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  • 製造工程や製品設計に存在するパラメータを計測データに基づいて最適な値に設定したい。
  • システムや製品に対して、生体情報に基づいた評価を行いたい。
  • 産学連携のテーマを模索している。
    • Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience

      Neuroscience of Creativity

      Supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP24K03028, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

      Creativity is one of the most important non-cognitive skills required of children who will live in the future. Creative thinking processes can be classified into divergent and convergent thinking, but it remains to be seen how these two thought processes should be trained to foster creativity and which traits are possessed by highly creative individuals. This study aims to clarify the dependence of brain structure and function on creativity. The analysis of the machine learning models for the brain-creativity traits relationship will reveal the influence of the functional/structural brain network on creativity in diffuse and convergent thinking, as well as the dependence between brain function and structure. These results can be applied to developing education and intervention methods to foster creativity.

      Topological data analysis on neuroimaging data

      Most of cognitive neuroscience studies have mainly taken the hypothesis-driven approach, however, neuroimaging data is extremely high-dimensional, that is why the data-driven approach would be effective. Topological data analysis (TDA), which visualize and analyze features of dataset focusing on the 'shape' of the dataset by representing it in forms of networks or graphs, is recently applied to various fields of data analysis. We apply TDA framework to cognitive neuroscience study instead of using hypothesis testing to enable data-driven knowledge discovery. The network topology of the neuroimaging dataset and its relations with the behavioral and psychological metrics will give new insights on human cognition and behavior. We also aim to develop new TDA method to emphasize them.

      See also:

    • S. Isojima, K. Tanioka, T. Hiroyasu, S. Hiwa*, "Preliminary Investigation of the Association Between Driving Pleasure and Brain Activity with Mapper-based Topological Data Analysis," International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 2023, doi: 10.1007/s13177-023-00371-3 (Sep 2023).
    • [Finished] Quantifying Mindfulness Based on Functional Brain Network

      Supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP19K12145, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

      Mindfulness meditation, which is defined as nonjudgmental observation of one's current experiences such as emotion, thoughts and sensations inside and around them, is a key practice to promote our human well-being. However, it is difficult for novices to evaluate how correctly their meditation is performed. To overcome this issue, we aim to characterize the brain state during meditation based on fMRI data. Recent studies have revealed that meditation could affect brain plasticity. Furthermore, the brain activation and deactivation patterns have been found to differ between different meditation styles. However, the functional network structures of the various meditation styles have not yet been established because of the heterogeneity of conditions across studies or the diversity of meditation practices. Here we propose a novel data-driven approach to find the specific functional network organization associated with meditation using an evolutionary optimization algorithm. Moreover, the network structure derived by our method is used to quantify how well the practitioners can meditate.

    • Human-in-the-loop System

      Measuring and Visualizing Driving Pleasure

      This study will refer to the positive feeling of "fun" derived from driving a car as a driving pleasure. The central question of this study is, "Under what circumstances does driving pleasure occur while driving?" Numerous surveys have been conducted on automobile usage and attitudes toward automated driving, and there is concern about the loss of driving pleasure due to the development of automated driving technology. However, the factors that induce driving pleasure need to be clarified. We believe that if we can explain the conditions that cause driving pleasure and visualize its occurrence, it will lead to the development of advanced driver assistance and automated driving technologies that make the driver's psychological state more positive, thereby expanding the potential of automobiles as a means to enhance human well-being. In this research, we aim to clarify the conditions under which driving pleasure occurs and to develop technology to visualize its occurrence and disappearance based on biometric and vehicle information.

      See also:

    • S. Isojima, K. Tanioka, T. Hiroyasu, S. Hiwa*, "Preliminary Investigation of the Association Between Driving Pleasure and Brain Activity with Mapper-based Topological Data Analysis," International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 2023, doi: 10.1007/s13177-023-00371-3 (Sep 2023).
    • Development of Mindful Driving System

      Supported by FY2019 Strategic Information and Communications R&D Promotion Programme (SCOPE)

      Distracted driving is a major cause of traffic accidents and injuries. We aim to promote 'mindful driving' by detecting and quantifying the degree of driver's distraction while driving, using a multimodal measurement of human behavior (e.g., operations of steering wheel, acceleration and deceleration pedals) and biological information including brain activity, heartbeat and so on. The prediction model for driver's distraction are modeled through machine learning on these multimodal data and then implemented on the vehicle.

      See also:

    • T. Ogihara, K. Tanioka, T. Hiroyasu, S. Hiwa*, "Predicting the Degree of Distracted Driving Based on fNIRS Functional Connectivity: A Pilot Study," Frontiers in Neuroergonomics, Volume 3, Article 864938, doi: 10.3389/fnrgo.2022.864938 (Jul 2022).
    • 「ACADEMIC EXPERTS/同志社大学大学院 生命医科学研究科医工学・医情報学専攻 ヒューマンインフォマティクス研究室 日和 悟 准教授」 News Letter from ITS Japan (2022.12.21)
    • 戦略的情報通信研究開発推進事業(SCOPE)「ヒトと自動車のマルチモーダル計測に基づくマインドフル・ドライビングシステムの開発」 研究開発成果と使いたい人をマッチング/近畿総合通信局 (2022.2)
    • Fashion Research

      Analysis of Fashion Design Based on Informatics and Neuroscience (under planning)

      I am interested in fashion and clothing, but I am neither a designer nor an artist. Here, I use informatics and neuroscience to extract from images or photographs the abstract concepts, contexts, and messages that designers put into their clothes. I welcome designers and people in the clothing industry interested in collaborating on this theme.