2017年11月11日(土)~15日(水)にかけてWashingtonD.C.にて開催されましたSociety for Neuroscience 2017 annual meetingに参加いたしました.この学会は,神経系や脳についての研究を行っている研究者たちの交流や,神経科学に関する学術的発展に寄与することを目的に開催されています.80以上の国から3万人ほど参加する規模の大きい学会でした.本研究室からは日和先生,藤原(M1),中村(清)(M1),西澤(M1),山本(B4)の5名が参加しました.発表形式はポスター発表でした.発表題目は以下の通りです.
- “Detecting meditative states through meta-state matching with time-varying functional connectivity matrices”
- “Mindful driving:Brain functional state of mind wandering in driving and PVT task”
- “Discussions of brain activity and eye movement during driving”
- “Brain activity and functional connectivity in attention and careless states by fNIRS”
- “Network analysis of brain activity during breath-counting meditation by fNIRS”
【文責:M1 藤原】
報告者氏名 |
西澤 美結 |
発表論文タイトル | fNIRSを用いた注意状態と不注意状態における脳活動と機能的結合 |
発表論文英タイトル | Brain activity and functional connectivity in attention and careless states by fNIRS |
著者 | 西澤美結, 日和悟, 廣安知之 |
講演会名 | NEUROSCIENCE2017 |
会場 | Washington Convention Center |
開催日程 | 2017/11/10-2017/11/15 |
- 講演会の詳細
2017/11/10から2017/11/15にかけて,Washington Convention Centerにて開催されましたNEUROSCIENCE2017(https://www.sfn.org/annual-meeting/neuroscience-2017)に参加いたしました.この学会は,30,300人以上,80か国以上の神経工学に関わる先生方や学生が参加し,各々の研究内容に関する情報を共有できる場です.
- 研究発表
- 発表概要
私は15日の13時-17時のポスターセッション「Attention Circuits」に参加いたしました.発表形式はポスター発表で4時間自由に参加者の方と議論を行いました.
今回の発表は「Brain activity and functional connectivity in attention and careless states by fNIRS」という題目で,発表を行いました.以下に抄録を記載致します.
【Introduction】 When sustained attention is lost, humans become distracted and an accident may occur. An accident caused by carelessness is prevented when the status of attentive and carelessness is defined. The goal is to define two states based on brain activity. Research to examine the attentive state from the brain function information has been conducted so far, and most of them used fMRI, in this paper, we attempt to investigate brain activation and functional network of two states using functional Infrared Spectroscopy(fNIRS). 【Method】 Brain blood flow change during the task of Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) was measured. Two types of stimulation were used auditory and visual. Attentive state was defined using Reaction Time (RT) which is the time from stimulus presentation to reaction.The brain activation was examined in the following way. Hemodynamic function (HRF) and boxcar function are convolved, and a model was constructed. By GLM operation, the stimulation vector was optimized to reduced the differences between the observed time series data and convolved model. The integral value of the obtained model was derived, and the top 10 brain regions with high integral values were defined as active regions. Also, the functional network is described as follows. A correlation coefficient matrix which shows the coupling among each region the attentive state and the inattentive state was calculated. The degree which is the total number of links in each region was calculated. 【Result&Discussion】 Among the active regions in auditory stimulation task, the degree of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) was lower of attentive states then inattentive states.The left DLPFC was highly coupled with the left and right frontal pole. It is reported that the left DLPFC is suppressed at the dorsolateral side and frontal pole works for the future prediction. Thus, the results suggest that brain predicted against stimulation and suppressed unintended touch at the time of attention. Among the active regions in visual stimulus, the degree of the left secondary visual cortex(V2) was lower of attentive states then inattentive states.At the same time, the left V2 had a high binding with the left DLPFC. It is reported that the left V2 detects subjective contours, and the left DLPFC has suppression function. At the time of attention, results illustrate that subjects observed carefully and suppressed stimulation which is occurred by the unintended touch. 【Conclusion】 This paper mentioned that the left V2 is essential for auditory stimulation and the left DLPFC is necessary for visual stimulation due to the difference in the state. |
- 質疑応答
質問者の氏名を控え損ねてしまいました.PVTとは何をしている課題なのかという質問を受けました. この質問に対する私の回答は,持続的注意を計測する課題だと答えました.しかし,この回答にピンときていなさそうだったので,具体的にはランダムな刺激に対して素早く反応する課題であると答えました.
質問者の氏名を控え損ねてしまいました.こういった脳機能研究はfMRIを使用した研究が多いのかという質問を受けました. この質問に対する私の回答は,この解析を始め,PVT研究においてもfMRIを使用した研究が多いと回答しました.この回答に対して,何故fNIRSを使用するのか?という質問を受けました.この質問に対して,fNIRSは他の脳機能イメージング装置と比較して時間分解能が高い長所をもつ.私の研究では時間変化する脳状態を検討する必要があるためより高い時間分解能を持つfNIRSを使用したと回答しました.
質問者の氏名を控え損ねてしまいました.Degreeとは何かという質問を受けました.この質問に対する私の回答は, 他領域と結合している本数であると回答しました.
