前橋・群馬で開催されたBHI 2013にて発表しました。
- 小淵将吾 (B4) Analysis of Brain Areas Activated While Using Strategies to Improve the Working Memory Capacity
報告者氏名 | 小淵将吾 |
発表論文タイトル | 方略選択によるワーキングメモリ容量向上のための脳の賦活部位の検討 |
発表論文英タイトル | Analysis of Brain Areas Activated While Using Strategies to Improve the Working Memory Capacity |
著者 | 廣安知之, 小淵将吾, 田中美里, 山本詩子 |
主催 | |
講演会名 | Brain and Health Informatics 2013 |
会場 | 前橋テルサ |
開催日程 | 2013/10/29-2013/10/31 |
1. 講演会の詳細
2013/10/29から2013/10/31にかけて,群馬県前橋市前橋テルサにて開催されましたBrain and Health Informatics 2013 (BHI 2013) に参加いたしました.このBHI 2013は,脳のデータに対する新しいintelligent computingの形式化,技術そして健康に関するサービスや学問の発展と普及を目的に開催されています.
2. 研究発表
2.1. 発表概要
私は30日の午前のセッション「Thinking and Perception-Centric Investigations of Human Information Processing System Ⅱ」に参加いたしました.発表の形式は口頭発表で,15分の発表時間と5分の質疑応答時間となっておりました.
今回の発表はAnalysis of Brain Areas Activated While Using Strategies to Improve the Working Memoryでした.以下に抄録を記載致します.
研究目的はワーキングメモリ容量向上のための効率の良い方法を探ること.そのため本実験ではRSTの方略と脳活動パターンの関係の検討を行った.手法はfMRIを用いてRST時とRead時の脳活動を計測し,それらの比較をした.結,ワーキングメモリ容量の大きい被験者は必ず方略を用いており,DLPFCがより賦活した.またイメージ方略ではprecuneus,チェイニング方略ではleft IFGが賦活し,これらの部位が方略特有の機能を有しているのではないかと示唆された. |
2.2. 質疑応答
千葉労災病院 リハビリテーション科所属の安田先生からの質問です.こちらの質問は高齢者と若年者では方略の差がでるのではないか,また比較を行ってみてはどうかというものでした.この質問に対する私の回答は高齢者と若年者だけではなく,個々人で方略の得手不得手がある.今のところ比較は考えてはないが,興味深いです,としました.また,後ほどお話しする機会があり,RSTのような一文一文ではなく,もっと現実に即した長い文章中の単語の保持の方がおもしろいのではないか,また,高齢者のワーキングメモリ向上方法をもっと頑張ってほしいというコメントを頂きました.
California Institute of Technology所属の下條先生からの質問です.こちらの質問は中央実行系であるDLPFCの活性により方略を用いて,成績が良くなると言っているが,DLPFCは効率良い方略を使っているからではなく,単に頑張っているから活性しているのではないか.したがって,間違った方略をあたえて,頑張って課題をこなした際のDLPFCの活動を確かめる必要があるのではないか,というものでした.この質問に対する私の回答は,今回の実験ではこのような結果が得られたが,被験者の人数も限られていたこともあり,その可能性はあるとしました.また,後ほど御礼とともにお話ししたところ,まずその確認の後に,もし頑張っているためにDLPFCの活性があるのであれば,コネクティビティやフィードバックを観察する必要があるというコメントも頂きました.
