San Diego/USAで開催されたIEEE EMBCにて下記の4名が発表しました。
1) Differences in Blood Flow between Auditory and Visual Stimuli in the Psychomotor Vigilance Task and GO/NOGO Task Fukushima, Arika (Master Student)
2) Classification Subject Effects Using Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow on the Stroop Test Fukuhara, Michihiro (Master Student)
3)The Effects of Sound Environments on Performance of the Memorizing Numerical String Task and Cerebral Blood Flow Changes Hoshino, Yuchi (Master Student)
4) Distributed PACS Using Distributed File System with Hierarchical Meta Data Servers Minamitani, Yoshiyuki (Master Student)
EMBCはBiomedical Engineeringに関連する大きな国際会議の一つです。

1. 学会参加報告書

報告者氏名 南谷祥之
発表論文タイトル 階層的なメタデータサーバを有する分散ファイルシステムを利用した医用画像保存通信システム
発表論文英タイトル Distributed PACS using Distributed File System with Hierarchical Meta Data Servers
著者 南谷祥之, 廣安知之, 三木光範,横内久猛,吉見 真聡
主催 IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBS)
講演会名 34th The Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC’12)
会場 Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel
開催日程 2012/08/28 – 2012/09/01

2. 講演会の詳細
2012/08/28から2012/09/01にかけて,San Diego, California, USAにて開催されましたEMBC’12に参加致しました.本学会は,医療に関して生体工学や脳科学,医療情報システムなど5日間にかけて幅広い分野の方の研究発表が行われていました.
3. 研究発表
3.1. 発表概要
私は4日目8月31日の15:00 〜 16:15のセッション「Health Information Systems II (Poster Session)」に参加致しました.発表の形式はポスター発表で,75分間の発表時間となっておりました.以下に抄録を記載致します.

In this research, we propose a new distributed PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems) which is available to integrate several PACSs that exist in each medical institution. The conventional PACS controls DICOM file into one data-base. On the other hand, in the proposed system, DICOM file is separated into meta data and image data and those are stored individually. Using this mechanism, since file is not always accessed the entire data, some operations such as finding files, changing titles, and so on can be performed in high-speed.At the same time, as distributed file system is utilized, accessing image files can also achieve high-speed access and high fault tolerant.The introduced system has a more significant point.That is the simplicity to integrate several PACSs.  In the proposed system, only the meta data servers are integrated and integrated system can be constructed. This system also has the scalability of file access with along to the number of file numbers and file sizes. On the other hand, because meta-data server is integrated, the meta data server is the weakness of this system. To solve this defect, hieratical meta data servers are introduced.Because of this mechanism, not only fault‐tolerant ability is increased but scalability of file access is also increased.To discuss the proposed system, the prototype system using Gfarm was implemented.For evaluating the implemented system, file search operating time of Gfarm and NFS were compared.

3.2. 質疑応答
・ どういうファイルの流れになっているのか?実際に利用する際にはどのように利用するのか?
【回答】 保存フェイズの流れについて説明.
・ なぜGfarmを使用したのか?
【回答】 XML拡張属性という独自機能を持つため.
・ 連携サーバはどのような情報を持つのか?
【回答】 場所情報のみを持っており,非常にデータ量は小さい.
・ 連携サーバの負荷は大きいのでは?
【回答】 DNSサーバのような役割
・ 実際医者は電子カルテを使う.医者はどう使えば良い?
【回答】 電子カルテは分からない.ただ,PACSに問い合わせを行っているので,同じように
・ 評価はどのように行っているのか?
【回答】 速度評価
・ システムの評価って難しいよね.この評価で良いの?
【回答】 良くはないが,ユーザビリティの評価というのも少し違う.難しい.
・ 医療情報学会とかあるのですか?この研究はどういった所で発表するの?
【回答】 情報処理学会などで発表を行っている.医療系は初めて.
3.3. 感想
4. 聴講

