
・Brain Activity during Cooperative Work Determined by Simultaneous
fNIRS measurement in Two People and the Effect of Different Social
Skills on Cooperative Task Performance
Utako Yamamoto,Mao Goto,Hisatake Yokouchi,Tomoyuki Hiroyasu
・Improving the Accuracy of the Method for Removing Motion Artifacts
from fNIRS Data using ICA and an Accelerometer
Utako Yamamoto,Yuka Nakamura,Hisatake Yokouchi,Tomoyuki Hiroyasu
【文責:M2 中村】
CIMG1290 CIMG1419


発表論文タイトル ICAと加速度センサを用いたfNIRSデータに対する体動除去手法の精度向上の検討
発表論文英タイトル Improving the Accuracy of the Method for Removing Motion Artifacts from fNIRS Data using ICA and an Accelerometer
著者 山本詩子,中村友香,横内久猛,廣安知之
主催 IEEE SMC Society
講演会名 WAC2014
会場 ヒルトンワイコロアビレッジ
開催日程 2014/08/03-2014/08/07


  1. 講演会の詳細

2014/08/03から2014/08/07にかけて,ヒルトンワイコロアビレッジにて開催されましたWAC2014に参加致しました.このWAC2014は,IEEE SMC Society (http://www.ieeesmc.org/)によって主催された講演会で,システム工学のシステムにおける新しいパラダイムのための技術を新興することを目的に開催されています.

  1. 研究発表
    • 発表概要

私は6日の13:50からのセッション「Biofunctional Imaging: from Molecules to Integrated Whole Body Functions II」に参加致しました.発表の形式は口頭発表で,20分の講演時間と質疑応答時間となっておりました.

Independent component analysis (ICA) is one of the most preferred methods for removing motion artifacts from functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data. In this method, the fNIRS signal is separated into components by ICA and the component that shows high correlation between the fNIRS signal and motion artifact is determined. This component is removed, and the fNIRS signal without motion artifacts is derived. However, fNIRS data are often delayed temporally compared with accelerometer data because the blood flow changes slowly after the subject’s head moves. It is necessary to consider the temporal delay in fNIRS data in order to remove motion artifacts when we use ICA method. In this method, the correlation coefficient is used to identify the motion artifact component. However, the cerebral blood flow has a small change because the biological signal fluctuates minutely. Hence, the correlation is reduced, and it is difficult to determine whether the component has been derived from the motion artifact. We propose a method that uses t-tests and the correlation coefficient to identify the motion artifact. In this proposed method, we used t-tests for comparing accelerometer data and signals separated by ICA. The separated signal with no significant difference from accelerometer data were identified as motion artifacts and removed. To examine the validity of this method, we used data sets including motion artifacts caused by sleepiness. Results obtained using only the correlation coefficient were compared with those obtained using the correlation coefficient and t-tests. We found that the proposed method improved that accuracy of removing motion artifacts. In addition, the signs of the accelerometer data were inverted, and t-tests were performed. Consequently, the accuracy of removing the motion artifact was improved.


  • 質疑応答

岩手医科大学の藤原俊朗先生からの質問です.質問は,なぜICAでfNIRSデータから体動成分を除去することができるのか,なぜLow pass filterなどの周波数フィルタではなく,ICAを用いるのか,というものでした.この質問に対して,fNIRSデータに含まれる脳活動と体動は独立であり,これをICAによって分離することが可能なため,除去することができる,また,ICAを用いることで体動成分のみを選択的に除去できるためである,と回答しました.

  • 感想


  1. 聴講


発表タイトル          : Modelling and Control of an Interactive 3D Programmable Surface
著者                     : Saeid Nahavandi
セッション名           : MONDAY GENERAL SESSIONS
Abstruct : Being able to create a highly programmable surface operating at relatively high speed and in real-time is an area of research with many challenges. This presentation will focus on design, modeling, simulation and control of a highly interactive programmable surface created within the CISR. The system is comprised of thousands of pneumatic cylinders controlled simultaneously in real-time to create a highly responsive surface. The generated patters on the surface can come from a variety of input sources such as cameras, motion detectors, multi-input sound channels, etc. The surface can function alternately as a tactile mirror and an information surface with the possibility of lending itself to a wide range of applications.


発表タイトル          :Resolution Analysis for Estimating Human Numbers by Thermal Array Sensor System
著者                     : Yusuke Taniguchi,Hiroshi Nakajima,Naoki Tsuchiya,Junichi Tanaka,Fumiji Aita,Yutaka Hata
セッション名           : Computer vision and image understanding in medical applications I
Abstruct : This paper describes an estimating system of human numbers for resolution change by a thermal array sensor. In this system, the sensor is attached to ceiling of a room and acquires temperature distributions by 16 × 16 elements. The temperature distributions represent a state of temperature in the room, and they are analyzed to estimate human numbers. Temperature distributions consist of 16 × 16 pixels. The, temperature distributions are squared of each pixel temperature and reduced their resolution to 8 × 8 and 4 ×4. Then, human numbers are estimated by fuzzy inference. In our experiment, we measured temperature distribution in a room to evaluate of our system. From the results, the proposed method obtained higher accuracy than previous work in 8 × 8 and 4 × 4 resolution. Estimation accuracy of 8 × 8 resolution is better than 4 × 4 resolution.


発表タイトル          : Image Alignment for Single-cell Imaging of Macrophage in the Mouse Brain Using 11.7T MRI
著者                     : Syoji Kobashi, Yuki Mori, Yoshichika Yoshioka, Yutaka Hata
セッション名           : Biofunctional Imaging: from Molecules to Integrated Whole Body Functions
Abstruct : Macrophage is one of white blood cells, and plays an important role of the immune system. Tracking the single macrophage cells in vivo will be a powerful tool for immunology studies. State-of-the-arts imaging using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) enables us to acquire images of 3-D dynamic single macrophage cells in vivo. However, due to motion artifacts and magnetic field fluctuations, a post-processing is required to observe macrophage cells. This paper proposes an image analysis method for 11.7T animal MRI images of macrophages in the mouse brain. The method adjusts the motion artifacts by a rigid image registration technique, and calibrates MR signal intensity fluctuation by using an optimization technique. The method was applied to mouse brain MR images, and the results were validated by observers.