2.3. 感想
3. 聴講
発表タイトル : Role of the Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) on Processing the Social Statistical Information: An fMRI Study著者 : Mi Li, Haiping Wei, Yu Zhou, Pengfei Liu, Xingyu Su, Shengfu Lu, and Ning Zhongセッション名 : Thinking and Perception-Centric Investigations of Human Information Processing System ⅠAbstruct : 目的はヒトの記憶の記銘と想起におけるPFCの役割の解明である.そのためにfMRIを用いて,入力情報をテキスト,図,それら両方の3つの方法で情報を入力し,記銘した際の脳活動とその情報に対する質問の回答をする,想起の際の脳活動を計測した.結果,入力情報が異なっていても,記銘>想起の条件でmedial PFCが,想起>記銘の条件ではlateral PFCがそれぞれ賦活した.したがって記憶における前頭葉の役割はmedialとlateralでそれぞれ機能が異なることが示唆された. |
発表タイトル :Combining Two Visual Cognition System Using Confidence Radius and Combinatorial Fusion著者 : Amy Batallones, Kiby Sanchez, Brian Mott, Cameron McMunn-Coffran, and D. Frank Hsuセッション名 : Thinking and Perception-Centric Investigations of Human Information Processing System ⅡAbstruct : 目的は2地点から行った物体の視覚認識における特徴量の算出とそれらの評価である.手法は被験者に二つの位置から物体がどの位置にあるのか推測してもらい,推測した位置を中心に円をつくり,その確信の度合いを聞く事により,半径の大きさを決めて,それを特徴量とした.そしてそれらの特徴量から新たな特徴量を2つつくり,4つの特徴量がどのように働くのかを検討した.結果,2地点からの評価はその確信度合いにより特徴量を使い分ける必要があるとのことでした. |
発表タイトル :The Neural Structure of Human Concepts: Applying Machine Learning and Factor Analysis to Brain Imaging Data著者 :Marcel A. Justセッション名 : BHI Keynote LectureAbstruct : この発表はKeynote Speakerによる,これまでの3つの実験内容と展望でした.1つめは具体的な単語に対するヒトの認識の解析から機械学習を用いて,その単語について想像しているfMRIデータより,その単語が何であるかを特定する実験.2つめは感情についての同様の単語の識別.3つめは自閉症のヒトの脳の構造的違いとフィードバック機構の考察でした. |
1) 2013 International Conferences on Active Media Technology / Brain and Health Informatics http://wi-consortium.org/conferences/amtbi13/bhi/index.php
報告者氏名 | 大村歩 |
発表論文タイトル | The Effect of the Pleasantness Level of Pictures upon Cerebral Activity using fMRI |
発表論文英タイトル | The Effect of the Pleasantness Level of Pictures upon Cerebral Activity using fMRI |
著者 | 山本詩子,大村歩,田中美里,廣安知之 |
主催 | Web Intelligence Consortium(WIC)IEEE-CIS Task Force on Brain Informatics(IEEE TF-BI) |
講演会名 | Brain Health Informatics 2013 |
会場 | 前橋テルサ |
開催日程 | 2013/10/29-2013/10/31 |
1. 講演会の詳細
2013/10/29から2013/10/31にかけて,群馬の前橋テルサにて開催されましたBHI2013に参加致しました.このBHI2013は,WICとIEEE TF-BIによって主催された学会で,BHI2013は,脳および健康に関連する研究や功績の特別な適用環境において,新しい知的な計算形式や技術の理解について発展させること,および広めることを目的として開催されています.
2. 研究発表
2.1. 発表概要
私は29日の午後のセッション「Thinking and Perception-Centric Investigations of Human Information Processing System I」に参加致しました.発表の形式は口頭発表で,12分の講演時間と3分の質疑応答時間となっておりました.
抄録中身The goal of this study is to develop an indicator to identify the levels of pleasantness, based on information provided by functional brain mapping. Paradiso et al. have conducted experiences focusing on humans’ emotions, such as pleasant and unpleasant, and the differences have observed in brain activities when the subjects were shown a pleasant picture in comparison with a neutral picture; especially, the brain activities have been significant in the posterior cingulate gyrus and precuneus. In this study, as a preliminary examination of developing an indicator of pleasantness levels, the brain activities caused by various pleasantness levels of stimuli were observed by fMRI, so as to verify whether those differences in brain activity could be sufficient for classification. In this experiment, the pictures which were categorized into 3 pleasantness levels (High, Medium, and Neutral) were presented to subjects as stimuli, and blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signals were measured using MRI. The nine subjects participated in this experiment. The subjects filled out the questionnaires before and after the fMRI measurement, grading the pleasantness levels of pictures used in the experiment. As the levels of pleasantness of stimuli got high, the results showed that the active area in the brain around the visual area got wider, and the degree of brain activity in the cingulate gyrus got higher.Moreover, the cingulate gyrus was significantly activated by higher pleasant stimuli, in contrast to the lower pleasant stimuli. Therefore, the feasibility of distinguishing the pleasantness levels based on cerebral activity using fMRI is suggested. |
2.2. 質疑応答
座長のTomoaki Shirao先生からの質問です.こちらの質問は,快の度合で差が出るのは一つ一つの段階で賦活しているからか,それとも下がっているからか,というものでした.この質問に対して廣安先生がそれぞれの段階で賦活が出ており,賦活が下がっているわけではない,と回答してくださいました.