発表タイトル       : Line Following Terrestrial Insect Biobots著者                  : Tahmid Latif, and Alper Bozkurtセッション名       : Brain-Machine Interfaces with RoboticsPDFファイル名 : 02512171.pdfAbstruct            : The present day technology falls short in offering centimeter scale mobile robots that can function effectively under unknown and dynamic environmental conditions. Insects, on the other hand, exhibit an unmatched ability to navigate through a wide variety of environments and overcome perturbations by successfully maintaining control and stability. In this study, we use neural stimulation systems to wirelessly navigate cockroaches to follow lines to enable terrestrial insect biobots. We also propose a system-on-chip based ZigBee enabled wireless neurostimulation backpack system with on- board tissue-electrode bioelectrical coupling verification. Such a capability ensures an electrochemically safe stimulation and avoids irreversible damage to the interface which is often misinterpreted as habituation of the insect to the applied stimulation.

【参考】 インターネットコム : http://japan.internet.com/interestingly/20120907/1.html

発表タイトル       : Real-time Fusion of Gaze and EMG for a Reaching

著者                  : Elaine A. Corbett, Konrad P. Kording and Eric J. Perreault
セッション名       : Neural Interfaces and Regeneration
PDFファイル名 : 01930983.pdf
Abstruct            : For rehabilitative devices to restore functional movement to paralyzed individuals, user intent must be determined from signals that remain under voluntary control. Tracking eye movements is a natural way to learn about an intended reach target and, when com- bined with just a small set of electromyograms (EMGs) in a probabilistic mixture model, can reliably generate accurate trajectories even when the target information is uncertain. To experimentally assess the effectiveness of our algorithm in closed-loop control, we developed a ro- botic system to simulate a reaching neuroprosthetic. In- corporating target information by tracking subjects’ gaze greatly improved performance when the set of EMGs was most limited. In addition we found that online performance was better than predicted by the offline accuracy of the training data. By enhancing the trajecto- ry model with target information the decoder relied less on neural control signals, reducing the burden on the user.

発表タイトル       : Human Behavior State Profile Mapping Based on Recalibrated

Speech Affective Space Model
著者                  : N. Kamaruddin, and A. Wahab
セッション名       : Patient Monitoring Devices and Systems II
PDFファイル名 : 05160389.pdf
Abstruct            : People typically associate health with only physical health. However, health is also interconnected to mental and emotional health. People who are emotionally healthy are in control of their behaviors and experience better quality of life. Hence, understanding human behavior is very important in ensuring the complete understanding of one’s holistic health. In this paper, we attempt to map human behavior state (HBS) profiles onto recalibrated speech affective space model (rSASM). Such an approach is derived from hypotheses that: 1) Behavior is influenced by emotion, 2) Emotion can be quantified through speech, 3) Emotion is dynamic and changes over time and 4) the emotion conveyance is conditioned by culture. Empirical results illustrated that the proposed approach can complement other types of behavior analysis in such a way that it offers more explanatory components from the perspective of emotion primitives (valence and arousal). Four different driving HBS; namely: distracted, laughing, sleepy and normal are profiled onto the rSASM to visualize the correlation between HBS and emotion. This approach can be incorporated in the future behavior analysis to envisage better performance.
この研究では,健康を身体的なものだけではなく,精神上の健康という側面でも捉え人間の計測する発表でした.「speech emotion analysis」という手法を用いて,喜怒哀楽の場合のArousal(覚醒度)とvalence(原子価?)から感情間に傾向の違いがあると結論づけられていました.

