【速報】IEEE SSCI 2019

IEEE SSCI2019がXiamenで開催されました。
Performance Study of Double-Niched Evolutionary Algorithm on Multi-objective Knapsack Problems


発表論文タイトル 多目的ナップザック問題に関するDouble-Niched Evolutionary Algorithmの性能研究
発表論文英タイトル Performance Study of Double-Niched Evolutionary Algorithm on Multi-objective Knapsack Problems
著者 大澤僚也,渡邉真也,廣安知之,日和悟
主催 IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
講演会名 The 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2019)
会場 Seaview Resort Xiamen
開催日程 2019/12/06-2019/12/09


  1. 講演会の詳細

2019/12/06から2019/12/09にかけて,中国のFujian, XiamenにあるSeaview Resort Xiamenにて開催されましたThe 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence(http://ssci2019.org/)に参加いたしました.この国際会議は,IEEE Computational Intelligenceによって主催された計算知能に関する主要な年次国際会議で,理論,アルゴリズム設計,アプリケーション,および関連する新興技術の推進をしています.私は全日程参加いたしました.本研究室からは他に廣安先生が参加しました.

  1. 研究発表
    • 発表概要

私は8日の16時からのセッション「IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Feature Analysis, Selection and Learning in Image and Pattern Recognition (IEEE FASLIP)」に参加いたしました.発表の形式は口頭発表で,講演時間と質疑応答時間合わせて20分となっておりました.
今回の発表は,「Performance Study of Double-Niched Evolutionary Algorithm on Multi-objective Knapsack Problems」というタイトルで発表いたしました.以下にアブストラクトを記載致します.

Multimodality is often observed in practical optimization problems. Therefore, multi-modal multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MMEA) have been developed to tackle the multimodality of these problems. However, most of the existing studies focused on population diversity in either an objective or a decision space. A double-niched evolutionary algorithm (DNEA) is a state-of-the-art MMEA that employs a niche-sharing method to improve the population in both the objective and decision spaces. However, its performance has been evaluated solely for real-coded problems and not for binary-coded ones. In this study, the performance of DNEA is evaluated on a multi-objective 0/1 knapsack problem, and the population diversity in both the objective and decision spaces is evaluated using a pure diversity measure. The experimental results suggest that DNEA is effective for multi-objective 0/1 knapsack problems to improve the decision space diversity; further, its performance is significantly affected by its control parameter, niche radius.
  • 質疑応答

Southern University of Science and Technologyの石渕先生からの質問です.こちらの質問は多目的ナップサック問題を解いた際に得られた解の選択されたビットの数は大体どの程度の数かというものでした.この質問に対する私の回答は,決定変数空間のビット数を直接数えていなかったので,調査していないと答えました.発表終了後にお話を伺う機会があり,対象問題が明確である今回のケースの発表ならば,決定変数で選択されるビットの数を極端に制限することで対象問題と似たような性質を再現できるのではないかとアドバイスを頂きました.

  • 感想


  1. 聴講


発表タイトル       : A New Approach to Generate Solutions Combining Crossover and Estimation of Distribution Operators for EMO Algorithm
著者                  : Masahide Miyamoto and Shinya Watanabe
セッション名       : MBEA-Model Based Evolutionary Algorithms
Abstract            : Abstract—Most of EMO algorithms use crossover operator for generating new solutions. There have been proposed various kinds of crossover in this field and most crossover approaches are good at global optimization but not effective for the problem with strong nonlinearity and dependency.
On the other hand, Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA) is known as an effective approach without using crossover for generating new solutions. EDA use an estimation of distribution operator for generating new solutions and this operator is known as to be effective for the problem with strong nonlinearity and dependency.
In this paper, a new approach to generate new solutions combing crossover and estimation of distribution is proposed. The main purpose of this approach is to generate high-quality solutions more effectively by combing each other’s strength. This approach is named as “MOEA/D Combined with Estimation of Distribution (MOEA/D-CED)” because this approach is incorporated with MOEA/D. Through applying to some benchmark problems in this field, the characteristics and effectiveness of MOEA/D-CED were confirmed by the comparison with original MOEA/D and MO-CMA-ES.


発表タイトル       :A dual-grid dual-phase strategy for constrained multi-objective optimization
著者                  : Mengjun Ming, Rui Wang, Tao Zhang and Hisao Ishibuchi
セッション名       :FOCI-2-Foundations of Computational Intelligence NICE-Nature-Inspired Computation in Engineering
Abstract            : Constrained multi-objective optimization problems (CMOPs) appear frequently in engineering applications. In some case, feasible regions are narrow and/or disconnected. For this kind of problems, existing constraint-handling methods, integrated with multi-objective evolutionary algorithms, are easily stuck at local optima. Aiming to strengthen the global search ability, a dual-grid dual-push and pull search (DPPS). In the DPPS two populations, corresponding to dual grids, are used individually to explore the feasible and infeasible spaces. Specifically, one population maintains feasible solutions, and the other explores the whole search space without considering constraints. Then the two populations share useful information and pull each other so as to enable the algorithm to search for the optimal feasible region (i.e., Pareto solution set). To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, the MOEA/D integrated DPPS(MOEA/D-DPPS) is tested on a frequently-used benchmark suite as well as a newly-constructed suite. Experimental results clearly show the superiority of MOEA/D-DPPS compared with sic state-of-the-art algorithms.

この発表はSouthern University of Science and Technologyの石渕先生による発表で,制約条件付きの多目的最適化問題に対する新たな手法を提案するものでした.母集団を2分割し,一方は制約条件に従って探索を行い,もう一方は,制約条件に従わずに探索を行うPush Stageとどちらの母集団も制約条件に従うようになるPull Stageを切り替えるものでした.私も以前このように手法を切り替えるようなことをやろうとしていたので参考になりました.しかし,手法を切り替えるアルゴリズムは切り替える条件というパラメータが増えてしまうので,この発表の課題でも述べられていた通り,push stageで収束しすぎてしまって,,思うようにパフォーマンスが出ないということを今後

  • The 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence,http://ssci2019.org/