2.3. 感想
3. 聴講
発表タイトル : Modeling the Cognitive Processing during 2-Digit Addition and Substraction Based on ACT-R Simulating著者 : Yushu Guo and Ning Zhong セッション名 :Thinking and Perception-Centric Investigations of Human Information Processing System I Abstruct : The intrinsic difference between addition and subtraction is still unknown up to now. In this study, based on adaptive control of thought-rational (ACT-R) which is a cognitive architecture for understanding human higher cognitive functions, we modeled the 2-digit addition and subtraction with ACT-R, to find out the different cognitive processing between addition and subtraction, and try to simulate the block-designed experiment which has 4 successive questions in one block. We collected the data of 17 adults derived from the fMRI experiment on the calculation of addition and subtraction. Based on the experiment, we simulated the calculation processing with ACT-R and used the fMRI behavioral data to confirm the average time for calculating to adjust the ACT-R models. Four modules were hypothesized to be involved in the calculations, including Declarative, Goal, Imaginal, and Visual. Then we compared the results of simulation with fMRI BOLD-signals extracted from the brain regions corresponding with 4 modules. As a result, the correlation coefficient between modules the corresponding fMRI BOLD-signals was positive, the coefficient in some modules were larger than 0.8. Meanwhile, we also compared the results between addition and subtraction, which indicated that little difference can be found between them. One reason can be inferred that the cognitive processing was simple because of the low-level of difficulty with no carry or borrow in the both operations. |
この発表は,加算と減算の計算処理の違いについて解明したいというものでした. 私自身,加算と減算に計算処理の違いが解明されていないということをあまり知らなかったため,大変勉強になりました.しかし,fMRIを用いているのに使用パラメータが一切出てこなかったのがひっかかりました.研究としては大変興味深いものでしたが,何かに応用するといった話は聞き洩らしただけかもしれませんがなかった気がします.
発表タイトル : An Attention Level Monitoring and Alarming System for the Driver Fatigue in the Pervasive Environment著者 : Zhijiang Wan, Jian He and Alicia Voisine セッション名 :Thinking and Perception-Centric Investigations of Human Information Processing System III Abstruct :In recently years, driver fatigue detecting system has gained increasing attentions in the area of public security. Researchers have succeeded in applying the EEG signals to accurately detect individuals fatigue state in sustained attention tasks. However, these studies were performed under laboratory-oriented configurations using tethered, ponderous EEG equipment, which are not feasible to develop the fatigue detecting system in the real environment. This study focused on developing a portable attention level monitoring and alarming (ALMA) system, featuring a mobile NeuroSky MindSet and an android pad based real-time EEG processing platform, for the driver fatigue in the pervasive environment. A brain feature rule which can represent the brain gradual process from focus state to the fatigue state has been formulated. We evaluated the ability of attention level of the system in the simulated driving cockpit and demonstrated that the system can classify the subjects attention level in accordance with the rule in the real time. |