発表タイトル       : Interactive Segmentation of Airways from Chest X-ray Images

using Active Shape Models
著者                  : 香山 喜彦
セッション名       : Teshwaree Tezoo and Tania S. Douglas
PDFファイル名 : 03870056.pdf
Abstruct            : Classification of airway shapes in chest X-ray images may be useful in computer-aided detection of lymphadenopathy associated with pediatric tuberculosis. This paper presents an interactive approach for airway segmentation from chest X-ray images that may be used in an airway shape classification algorithm. A local normalization filter is applied as a preprocessing step to enhance the visibility of the airways. Segmentation is then performed with the aid of active shape models (ASMs), which are warped to a set of manually defined control points on the image to be segmented, using an affine transformation. Two shape models are built, one of which consists of points on the airway edges only and the other consists of points on the airway edges as well as points on the ribs. The ASMs are built from a set of manually segmented images. The Hausdorff distance is used to compute the accuracy of the segmentations with reference to a manual segmentation.

  発表タイトル       : Interactive Radiology Teaching File System: the Development

of a MIRC-Compliant and User-Centered e-Learning Resource
著者                  : M. dos-Santos and A. Fujino
セッション名       : Health Information Systems II
PDFファイル名 : 17630750.pdf
Abstruct            : Radiology teaching usually employs a systematic and comprehensive set of medical images and related information. Databases with representative radiological images and documents are highly desirable and widely used in Radiology teaching programs. Currently, computer-based teaching file systems are widely used in Medicine and Radiology teaching as an educational resource. This work addresses a user-centered radiology electronic teaching file system as an instance of MIRC compliant medical image database. Such as a digital library, the clinical cases are available to access by using a web browser. The system has offered great opportunities to some Radiology residents interact with experts. This has been done by applying user-centered techniques and creating usage context-based tools in order to make available an interactive system.
1)    34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), http://embc2012.embs.org/


 報告者氏名 福島 亜梨花
発表論文タイトル 学会参加報告書
発表論文英タイトル Differences in blood flow between auditory and visual stimuli in the Psychomotor Vigilance Task and GO/NOGO Task
著者 Tomoyuki Hiroyasu, Arika Fukushima, HIsatake Yokouchi
主催 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
講演会名 The 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
会場 Hilton San Diego Bayfront
開催日程 2012/08/27-2012/09/01

1. 講演会の詳細
2012/08/27から2012/09/01にかけて,アメリカのHilton San Diego Bayfrontにて開催されましたThe 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Societに参加いたしました.このThe 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society1)は,IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Societyによって主催された研究会で,廣安先生,横内先生,福原理宏さん,南谷祥之さん,星野雄地さんと共に参加致しました.この学会は,研究室の活性化を図るための議論を行い,各種研究室行事を円滑に進めることを目的に開催されています.
私は8月28 日(火)から9月1日(土)の会期期間全てに参加いたしました.本研究室からは他に廣安先生,横内先生,福原さん,南谷さん,星野くんが参加致しました.
2. 研究発表
2.1. 発表概要
私は8月29日(水)の15:00~16:30のセッション「Optical Imaging Poster 1」に参加致しました.発表の形式はポスター発表で,90分間,ポスターの前に立ち,興味を持っていただいた方と自分の研究についてディスカッションするという形式でした.
今回の発表は,Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) と GO/NOGO taskについて異なる聴覚刺激や視覚刺激で脳の活性化部位がどのように違うのかを発表いたしました.そ以下に抄録を記載致します.

The Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) and the GO/NOGO task are generally applied to measure the ability of sustained attention. Advances in functional brain imaging equipment, such as functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS), have resulted in increased application of brain imaging with these tasks. However, several different stimuli are adopted in these tasks, including both auditory and visual stimuli. Therefore, even when a subject performs these tasks, it can be assumed that the activated brain regions would vary when the different stimuli are given. Furthermore, even when a subject performs the tasks with the same sustained attention, the activated brain regions would vary when the configurations of these tasks are different. In this study, the reaction time and changes in blood flow were measured when a subject performed the PVT and GO/NOGO tasks, and so it is possible to discuss (1) the differences between visual and auditory stimuli and (2) the differences between PVT and GO/NOGO tasks. The results indicated increased blood flow at the left side of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in the PVT with visual stimulus compared with the auditory stimulus. In the GO/NOGO task, the blood flow associated with visual stimuli increased at the both sides of the inferior temporal gyrus and the right side of the inferior frontal gyrus compared with auditory stimuli. These observations suggested that the configurations of these tasks, such as the PVT and the GO/NOGO tasks, exert influences on the activated brain regions when a subject performs these tasks.

