2016/7/24-2016/7/29 の日程で バンクーバー・カナダ で開催された The 2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computationにて発表しました。
- Functional brain network extraction using a genetic algorithm with a kick-out method
- 原田圭, 田中美里, 日和悟, Heiner Zille,Sanaz Mostaghim, 廣安知之
報告者氏名 | 原田圭 |
発表論文タイトル | キックアウト手法を用いた遺伝的アルゴリズムによる脳機能ネットワーク抽出 |
発表論文英タイトル | Functional brain network extraction using a genetic algorithm with a kick-out method |
著者 | 原田圭, 田中美里, 日和悟, Heiner Zille, Sanaz Mostaghim, 廣安知之 |
主催 | IEEE WCCI |
国際学会名 | The 2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation |
会場 | Canada, Vancouver, The Vancouver Convention Centre |
開催日程 | 2016/7/24-2016/7/29 |
- 国際学会の詳細
The 2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2016)が2016年7月24日~29日にかけて、カナダのバンクーバーにあるVancouver Convention Centreにて開催されました。本研究室からは、廣安先生、原田圭(M1)の2名が参加しました。発表形式は、ポスター発表で、「Functional Brain Network Extraction Using a Genetic Algorithm with a Kick-Out Method」という題目で学会最終日の7月29日の午後2時から6時にかけて発表致しました。ポスター発表が他の口頭発表と並行して行われていたにも関わらず、多くの方に足を運んでもらい、話をすることができました。
私たちが参加したIEEE CEC 2016は三つの学会と合同で行われました。残り二つの学会は、The 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2016)とThe 2016 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2016)です。今回の国際学会では、IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence(WCCI)の主催によってこの三つの学会が開催され、それぞれ聴講する機会に恵まれました。また、滞在した期間を通してバンクーバーは晴れ渡る天候で、休憩の合間には、会場から素晴らしい景色、山、海、船を望むことができました。
IEEE CEC 2016では、optimizationを中心としたgenetic algorithmやsurrogate modelなどの進化計算分野の発表が行われました。発表者の中には、昨年の12月に行われた第9回進化計算シンポジウムに参加されていた生徒や先生方もおり、再会を果たすことができました。また、IJCNN 2016の発表もいくつか聴講し、deep learning やsupport vector machineの最先端の研究にも触れることができました。さらに、IJCNN 2016では、MRIやEEGをはじめとする脳情報を解析する研究も見られ、大変興味深かったです。来年は、このセッションなら、本研究室の方も何人か参加することは可能ではないかと感じました。
IEEE WCCI 2016 ホームページ http://www.wcci2016.org/index.php
- 研究発表
- 発表概要
今回の学会発表では,脳機能の重要なネットワークの抽出時間の高速化を目的としたkick-out methodを提案いたしました。Kick-out methodは、遺伝的アルゴリズムの一部に導入され、先行研究より30%近く処理時間を削減し、変わらぬ性能を発揮することが示唆されました。4時間という長期にわたるポスターセッションでしたが、常に誰かがポスターを見にきており、多くのご意見を頂きました.以下に抄録を記載致します.
This paper proposed the method to reduce the calculating time to reveal the functional brain network associated with a task using a genetic algorithm and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data. Changes in the cerebral blood flow during a task are obtained as time series data is analyzed using fNIRS, and a correlation matrix for multiple fNIRS channels is created for each subject. The subject group is divided into two groups, and a classifier of the two groups learns the correlation matrix as a feature quantity. The correlation matrix changes as the feature quantity changes with the combinations of channels, which affects classifier accuracy. If the combination of channels with the best classifier accuracy is identified, these channels can be considered important to the creation of the functional brain network for a target task. In our study, a genetic algorithm (GA) is used for channel selection. However, learning the classifier to calculate the evaluation value and optimization by the GA requires significant time. Thus, to increase search efficiency, we propose the kick-out method to skip the evaluation value calculation for poor individuals according to a previous evaluation value. We evaluated the effectiveness of the proposed method using fNIRS data recorded during a mental rotation test. Results show that important channels that express the functional brain network were selected and that processing time was reduced significantly by the proposed method. |
- 質疑応答
- 感想
- 聴講
発表タイトル : Evolving Polyomino Puzzles 著者 : Daniel Ashlock and Lauren Taylor セッション名 : Session MM-12 : Computational Intelligence and Games Abstract : A polyomino puzzle is a collection of polyominos that can be joined to make a simple shape. The game Ten-Yen was one of the first of these. It has ten polyomino pieces that could be used to make a 6×6 square in a variety of ways. In this study we define representations and fitness functions for generating polyomino puzzles as well as developing a simple solver to compare the evolved puzzles. The solver can be used to approximate the number of solutions and hence the relative difficulty of the puzzles. Two types of fitness functions are compared, the second of which was developed to deal with scaling issues that arose with the first. A parameter study on the algorithm is performed and it is found that simply penalizing bad results is more effective than parameter tuning. This study concludes by discussing potential puzzle variants. |
発表タイトル :EliteNSGA-III: An Improved Evolutionary Many-Objective Optimization Algorithm 著者 : Amin Ibrahim, Shahryar Rahnamayan, Miguel Vargas Martin and Kalyanmoy Deb セッション名 : Session TA-13 Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms Abstract : Evolutionary algorithms are the most studied and successful population-based algorithms for solving single- and multi-objective optimization problems. However, many studies have shown that these algorithms fail to perform well when handling many-objective (more than three objectives) problems due to the loss of selection pressure to pull the population towards the Pareto front. As a result, there has been a number of efforts towards developing evolutionary algorithms that can successfully handle many-objective optimization problems without deteriorating the effect of evolutionary operators. A reference point based NSGA-II(NSGA-III) is one such algorithm designed to deal with many-objective problem, where the diversity of the solution is guided by a number of well-spread reference points. However, NSGA-III still has difficulty preserving elite population as new solutions are generated. In this paper, we proposed as improved NSGA-III algorithm, called EliteNSGA-III to improve the diversity and accuracy of the NSGA-III algorithm. EliteNSGA-III algorithm maintains an elite population archive to Preserve previously generated elite solutions that would probably be eliminated by NSGA-III’s selection procedure. The proposed EliteNSGA-III algorithm is applied to 11 many-objective test problems with three to 15 objectives. Experimental results show that the proposed EliteNSGA-III algorithm outperforms the obtained solutions, especially for test problems with higher objectives. |