発表タイトル : The Neural Structure of Human Concepts: Applying Machine Learning and Factor Analysis to Brain Imaging Data著者 : Marcel A. Just セッション名 : BHI Special Keynote Lecture Abstruct :This talk will describe the discovery of a set of biologically-driven semantic dimensions of thought that underlie the brain representation of familiar concepts. The main thesis is that the subsystems of the human brain provide the building blocks for the neural representation of all concepts. Our research applies machine learning and factor analysis methods to fMRI brain images acquired while subjects are thinking about individual concepts. For example, the brain representation of individual concrete nouns like hammer or apple has three main neurosemantic factors underpinning their brain representation, factors which we label manipulation, shelter, and eating. When we encounter a concrete inanimate object, we mentally catalog it primarily in terms of how our bodies interact with the object (the manipulation factor), how we can be sheltered or enclosed by it, and how we can eat it. Each of these factors is neurally represented in 3-4 different brain locations corresponding to a cortical network of co-activating regions. In this example, the neural representation of an apple consists of motor representations of holding an apple, as well as representations of mouth movement and tasting an apple. This general approach provides a way to identify a person’s thought from their fMRI activity, with good accuracy. Furthermore, the approach is extensible to other types of concepts, such as numerical quantities, interpersonal interactions, and emotions. A future application of the approach is diagnosis of a psychiatric alteration in thought based on the alterations in the fMRI signatures of critical concepts. |
報告者氏名 |
福島亜梨花 |
発表論文タイトル | 複数の脳血流時系列データの類似部分抽出アルゴリズム |
発表論文英タイトル | Extraction Algorithm of Similar Parts from Multiple Time-Series Data of Cerebral Blood Flow |
著者 | Tomoyuki Hiroyasu, Arika Fukushima, Utako Yamamoto |
主催 | Brain and Health Informatics |
講演会名 | The 2013 International Conference on Brain and Health Informatics |
会場 | 群馬県前橋市千代田町二丁目5番1号前橋テルサ |
開催日程 | 2013/10/29-2013/10/31 |
1. 講演会の詳細
2013/10/29から2013/10/31にかけて,群馬県前橋市前橋テルサにて開催されましたThe 2013 International Conference on Brain and Health Informatics[1]に参加致しました.この国際学会は,Brain and Health Informaticsによって主催された国際学会で,人間の脳と健康に関連する問題とコンピュータ科学と情報技術の研究の間の相互作用を探る研究者や実務家が結集し,議論するために主要な国際的,学際的なフォーラムを提供することを目的に開催されています.
2. 研究発表
2.1. 発表概要
私は29日の16:00からのセッション「Information Technologies for Curating, Mining, Managing and Using Big Brain/Health Data」に参加致しました.発表の形式は口頭発表で,15分の講演時間と5分の質疑応答時間となっておりました.
今回の発表は,「Extraction Algorithm of Similar Parts from Multiple Time-Series Data of Cerebral Blood Flow」というタイトルで発表致しました.発表内容は,functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy装置で計測された複数の脳血流時系列データから未知の類似部分を高速で抽出するアルゴリズムの提案および,先行研究との比較と言う内容で発表を行いました.以下に抄録を記載致します.
We propose an algorithm to extract similar parts from two different time-series data sets of cerebral blood flow. The proposed algorithm is capable of extracting not only parts that are exactly the same but also similar parts having a few differences since time-series data of cerebral blood flow is reported to be affected by various factors, and real data may therefore differ from a model system. To confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, we evaluated two sets of time-series data of cerebral blood flow: one artificial and one of actual data, and evaluated the results by visual confirmation as well as correlation coefficient analysis. This demonstrated that the proposed algorithm was able to extract similar parts from time-series data of cerebral blood flow. We also found that a Low-pass filter was needed to process time-series data of cerebral blood flow, when the data contained high-frequency noise. |
2.2. 質疑応答
質問者の氏名を控え損ねてしまいました.質問内容はこの方法が良いというのはどうやって確かめるのかということでした.この質問に対する回答ですが英語で答えられず,廣安先生に答えて頂きました.今後はDynamic Time Wappingなどの類似度指標を用いて検討していくというものが解答でした.