2.2. 質疑応答
アメリカの大学生の方でしたが質問者の氏名を控え損ねてしまいました.こちらの質問はfunctional Near-infrared Spectroscopy(fNIRS)装置で計測した生データを見せてほしいというものと,統計的解析方法は妥当なのかというものでした.装置で計測した生データに関してはその場で用意しておらず,お見せすることができず,大変残念に思います.統計的解析法の妥当性でしが,自分がどのように考えてこのような統計的手法を行ったかを英語で説明致しましたが,なかなか伝わらず,自分の英語能力の低さを痛感致しました.
同志社大学機械システム研究室の安達さんからの質問でした.この研究目的を詳しく教えて欲しいとの質問でした.この質問に対する回答ですが,この研究を達成することで,他の研究者がPVTやGO/NOGO taskを用い脳機能の研究を行う際に注意すべき事項を抽出することができ,研究目的に則した課題内容を提供できる可能性があるということでした.
2.3. 感想
3. 聴講

発表タイトル       : Toward High-Performance Clinically Viable Brain-Machine Interfaces著者                  : Krishna V. Shenoyセッション名       : Keynote
Abstruct            : Neural prosthetic systems, also termed Brain-Machine Interfaces, aim to help disabled patients by translating neural signals from the brain into control signals for guiding computer cursors, prosthetic arms, and other assistive devices. Intracortical electrode arrays measure action potentials and local field potentials from individual neurons, or small populations of neurons, in the motor cortices and can provide considerable information for controlling prostheses. Despite several compelling proof-of-concept laboratory animal experiments and an ongoing FDA Phase I clinical trial, at least three key challenges remain which, if left unaddressed, may hamper the translation of these systems into widespread clinical use. We will review these challenges: achieving able-bodied levels of performance across tasks and across environments, achieving robustness across multiple years, and restoring able-bodied quality proprioception and somatosensation. We will also describe some emerging opportunities for meeting these challenges, as well as recent results from our laboratory. If these challenges can be met, intracortically-based neural prostheses may achieve full clinical viability and help increasing numbers of disabled patients.

この発表Brain-Machine Interfaces(BMI)の課題についてでした.発表の途中,EEGを用いたBMIをマウスに使用したデモを見たのですが,しっかしとBMI本来の機能を果たしており,素晴らしかったです.

発表タイトル       :A Method for Mapping Brain Atlas to Patient Brain Structure by Least-Squares Mesh Method著者                  : Kobayashi, Kaoruセッション名       : Hardware and Control Developments in Robotics II
Abstruct            : This paper presents a new method for mapping a conventional Paxinos atlas onto the patient’s image without the training data. Our mapping uses Least-Squares Mesh (LSM) method. When source and target mesh models and some correspondences between the points of the two models are given, LSM method deforms the source mesh so that it is fitted to the target mesh while moving the points of the source toward to their corresponding points of the target. Paxinos atlas is the set of slices of a cadaver brain. Each slice consists of contours included in the slice, and 3D vertices forming each contour. To apply the LSM method to our method, the triangular mesh model of a given atlas slice is generated. From the vertices on the patient brain surface, we manually specify the corresponding vertices of the points on the brain surface contour of the atlas. Using LSM method with the correspondences, the atlas mesh is mapped onto the patient image. From the experiments using real patient brain images, our method can map Paxinos altas to the patient brain.


