
2015年8月25日~29日にかけて,イタリアのMiCo – Milano Congressiにて開催されたEMBC2015に参加致しました.本研究室からは,廣安先生,林沼勝利(M2),村上晶穂(M1),田中那智(M1)の4名が参加しました.また,横内先生,福島亜梨花さん(MISL5期生)も参加され,にぎやかな学会となりました.発表形式は林沼,村上はポスター発表で,田中は口頭発表でした.発表題目は以下の通りです.
「Preprocessing with Image Denoising and Histogram Equalization for Endoscopy Image Analysis using Texture Analysis」林沼勝利
「Brain Activities during Synchronized Tapping Task」村上晶穂
「Emphasizing Mesenteric Blood Vessels in Laparoscopic Colon Cancer Surgery Video Images」田中那智


報告者氏名 田中那智
発表論文タイトル 大腸腹腔鏡動画像における腸間膜内走行血管の強調
発表論文英タイトル Emphasizing Mesenteric Blood Vessels in Laparoscopic Colon Cancer Surgery Video Images
著者 廣安知之, 田中那智,萩原明於,小座本雄軌,横内久猛
主催 IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBS)
講演会名 37TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
会場 MiCo – Milano Congressi
開催日程 2015/08/25-2015/08/29


  1. 講演会の詳細

2015/08/25から2015/08/29にかけて,イタリアのミラノにて開催されました37TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Societyに参加いたしました.この学会は,IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBS)によって主催され,健康管理の向上と技術革新における医工学の中心的役割だけでなく,健康を維持する方法にテーマの焦点を当てて開催されています.
私は26,27, 28日のみ参加いたしました.本研究室からは他に廣安先生,林沼さん,村上が参加しました.また,MISLの卒業生である5期生の福島さんが参加されました.

  1. 研究発表
    • 発表概要

私は26日の午後のセッション「Image Segmentation」に参加いたしました.発表の形式は口頭発表で,12分の講演時間と3分の質疑応答時間となっておりました.
今回の発表は,Emphasizing Mesenteric Blood vessels in Laparoscopic Colon Cancer Surgery Video Imagesで,以下に抄録を記載致します.

This study aims to reduce surgeon burden by emphasizing mesenteric blood vessels buried in the mesentery using image processing techniques. We have developed an image processing system that can be connected to a laparoscope. The first step of the method is superficial vessel deletion using an opening process. Next, the mesenteric blood vessels are extracted by multiple regression analysis using hue, saturation, and value color space information in the image. Finally, the mphasized regions are determined by areas obtained by a labeling process. Although examples with both true and false positives are observed, the proposed technique demonstrates sufficient accuracy.


  • 質疑応答

質問者は私のセクションのchairであった,Dr.Krishnan Karthikでした.質問内用は,それぞれのフレームにおいてセグメンテーションしているのかという質問でしたが,うまく質問を捉える事ができず,解答できませんでした.

  • 感想


  1. 聴講


発表タイトル       : DEVELOPMENT OF 2D+T TRACKING ALGORITHM IN ULTRASOUND IMAGES FOR RADIOTHERAPY著者                  : Abdouni, Abdenaceur ;   Presles, Benoît ;   Fargier-Voiron, Marie ;   Rit, Simon ;   Sarrut, Davidセッション名       : Deformable image registartionAbstruct            : The aim of this study is to develop and validate a deformable tracking algorithm for monitoring the motion of the target volume on 2D ultrasound (US) images during a radiotherapy fraction. The proposed method is applied on images acquired with a transperineal ultrasound (TP-US) probe on 31 treatment patient’s sessions, treated with a prostate or after a surgery, called a prostatectomy. The developed algorithm is based on Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) to find and match the corresponding salient points in the reference and moving images, and Thin Plate Spline (TPS) to warp the image. The results are promising and show that the proposed algorithm performs well with either artificial transforms, or in comparison with a rigid intensity based algorithm used in clinic.


発表タイトル       :Electroencephalogram Measurement from the Hairy Part of the Scalp using Polymer-Based Dry Microneedle Electrodes著者                  : Arai, Miyako ; Kudo, Yuta ; Miki, Norihisaセッション名       : Biolelectric sensors and sensor systemsAbstruct            : This paper reports a successful electroencephalogram (EEG) measurement from the hairy part of the scalp using a polymer-based dry microneedle electrode. The electrode consists of 25 pillars, each of which has a sharp microneedle on the top. Hairs are collected into the gaps of the pillars and the microneedles can reach the scalp surface. Since the microneedles can penetrate through the stratum corneum, no conductive gel is necessary to acquire high quality EEG. We experimentally investigated the pillar diameters in EEG measurement from the occipital region with hairs. The fabricated electrodes successfully measured EEG without any skin preparation or conductive gel.


