Parallel Simulated Annealing
- Adaptive Temperature Schedule Determined by Genetic Algorithm for Parallel Simulated Annealing
- 三木 光範, 廣安 知之, 輪湖 純也, 吉田 武史
- Mitsunori MIKI, Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Junya WAKO and Takeshi YOSHIDA
- IEEE Proceedings of 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computaion, (2003) , pp.459-466
- 20031215
- Reduction of Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Emission and Fuel Economy with Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm and Phenomenological Model
- Reduction of Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Emission and Fuel Economy with Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm and Phenomenological Model
- 廣安 知之, 三木 光範, 金 美和, 渡邉 真也, 廣安 博之, Miao Haiyan
- Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Mitsunori MIKI, Mifa KIM, Shinya WATANABE, Hiro Hiroyasu and Haiyan MIAO
- SAE Technical Paper Series, 2004-01-0531, (2004) , pp.1-14
- 20040309
- 対話型シミュレーテッドアニーリングの提案
- A Proposal of Interactive Simulated Annealing
- 三木 光範, 廣安 知之, 伏見 俊彦
- Mitsunori MIKI, Tomoyuki HIROYASU and Toshihiko FUSHIMI
- 同志社大学 理工学研究報告第44 巻第1 号, (2003) , pp.13-24
- 2003/6/1
- 遺伝的アルゴリズムにおける実数値ベクトル表現,世代交代モデル,母集団分割効果の検討
- A Discussion on Real Number Vector Representation, Generation Alternation Models and Effect by Division of Population of Genetic Algorithm
- 廣安 知之, 三木 光範, 福永 隆宏
- Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Mitsunori MIKI and Takahiro FUKUNAGA
- 同志社大学 理工学研究報告第44 巻第1 号, (2003) , pp.25-35
- 2003/6/1
- 大規模クラスタにおける簡易セットアップ・管理ツールの提案
- DCAST: A Simple Installation and Administration Tool for the Large-scaled PC Cluster
- 児玉 憲造, 廣安 知之, 三木 光範, 谷村 勇輔, 上川 純一
- Kenzo KODAMA, Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Mitsunori MIKI, Yusuke TANIMURA and Junichi UEKAWA
- 同志社大学 理工学研究報告Vol.43, No.4 , (2003) , pp.7-16
- 2003/6/1
- LINPACK BenchmarkによるハイパフォーマンスLinuxクラスタの性能評価
- 廣安 知之, 三木 光範, 釘井 睦和
- Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Mitsunori MIKI and Yoshikazu KUGII
- 同志社大学 理工学研究報告書,Vol.44, No.3, (2003) , pp.159-168
- 2003/12/
Papers of 2002
Papers of 2001
Papers of 2000
Papers of 1999
Papers of 1998