発表タイトル       :A Software Prototype for the Assessment of Tumor Treatment Response Using Diffusion and Perfusion MR Imaging著者                  : Sakkalis, Vangelisセッション名       : MRI IV: Poster I
Abstruct            : Advanced MRI techniques including diffusion and perfusion weighted imaging, has the potential to provide early surrogate biomarkers to detect, characterize and assess treatment response of tumors. However, the widely accepted Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) are still considered as the gold standard for the evaluation of treatment response in solid tumors, even if according to recent studies RECIST seem to disregard the extent of necrosis, which is the target of all effective locoregional therapies. This is partly due to the fact that measurements of tumor size aren’t the best criterion for assessing actual early response. On the other hand, more sophisticated techniques such as the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) and perfusion parameters are usually processed manually and evaluated independently using commercial CAD software, not widely available. In this paper we present an open access extensible software platform providing both diffusion and perfusion analysis in a single, user friendly environment that allows the radiologist to easily and objectively evaluate tumor response to therapy.


発表タイトル       :Cellular and Molecular Image Analysis著者                  : Erik Meijering, Ph.D.セッション名       : keynote
Abstruct            : A main challenge of biomedical research in the postgenomic era is the unraveling of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of life. Thorough understanding of the biological processes occurring at these scales is of fundamental importance for the discovery of biomarkers for early diagnosis and for the development of effective drugs and therapies. In the past two decades, revolutionary advances in molecular probing and microscopic imaging technologies have had an enormous impact on the field, and progress in biology has come to rely heavily on these technologies. It has become clear that in order to get the full picture of any living thing, it is necessary to study not only its spatial (morphological or anatomical) properties, but also its temporal (dynamic or functional) behavior. This requires time-lapse imaging, and indeed it is nowadays commonplace to image biological phenomena in three dimensions over time, at multiple wavelengths. The rapidly increasing size (currently in the gigabyte range), dimensionality (3D, 4D, 5D), and complexity (high-content) of the resulting image data poses new challenges for automated data management and analysis. One of the topics for which interest has increased exponentially over the years is object tracking. In order to detect, segment, track, and quantify hundreds to thousands of cells or particles in many hundreds to thousands of image frames, sophisticated computerized methods are very much needed. The goal of this presentation is to survey and discuss the latest trends in the development and application of such methods.


発表タイトル       :Low-cost intracortical spiking recordings compression with classification abilities for implanted BMI devices著者                  : Bertrand Coppaセッション名       : Biomedical Signal Classification III
Abstruct            : Within Brain-Machine Interface systems, cortically implanted microelectrode arrays and associated hardware have a low power budget for data sampling, processing and transmission. It is already possible to reduce neural data rates by on-site spike detection; we propose a method to further compress spiking data at a low computational cost, with the objective of maintaining clustering and classification abilities. The method relies on random binary vector projections, and simulations show that it is possible to achieve a compression ratio of 5 at virtually no cost in terms of classification errors.

1)    The 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, http://embc2012.embs.org/


報告者氏名 星野雄地
発表論文タイトル 音環境が数字記憶課題の成績と脳血流変化に及ぼす影響の検討
発表論文英タイトル The Effects of Sound Environments on Performance of the Memorizing Numerical String Task and Cerebral Blood Flow Changes
著者 廣安知之, 星野雄地, 横内久猛
主催 医療情報システム研究室
講演会名 The 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
会場 Hilton San Diego Indigo Ballroom
開催日程 2012/08/29-2012/09/01

1. 講演会の詳細
2012/08/29から2012/09/01にかけて,Hilton San Diegoにて開催されましたThe 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Societyに参加いたしました(http://embc2012.embs.org/).この会議は,IEEE及びEMBによって主催され,学生と教員が参加して,ヘルスケアやライフサイエンスの分野に工学,科学,情報の最先端技術を応用するために議論を行い,医学の分野に貢献することを目的に開催されています.
2. 研究発表
2.1. 発表概要
私は30日の9:30から始まるセッション「Late Breaking Posters I」に参加いたしました.発表の形式はポスター発表で,発表時間は90分でした.