発表タイトル       :Smartphone Measurement of Peripheral Blood Flow著者                  : McDuff, Daniel Jonathan ; Smith, Ann DeBord ; Vosburgh, Kirby ; Nguyen, Louisセッション名       : Cardiovascular assessment and diagnostic technologiesAbstruct            : Photoplethysmography is a non-invasive method of measuring the blood volume pulse and can be captured using a low-cost camera and ambient light. We present a proof-of-concept smartphone-based system to detect restricted peripheral blood flow in the legs with the aim of characterizing symptoms of Peripheral Artery Disease. We designed a novel interface to quantify the perfusion signal strength. In initial tests we observed differences between affected and non-affected limbs, such a system could simplify diagnosis in patients at risk.


発表タイトル       :Evaluating Tortuosity in Retinal Fundus Images of Diabetic Patients Who Progressed to Diabetic Retinopathy著者                  : Leontidis, Georgios ; Wigdahl, Jeffrey ; Al-Diri, Bashir ; Ruggeri, Alfredo ; Hunter, Andrewセッション名       : Retinal imagingAbstruct            : Tortuosity is believed to be an early indicator of the changes in the retinal vasculature during the progression of diabetes. Different methods have been proposed in literature but their application in progressed patients (from diabetes to DR) has been inadequate. In this study different metrics of tortuosity were measured using twenty fives diabetic patients in two time intervals; three to four years before DR and the first year of diabetic retinopathy. The standard deviation of the tortuosity measurements differed significantly showing an increase in the variability of tortuosity in the vasculature in the first year of DR by 19.6%.


発表タイトル       :Automatic Segmentation of Corneal Endothelial Cells Contour著者                  : Scarpa, Fabio ; Ruggeri, Alfredoセッション名           : Corneal imaging , Image segmentation , Confocal microscopyAbstruct            : Corneal images acquired by in-vivo microscopy provide clinical information on the cornea endothelium health state. The reliable estimation of the clinical morphometric parameters requires the accurate detection of cell contours in a large number of cells. Thus for the practical application of this analysis in clinical settings an automated method is needed. We propose the automatic segmentation of corneal endothelial cells contour through an innovative technique based on a genetic algorithm. Ground truth values for the clinical parameter were obtained from manually drawn cell contours. For each clinical parameters, the mean difference between its manual estimation and the automated one is always less than 4%, and the maximum difference is always less than 7%.

2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2015)

 報告者氏名 林沼勝利
発表論文タイトル テクスチャ解析を用いた内視鏡画像解析のためのノイズ除去とヒストグラム平滑化による前処理
発表論文英タイトル Preprocessing with Image Denoising and Histogram Equalization for Endoscopy Image Analysis Using Texture Analysis
著者 Tomoyuki Hiroyasu, Katsutoshi Hayashinuma, Hiroshi Ichikawa and Nobuaki Yagi
講演会名 37th Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
会場 MiCo Milano Congressi
開催日程 2015//08/25-2015/08/29


  1. 講演会の詳細

2015/08/25から2015/08/29にかけて,ミラノにて開催されましたEMBC 2015に参加いたしました.私は8/26から8/28にかけて参加し,また本研究室からは他に廣安先生,M1の田中那智,村上が参加しました.

  1. 研究発表
    • 発表概要

私は「2.33 Image Classification and Feature Extraction II」のセッションにてポスター発表いたしました.発表の形式は90分間の質疑応答でした.

A preprocessing method for endoscopy image analysis using texture analysis is proposed. In a previous study, we proposed a feature value that combines a co-occurrence matrix and a run-length matrix to analyze the extent of early gastric cancer from images taken with narrow-band imaging endoscopy. However, the obtained feature value does not identify lesion zones correctly due to the influence of noise and halation. Therefore, we propose a new preprocessing method with a non-local means filter for de-noising and contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization. We have confirmed that the pattern of gastric mucosa in images can be improved by the proposed method. Furthermore, the lesion zone is shown more correctly by the obtained color map.