2.3. 感想
3. 聴講
発表タイトル : Human-Robot Interaction: Our Experience Since 1991 著者 : Yuichiro Anzai セッション名 : Special AMT-BHI Joint Keynote Lecture Abstract : AMT (Active Media Technology) and Brain and Health Informatics (BHI) are both growing and enlarging arenas that attract people interested in a variety of fields from sciences to engineering, and to our quality of lives and society. Even there are lots of enchanting topics at the intersection of AMT and BHI, notably including R&D towards smooth and comfortable interaction between humans and their environments. In the main course of this talk, I will compile, as an example from such enchanting topics, our long-standing effort since 1991 towards new ways of exploring human-robot interaction. It contains basic technologies, design implications given from cognitive sciences, and possible application to the improvement of the quality of our lives. In the talk I will spare a little bit of time to touch upon the current and possible future trends of science, technology and innovation policies in Japan, particularly those related to AMT and BHI, that may help develop birds-eye views of our dynamically moving fields. |
この発表はこの国際学会The 2013 International Conference on Brain and Health Informaticsの大会長である安西先生の発表であるため興味を持ちました.ロボットと人間の相互作用の研究の歴史を1991年から振り返っていくというものでしたが,約20年間でロボットが目覚ましい進歩を遂げたという事実がありありと見てとれ,大変勉強になりました.また,ロボットの可能性を大いに感じさせる内容であり,高の原のイオンモールでの実験映像もありましたが,自分の生活フィールドの近くでこんなに素晴らしい研究がなされているのかと感動しました.
発表タイトル : Meme Media and Knowledge Federation in the Age of Big Data 著者 : Yuzuru Tanaka セッション名 : AMT Keynote Lecture Abstract : Meme media research started with the proposal of the synthetic media architecture IntelligentPad and its implementation in Smalltalk 80 in 1989. This architecture was then reoriented in 1993 to meme media and meme pool architectures. The dissemination of Web browsers around that time made us consider how to use the Web as a world-wide meme pool, i.e., a repository of meme media objects. Then we came across the problem of how to wrap a whole Web resource like Web applications or Web services and/or an embedded Web resource into a meme media object. Once wrapped, such resources can be easily combined together to interoperate with each other. This idea opened a new vista of knowledge federation, i.e., dynamic federation of knowledge resources over the Web. Knowledge federation requires two new technologies, i.e., one to extract an embedded knowledge resource from a Web document, and the other to wrap the extracted resource into a meme media object. This idea, however, requires two different environments, i.e., the Web environment and a meme media system environment. The ideal solution was to unify these two environments, which resulted in the proposal of the Webble World system. This talk will briefly review the history of our R&D on meme media and knowledge federation, and give their new perspectives in the age of big data by showing the two large-scale practical applications of the Webble World technology. One is the integrated visual environment for supporting different stages of clinical trials on cancer including the design of the trial master plan and the CRF (Case Report Form) of each treatment event by the trial chairman, the guidance of patient treatment and data input during the treatment of each patient by a clinician, and the exploratory visual analytics of the accumulated trial data for data analysts to find out better personalized medicine. The other is the optimization of the snow plowing and removing in Sapporo City through the exploratory visual analytics of a variety of retrospective and real-time data including probe car data, probe person data, meteorological data, snow-plowing and removing records, traffic accidents, tweets, etc. The talk will focus on the ill-formed nature of these problems, the necessity of exploratory visual analytics with an open large library of tools and services and their improvisational federation capability, and how meme media and knowledge federation will give answers to these requirements in the age of data. |
発表タイトル : Situational Software Engineering 著者 : Carl K. Chang セッション名 : AMT Keynote Lecture Abstract : In this talk I will review and discuss past and present software engineering research and practices based on a “situational” perspective. Then, I will speculate on a possible roadmap that may lead software engineering as a discipline into a brave new world of computing. It is my intention through this talk to impress upon the audience the importance of the fast emerging situational computing as the new platform to advance software engineering. Computer systems must be able to adapt to the dynamic and changing environment in response to instant or delayed feedback from a service installation that nowadays is becoming more and more context aware. However, current context-aware service-centric models largely lack the capability to continuously explore human mental states that are hidden, yet often drive system evolution. This talk presents my current research in Situi. In this study, I give situation a definition that is rich in semantics and useful for modeling and reasoning about human intentions, whereas the definition of intention hinges upon reading a temporal sequence of situations to reach a goal. Based on this framework, instant definition of individualized service requirements at runtime may become possible, and it may significantly shorten the service evolution cycle. In the end, I will enumerate steep research challenges in order to accomplish what I envisioned. |
[1] The 2013 International Conference on Brain and Health Informatics