In this study, we have investigated the effects of sound environments upon task performances and cerebral blood flow (CBF) changes. A task to memorize numerical strings was selected for the experiment, because it should require short-term memory. The task was consisted of two parts; memorizing eight digits and replying the same eight digits. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to monitor the CBF changes. As the result, the task performance showed significant difference under the different sound environments. Also, the difference of sound environments brought the different patterns in CBF changes in the left frontal area. These results suggest that a relationship exists between task performances and CBF changes under the influence of sound environments.

2.2. 質疑応答
2.3. 感想
3. 聴講

発表タイトル       : A Low Noise, Non-Contact Capacitive Cardiac Sensor著者                  : Peng GuoChen, Bocko Mark
セッション名       : BioSensors
Abstruct            : The development of sensitive, non-contact electric field sensors to measure weak bioelectric signals will be useful for the development of a number of unobtrusive health sensors. In this paper we summarize our recent work on a number of specific challenges in the development of non-contact ECG sensors. First, we considered the design of a low noise sensor preamplifier. We have adapted circuit designs that incorporate a double feedback loop to cancel the input transistor leakage current while providing stable operation, fast settling time and good low frequency response without the need for ultrahigh value resistors. The measured input referred noise of the preamplifier in the frequency band 0.05-100 Hz is 0.76 uVrms, which is several times lower than existing ECG preamplifiers.


発表タイトル       : Line Following Terrestrial Insect Biobots著者                  : Bozkurt Alper, Latif Tahmid
セッション名       : Brain-Machine Interfaces with Robotics
Abstruct            : The present day technology falls short in offering centimeter scale mobile robots that can function effectively under unknown and dynamic environmental conditions. Insects, on the other hand, exhibit an unmatched ability to navigate through a wide variety of environments and overcome perturbations by successfully maintaining control and stability. In this study, we use neural stimulation systems to wirelessly navigate cockroaches to follow lines to enable terrestrial insect biobots. We also propose a system-on-chip based ZigBee enabled wireless neurostimulation backpack system with on-board tissue-electrode bioelectrical coupling verification. Such a capability ensures an electrochemically safe stimulation and avoids irreversible damage to the interface which is often misinterpreted as habituation of the insect to the applied stimulation.


発表タイトル       : Real-Time Fusion of Gaze andEMG for a Reaching Neuroprosthesis
著者                  : Corbett Elaine, Kording Konrad
セッション名       : Neural Interfaces and Regeneration Posters I
Abstruct            : For rehabilitative devices to restore functional movement to paralyzed individuals, user intent must be determined from signals that remain under voluntary control. Tracking eye movements is a natural way to learn about an intended reach target and, when combined with just a small set of electromyograms (EMGs) in a probabilistic mixture model, can reliably generate accurate trajectories even when the target information is uncertain. To experimentally assess the effectiveness of our algorithm in closed-loop control, we developed a robotic system to simulate a reaching neuroprosthetic. Incorporating target information by tracking subjects’ gaze greatly improved performance when the set of EMGs was most limited. In addition we found that online performance was better than predicted by the offline accuracy of the training data. By enhancing the trajectory model with target information the decoder relied less on neural control signals, reducing the burden on the user.


発表タイトル          : Functional Connectivity Analysis of Cortical Networks inFunctional Near Infrared Spectroscopy Using Phase Synchronization
著者                  : Molavi Behnam, Gervain Judit, Dumont Guy
セッション名       : Coherence, Causality and Connectivity
Abstruct            :Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a non-invasive functional neuroimaging method used for studying brain activity using blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal. We use phase synchronization between fNIRS channels to detect functional connections between brain regions in a speech study. Data is collected from 22 neonates whose brain activity was monitored by fNIRS while being exposed to two different types of auditory stimuli. The wavelet based phase locking analysis reveals functional connections between temporal regions and most other regions in general and frontal areas in particular.

1)    EMBC Program,