  • 質疑応答


  • 感想


  1. 聴講


発表タイトル       : Transfer Learning for Bag-of-Visual Words Approach to NBI Endoscopic Image Classification著者                  : Sonoyama, Shoji; Hirakawa, Tsubasa; Tamaki, Toru; Kurita, Takio; Raytchev, Bisser; Kaneda, Kazufumi; Koide, Tetsushi; Yoshida, Shigeto;   Kominami, Yoko; Tanaka, Shinjiセッション名       : 2.33 Image Classification and Feature Extraction IIAbstract            : We address a problem of endoscopic image classification taken by different (e.g., old and new) endoscopies. Our proposed method formulates the problem as a constraint optimization that estimates a linear transformation between feature vectors (or Bag-of-Visual words histograms) in a framework of transfer learning. Experimental results show that the proposed method works much better than the case without feature transformation.


発表タイトル       :Image Segmentation of Pyramid Style Identifier based on Support Vector Machine for Colorectal Endoscopic Images著者                  :Okamoto, Takumi; Koide, Tetsushi; Sugi, Koki; Shimizu, Tatsuya; Hoang, Anh-Tuan; Tamaki, Toru; Raytchev, Bisser; Kaneda, Kazufumi; Kominami, Yoko; Yoshida, Shigeto; Mieno, Hiroshi; Tanaka, Shinjiセッション名       : 2.35 Image Segmentation, Compression and EnhancementAbstract            : With the increase of colorectal cancer patients in recent years, the needs of quantitative evaluation of colorectal cancer are increased, and the computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system which supports doctor’s diagnosis is essential. In this paper, a hardware design of type identification module in CAD system for colorectal endoscopic images with narrow band imaging (NBI) magnification is proposed for real-time processing of full high definition image (1920 x 1080 pixel). We propose a 2-step identifier based on SVM to realize a 3-class identification and a pyramid-style bottom-up approach, which can be implemented with small circuit area in FPGA and achieves high throughput and high accuracy, for the actual complex colorectal endoscopic images in real time. A newly proposed pyramid style image segmentation with SVMs for multi-size and multi-layer scan windows enables smaller circuit area in FPGA and higher throughput with higher identification accuracy than the conventional method for actual complex colorectal endoscopic images. The proposed CAD system with the gradation map for the corresponding colorectal endoscopic image is very effective as a diagnostic support system for both non-expert and expert clinical doctors.


発表タイトル       :Automatic Segmentation of Corneal Endothelial Cells Contour著者                  :Scarpa, Fabio; Ruggeri, Alfredoセッション名       : 2.LB1 Biomedical Imaging and Image ProcessingAbstract            :Corneal images acquired by in-vivo microscopy provide clinical information on the cornea endothelium health state. The reliable estimation of the clinical morphometric parameters requires the accurate detection of cell contours in a large number of cells. Thus for the practical application of this analysis in clinical settings an automated method is needed. We propose the automatic segmentation of corneal endothelial cells contour through an innovative technique based on a genetic algorithm. Ground truth values for the clinical parameter were obtained from manually drawn cell contours. For each clinical parameters, the mean difference between its manual estimation and the automated one is always less than 4%, and the maximum difference is always less than 7%.


発表タイトル       :Time-Resolved Transmittance Measurement for Biological Tissues with a High Time-Resolution CMOS Lock-In Pixel Imager著者                  :Sobue, Keita; Seo, Min-Woong; Niwayama, Masatsugu; Kagawa, Keiichiro; Yasutomi, Keita; Kawahito, Shojiセッション名       : Undergraduate Student PostersAbstract            :We have been developed a time-resolved CMOS image sensor with the lock-in pixels. The developed imager achieves a very high time-resolution of 10ps, a short own intrinsic response time of 180ps at 374nm, and a low temporal noise of 1.75e-rms. In this paper, the time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy(NIRS) measurement with the developed imager is implemented and and described.


  • EMBC 2015 Conference Proceedings, http://emb.citengine.com/event/embc-2015/details


 報告者氏名 村上晶穂
発表論文タイトル 学会参加報告書
発表論文英タイトル Conference Report
著者 村上晶穂,後藤真櫻, 横内久猛, 廣安知之
主催 医療情報システム研究室
講演会名 EMBC
会場 Milano Conference Center
開催日程 2015/08/25-2015/08/29


  1. 講演会の詳細

2015/08/25から2015/08/29にかけて,イタリアのMilano Conference Centerにて開催されましたEMBC(http://embc.embs.org/2015/)に参加いたしました.このEMBCは,生体工学に関する参加者の多い学会です.私は26~28日のみ参加いたしました.本研究室からは他に廣安先生,林沼,田中那智が参加しました.

