Papers Lists of MISL 2008
- 対話型遺伝的アルゴリズムにおける嗜好の多峰性に対応可能な個体生成方法の検討
- Offspring Generation Method for interactive Genetic Algorithm considering Multi-modal Preference
- 伊藤 冬子, 廣安 知之, 三木 光範, 横内 久猛
- Fuyuko Ito, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu, Mitsunori Miki and Hisatake Yokouchi
- 人工知能学会 論文誌, Vol.24, No.1, (2009) , pp.127-135
- 2009/1/1
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- 受理率に依存する適応的近傍を持つシミュレーテッドアニーリングの実最適化問題における有効性(光通信用利得等化フィルタへの応用)
- Effectiveness of Simulated Annealing with Advanced Adaptive Neighborhood for a Real Optimization Problem
- 三木 光範, 上田 祐一郎, 廣安 知之
- Mitsunori MIKI, Yuichiro UEDA and Tomoyuki HIROYASU
- 情報処理学会 論文誌 Vol.49 No.10, (2008) , pp.3567-3575
- 2008/10/5
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- ネットワークインバージョンを利用した多目的遺伝的アルゴリズムのための多様性維持メカニズム
- Mechanism of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms for Maintaining Solution Diversity using Network Inversion
- 小林 賢二, 廣安 知之, 三木 光範
- Kenji Kobayashi, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu and Mitsunori Miki
- 情報処理学会 論文誌:数理モデル化と応用(TOM),Vol.1 No.1 , (2008) , pp.27-42
- 2008/9/30
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- WS-Notificationを基盤とするグリッド上のアプリケーション連携システム
- Application Integration System on the Grid based on WS-Notification
- 下坂 久司, 廣安 知之, 三木 光範, 中尾 昌広
- Hisashi SHIMOSAKA, Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Mitsunori MIKI and Masahiro NAKAO
- 情報処理学会 論文誌 数理モデル化と応用(TOM), Vol. 2008, No.1, (2008) , pp.160-174
- 2008/9/26
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- DNAS : システム情報を取得する仕組みを有したグリッド用ミドルウェア
- DNAS : A Grid Middleware with support for Acquisition System Information
- 中尾昌広, 折戸俊彦, 山崎弘貴, 廣安知之, 三木光範
- Masahiro Nakao, Toshihiko ORITO, Hirotaka YAMAZAKI, Tomoyuki HIROYASU and Mitsunori MIKI
- 日本計算工学会 論文集,Paper No.20080027, Vol. 2008, ONLINE ISSN : 1347-8826, (2008)
- 2008/9/26
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- アバターを利用した主観アノテーションのための感情表現とその一貫性に関する検討
- Discussion of Feeling Expression and Its Consistency for Subjective Annotation using Avatars
- 伊藤 冬子, 佐々木 康成, 廣安 知之, 三木 光範
- Fuyuko ITO, Yasunari ITO, Tomoyuki HIROYASU and Mitsunori MIKI
- 日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌 知能と情報, Vol. 20, No.4, , (2008) , pp.487-499
- 2008/8/0
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- ディスクレスノードとディスクフルノードが混在するクラスタシステム環境をセットアップできるツールの開発
- Development of PC cluster setup tool for intermingled environment of diskless and diskfull nodes
- 中尾 昌広, 廣安 知之, 三木 光範
- Masahiro Nakao, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu and Mitsunori Miki
- 日本計算工学会 論文集,Paper No.20080009, Vol. 2008, (2008)
- 2008/4/21
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- Parameters Discussion of SX for Structural Topology Optimization
- 李翠敏, 廣安 知之, 三木 光範
- Cuimin Li, Tomoyuki HIROYASU and Mitsunori MIKI
- Transactions of JSCES, Paper No.20090004, (2009)
- 2009/2/6
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- Shape Optimization using GA with Stress-based Crossover
- 李翠敏, 廣安 知之, 三木 光範
- Cuimin Li, Tomoyuki HIROYASU and Mitsunori MIKI
- Transactions of JSCES, PaperNo.20090002, (2009)
- 2009/2/1
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- Discussion of Search Strategy for Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm with Consideration of Accuracy and Broadness of Pareto Optimal Solutions
- 廣安 知之, 西岡雅史, 三木 光範, 横内久猛
- Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Masashi Nishioka, Mitsunori MIKI and Hisatake YOKOUCH
- Simulated Evolution And Learning, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5361, Springer, (2008) , pp.339-348
- 2008/12/7
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- Discussion of Offspring Generation Method for interactive Genetic Algorithms with Consideration of Multimodal Preference
- 伊藤冬子, 廣安知之, 三木光範, 横内久猛
- Fuyuko Ito, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu, Mitsunori Miki and Hisatake Yokouchi
- The International Conference on Simulated Evolution And Learning, Lecture Notes in Computer Sience 5361, Springer (2008) , pp.349-359
- 2008/12/7
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- Distributed Optimization Algorithm for Lighting Color Control using Chroma Sensors
- 芦辺 麻衣子, 三木 光範, 廣安 知之
- Maiko ASHIBE, Mitsunori MIKI and Tomoyuki HIROYASU
- IEEE Proc. of 2008 International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2008), (2008) , pp.174-178
- 2008/10/13
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- Design of Japanese Kimono using Interactive Genetic Algorithm
- 菅原麻衣子, 三木 光範, 廣安 知之
- Maiko Sugahara, Mitsunori MIKI and Tomoyuki HIROYASU
- IEEE 2008 International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (2008) , pp.185-190