発表タイトル : How to Compare Many-Objective Algorithms under Different Settings of Population and Archive Sizes 著者 : Hisao Ishibuchi, Yu Setoguchi, Hiroyuki Masuda and Yusuke Nojima セッション名 : Session TA-16 : Many-Objective Optimization Abstract : In the evolutionary multi-objective optimization community, algorithm comparison is usually performed under the same population size. However, this is not always fair because its best specification is usually different in each algorithm. In many-objective optimization, the number of solutions to be found may depend on the situation. If the decision maker wants to analyze the entire Pareto front, thousands of solutions may be needed. If the decision maker wants to choose a single final solution from some candidates after their quick checks, only a small number of representative solutions may be needed. In this paper, we discuss how to evaluate the ability of evolutionary many-objective optimization algorithms to find an arbitrarily specified number of non-dominated solutions. Our idea is the use of solution selection after the termination of each algorithm. We examine two scenarios: One is solution selection from the final population, and the other is from all of the examined solutions. Through computational experiments, first we demonstrate that performance comparison heavily depends on the population size. Then we examine the effects of solution selection from the final population and the examined solutions on comparison results. |
発表タイトル :Accelerating Evolutionary Computation Using Estimated Convergence Points 著者 : Jun Yu, Yan Pei and Hideyuki Takagi セッション名 : Session TM-12 Numerical Optimization Abstract : We use the convergence points estimated by our proposed method as elite individuals for evolutionary computation and evaluate the acceleration effect and analyze the effect and computational cost. The worst individuals in population are replaced with the convergence points estimated from the moving vectors between parent individuals and their offspring; i.e. these convergence points are used as elite individuals. Differential evolution (DE) and 14 benchmark functions are used in our evaluation experiments. The experimental results show that use of the estimated convergence points as elite can accelerate DE search in spite of the calculation cost of the convergence points. We finally analyze the components of the proposed estimation method to improve cost-performance. |
この研究では、Differential evaluationを利用し、あらかじめベンチマーク問題の解の収束点をベクトルを用いて推測することで、処理時間の高速化を図るものでした。方法は違えど、解を予測して高速化を図るという点では、今学会で私が発表と重なるので、大変興味を持って聴講することができました。また、検討比較において、四つの向上を見込んだ手法を提案しており、実験結果より提案手法の1、2、4を組み合わせるのが効果的であると結論付けていました。このような比較検討の仕方、発表の仕方は今後の参考にしようと思いました。
発表タイトル :Multi-objective Variable Subset Selection Using Heterogeneous Surrogate Modeling and Sequential Design 著者 : Joachim van der Herten, Ivo Couckuyt, Dirk Deschrijver and Tom Dhaene セッション名 : Session TM-16 Many-Objective Optimization Abstract : Constructing surrogate models of high-dimensional complex black-box systems from simulation-based data requires an appropriate choice of surrogate model type, as well as identification of the most influential input parameters. As including irrelevant input parameters results in a longer surrogate model training process and potentially increases the risk of overfitting, it is important to identify a small set of relevant parameters during the adaptive modeling phase of the surrogate modeling process. A multi-objective optimization step is proposed to identify both the appropriate model type as well as a parameters subset. The obtained model can be used for evaluation intensive applications such as exploration, sensitivity analysis or optimization. |
発表タイトル :Novel Crossover and Mutation Operation in Genetic Algorithm for Clustering 著者 : A. H. Beg and Md Zahidul Islam セッション名 : Session WA-13 Genetic Algorithms Abstract : In this paper we propose a Genetic Algorithm based clustering technique called GMC that produces high quality chromosomes in the initial population. The proposed technique also introduces two phases of crossover operation with extensive chromosomes generation aiming to produce high-quality offspring chromosomes and prevent degeneracy. The proposed technique also introduces three steps of mutation operation in order to improve chromosome quality. GMC uses a probabilistic selection approach in order to gradually improve the chromosomes quality of a population. We compare the proposed technique GMC with five existing techniques on 10 publicly available data sets in terms of two well-known evaluation criteria: Silhouette Coefficient and DB Index. Our experimental results demonstrate statistically significant superiority of GMC over the existing techniques, and the effectiveness of the proposed components. |