  1. 研究発表
    1. 発表概要

私は28日の午前にポスター発表しました.Signal Processing in Physiological Systemというセッションで,発表時間は90分でした.今回の発表は,Brain activities during synchronized tapping taskという内容で発表しました.以下に抄録を記載致します.

This study aims to investigate how people process information about other people to determine a response during human-to-human cooperative work. As a preliminary study, the mechanism of cooperative work was examined using interaction between a machine and a human. This machine was designed to have an” other person “model that simulates an emotional model of another person. The task performed in the experiment was a synchronized tapping task. Two models were prepared for this experiment, a simple model that does not employ the other person model and a synchronized model that employs the other person model. Subjects performed cooperative work with these machines. During the experiment, brain activities were measured using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. It was observed that the left inferior frontal gyrus was activated more with the synchronized model than the simple model.


  1. 質疑応答

→ 聞こえてくる音に合わせるようにタッピングをしてもらうように指示した

  1. 感想


  1. 聴講


発表タイトル      : Electroencephalogram Measurement from the Hairy Part of the Scalp using Polymer-Based Dry Microneedle Electrodes著者                  : Arai, Miyako ;   Kudo, Yuta ;   Miki, Norihisaセッション名       : Bioelectric Sensors and Sensor Systems
Abstruct            : This paper reports a successful electroencephalogram (EEG) measurement from the hairy part of the scalp using a polymer-based dry microneedle electrode. The electrode consists of 25 pillars, each of which has a sharp microneedle on the top. Hairs are collected into the gaps of the pillars and the microneedles can reach the scalp surface. Since the microneedles can penetrate through the stratum corneum, no conductive gel is necessary to acquire high quality EEG. We experimentally investigated the pillar diameters in EEG measurement from the occipital region with hairs. The fabricated electrodes successfully measured EEG without any skin preparation or conductive gel.


発表タイトル      :Brain-Machine Interfaces for Assistive Smart Homes: A Feasibility Study with Wearable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy著者                  : Ogawa, Takeshi ;   Hirayama, Jun-ichiro ;   Pankaj, Gupta ;   Moriya, Hiroki ;   Yamaguchi, Shumpei ;   Ishikawa, Akihiro ;   Inoue, Yoshihiro ;   Kawanabe, Motoaki ;   Ishii, Shinセッション名       : Brain-Computer/Machine Interface V
Abstruct            : Smart houses for elderly or physically challenged people need a method to understand residents’ intentions during their daily-living behaviors. To explore a new possibility, we here developed a novel brain-machine interface (BMI) system integrated with an experimental smart house, based on a prototype of a wearable near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) device, and verified the system in a specific task of controlling of the house’s equipments with BMI. We recorded NIRS signals of three participants during typical daily-living actions (DLAs), and classified them by linear support vector machine. In our off-line analysis, four DLAs were classified at about 70% mean accuracy, significantly above the chance level of 25%, in every participant. In an online demonstration in the real smart house, one participant successfully controlled three target appliances by BMI at 81.3% accuracy. Thus we successfully demonstrated the feasibility of using NIRS-BMI in real smart houses, which will possibly enhance new assistive smart-home technologies.


発表タイトル      :Ascending Stair Recognition using Depth Sensing for Improved Intent Recognition of Lower Limb Prostheses著者                  : Krausz, Nili Eliana,  Lenzi, Tommaso,  Hargrove, Leviセッション名       : Human Machine Interfaces and Robotics Applications
Abstruct            :The authors propose using vision to improve the performance of powered lower limb prostheses. They present an algorithm that uses depth information (from a Microsoft Kinect sensor) to segment stairs from the environment. This work details testing of the algorithm conducted at twelve different positions in the vicinity of a set of stairs, and summarized results of the segmentation process, and computed resulting distances and intersection angles between the Kinect and the stairs. These measures can provide data about whether the individual is intending to ascend the segmented stairs or not.


発表タイトル      :Brain Training System using Electroencephalography (EEG) Technology著者                  : Lin, Pei-Jung,  Chen, Young-QuanWu, Jian-HeXu, Min-Shengセッション名       : neural and rehabilitation engineering
Abstruct            :This study used NeuroSky MindWave electroencephalogram (EEG) headset device to detect and record test subjects’ EEGs. Three sets of monitoring and analysis systems were developed to analyze the subject’s mind states. In order to evaluate the relationship between attentiveness and the effectiveness of learning, we developed a brainwave-mind interactive system which can enhance the user’s attentiveness and relaxation through zazen meditation. The relationship between attentiveness and degrees of relaxation was analyzed the data obtained from 50 test subjects.