- 2008/10/13
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- Impact of Topoloy and Link Aggregation on PC Cluster with Ethernet
- 渡辺 崇文, 中尾 昌広, 廣安 知之, 鯉渕 道紘, 大塚 智宏
- Takafumi WTANABE, Masahiro Nakao, Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Michihiro Koibuchi and Tomohiro Otsuka
- IEEE Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Cluster Computing, IEEE Cat. No.CFP08235-CDR, (2008) , pp.280-285
- 2008/9/30
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- Discussion of a Crossover Method using a Probabilistic Model for interactive Genetic Algorithm
- Tomoyuki HIROYASU, Misato TANAKA, Fuyuko ITO, Mitsunori MIKI and Hisatake YOKOUCHI
- SCIS & ISIS2008 Proceedings of Joint 4th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 9th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems, CD-Rom, (2008) , pp.1055-1060
- 2008/9/17
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- Diversity Maintenance Mechanism for Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms using Clustering and Network Inversion
- 廣安知之, 小林賢二, 西岡雅史, 三木光範
- Tomoyuki Hiroyasu, Kenji Kobayashi, Masashi Nishioka and Mitsunori Miki
- Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Lecture Notes in Computer Sience 5199, Springer, (2008) , pp.722-732
- 2008/9/13
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- Stress-based Crossover Operator for Structure Topology Optimization using Small Population Size and Variable Length Chromosome
- Cuimin Li, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu, Mitsunori Miki
- Cuimin Li, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu and Mitsunori Miki
- Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO2008), (2008) , pp.1341-1342
- 2008/7/15
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- Analysis of the Performance of Genetic Multi-Step Search in Interpolation and Extrapolation Domain
- 花田 良子, 廣安 知之, 三木 光範
- Yoshiko Hanada, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu and Mitsunori Miki
- Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2008 Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2008, (2008) , pp.1107-1108
- 2008/7/15
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- Evolution of General Driving Rules of a Driving Agent
- Ivan Tanev, Hirotaka Yamazaki, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu, Katsunori Shimohara
- Simulation of Adaptive Behavior Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB'08), (2008)
- 2008/7/7
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- Examination of Multi-objective Optimization Method for Global Search Using DIRECT and GA
- 王 路易, 石田 裕幸, 廣安 知之, 三木 光範
- Luyi WANG, Hiroyuki ISHIDA, Tomoyuki HIROYASU and Mitsunori MIKI
- IEEE Proceedings of World Congress on Computational Intelligence 2008 (WCCI2008), (2008) , pp.2451-2456
- 2008/6/5
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- Mesh Dependency of Stress-based Crossover for Structural Topology Optimization
- Cuimin Li, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu and Mitsunori Miki
- IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) Proceedings of World Congress on Computational Intelligence 2008 (WCCI2008), (2008), pp.1856-1861
- 2008/6/3
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- On the Generality of the Evolved Driving Rules of an Agent Operating a Model of a Car
- Hirotaka Yamazaki, Ivan Tanev, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu, Katsunori Shimohara
- IEEE Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2008), (2008) , pp.355-360
- 2008/6/1
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- Effectiveness of Avatars for Subjective Annotation
- 伊藤 冬子, 佐々木 康成, 廣安 知之, 三木 光範
- Fuyuko Ito, Yasunari Sasaki, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu and Mitsunori Miki
- Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Paper No.188, (2008) , pp.74-81
- 2008/5/4
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- 探索に有効な部分木を活用したシミュレーテッドアニーリングプログラミング
- Simulated Annealing Programming using Effective Subtrees
- 上田 祐一郎, 三木 光範, 廣安 知之
- Yuichiro UEDA, Mitsunori MIKI and Tomoyuki HIROYASU
- 同志社大学 理工学研究報告,Vol.49,No.4, (2009) , pp.205-209
- 2009/1/31
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- ユーザの生体情報を用いた照明システムのユーザインタフェース
- User Interface of the Lighting System Using User’s Biological Information
- 木田清香, 三木 光範, 廣安 知之
- Kiyoka KIDA, Mitsunori MIKI and Tomoyuki HIROYASU
- 同志社大学 理工学研究報告 Vol.49 No.3, (2008) , pp.145-152
- 2008/10/
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Papers of 2007
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Papers of 2003
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Papers of 1998