- 感想
- 聴講
発表タイトル : Dorsal attention network activation and diminished attention in cerebral visual impairment 著者 :C.M.BAUER, E>S>BAILIN,P.J.BEX,L.B.MERABET セッション名 : Attention Networks Abstruct : Visual attention is a complex process, encompassing projections between the thalamus and frontal, parietal, and occipital cortices. Damage to any of the specific brain regions or to the white matter connections between them can cause functional deficits in visual attention. The dorsal attention network (DAN) is responsible for the top-down conscious control of attention and may be particularly affected in children with cortical/cerebral visual impairment (CVI), who demonstrate grey and white matter damage throughout occipital, parietal, and subcortical regions. Visual attention is often limited in children with CVI, but it is not known whether these deficits are due to structural or functional abnormalities within the DAN. To this end, the current study examined functional connectivity of the DAN using resting state functional MRI (rsfMRI) in a cohort of individuals with CVI compared to controls. Resting state fMRI was run on a cohort of 7 individuals with CVI (Ages 14-24, mean 18.4 years) and normally sighted and developed controls (Ages 15-24, mean 19.75 years). A structural T1W and field map were also acquired on a 3T Philips Achieva System. To correct for motion, ICA-AROMA was performed on each subject’s rsfMRI data, which were then processed in FreeSurfer. A 6mm diameter spherical seed was placed in the frontal eye fields (MNI 26, -6, 48). The average time course between the seed and the rest of the cortex was calculated for each subject and a GLM was run to compare between CVI and control groups. Visual attention was assessed using computer-based psychometric tests of functional vision, namely a conjunction search and go-no-go sustained attention paradigm. Compared to controls, individuals with CVI demonstrated significant increases in functional activation between the frontal eye fields, superior frontal, caudal middle frontal, par orbitalis, inferior parietal, and pericalcarine regions (p < 0.05). Clusters of significant decreases in activation were observed between the frontal eye fields and the precuneus/rostral anterior cingulate and inferior parietal areas (p < 0.05). The CVI group also demonstrated poor performance on both psychophysical tests of visual attention, as indexed by increased error rates and reaction times (p < 0.05). Our results indicate that functional correlations between the frontal eye fields and portions of the dorsal and ventral attention networks are increased in individuals with CVI compared to controls. These functional changes likely relate to the visual attention difficulties observed in CVI, whereby individuals with poorer performance must recruit more cortical resources in order to complete the task. |
発表タイトル :Low trait mind wandering is associated with optimized intrinsic functional connectivity 著者 : J. Z. LIM, S. A. A. MASSAR, J. TENG, Z. HASSIRIM, K. WONG, C. WANG, M. W. CHEE セッション名 : Attention Networks Abstruct : Abstract: Objective Mind wandering and low meta-awareness are associated with poor cognitive performance and unhappiness in daily life. Furthermore, the tendency to mind wander is trait-like, yet amenable to change through training. Here, we conducted a resting-state fMRI to investigate the individual differences in functional connectivity associated with trait-mind wandering, We hypothesized that lower levels of mind wandering would be associated with greater optimization of the intrinsic functional connectome (i.e. connectivity patterns with higher similarity to that seen during task engagement). Methods 100 healthy young participants were recruited to perform a breath-counting task, a covert measure of meta-awareness and mind wandering. Participants kept track of their breath over an 18-minute period by pressing a button with every 1st to 8th breath, and a separate button for every 9th breath. From this sample, good (accuracy > 81%; N=15) and poor (accuracy < 63%; N=11) performers were invited for an imaging session, which consisted of a second run of the breath-counting task (behavioral), and an ~8 minute resting state (rs)fMRI scan. Whole-brain data were segmented based on the Yeo parcellation, and connectivity was computed using the multiplication of temporal derivatives (MTD) method. Static connectivity maps were calculated as a time-series average, and dynamic functional connectivity analysis was performed using k-means clustering after averaging within a 7-TR sliding window across the MTD time series. Connectivity was compared between the good and poor groups. Results Inter-session reliability of breath counting accuracy was high (ICC = .57; p < .001), and good and poor performers continued to differ significantly in their second test (p = .01). Static rsfMRI connectivity maps showed greater anti-correlation between the dorsal attention network and the default mode network, and greater connectivity strength within the salience network in good performers. Dynamic functional connectivity analysis revealed two reproducible patterns of connectivity, corresponding to optimized (high arousal) and non-optimized (low arousal) brain states. Good performers had significantly more dwell time in the optimized state compared to poor performers. Conclusions Our data demonstrate that breath-counting accuracy is trait-like and reproducible, and indicate that intrinsic functional connectivity is more optimized in individuals with low trait mind wandering. Shifts towards this pattern of optimization may represent a useful biomarker of the gains from training meta-awareness, such as those obtained from mindfulness-based interventions. |
発表タイトル :Real-time neurofeedback of functional connectivity in large-scale brain networks that predict attention 著者 : M. D. ROSENBERG, D. SCHEINOST, W.-T. HSU, R. T. CONSTABLE, M. M. CHUN セッション名 : Attention Networks Abstruct : Abstract: Recent work has demonstrated that real-time neurofeedback based on patterns of fMRI activity may be used to train attention (deBettencourt et al., 2015; Zilverstand et al., 2017). Given evidence that attention relies on coordinated activity across the brain, we explored the feasibility of using connectome-based feedback to train focus. Specifically, we used fMRI neurofeedback to modulate functional connectivity in two networks — a “high-attention” network with 757 connections and a “low-attention” network with 630 connections — that predict individuals’ attentional abilities across several independent datasets (Rosenberg et al., 2016a, 2016b). To this end, 10 participants performed the gradual-onset continuous performance task (Esterman et al., 2013) during 3 fMRI runs. Each run included four 3-min task blocks each followed by a 30-s block of feedback, visualized as a gas gauge. Participants were told that a “full” gauge indicated optimal attention whereas an “empty” gauge indicated suboptimal focus, and were instructed to keep the gauge as close to full as possible. For neurofeedback participants (n = 6), the position of the gauge reflected high-attention relative to low-attention network strength during the preceding task block. Stronger high-attention and weaker low-attention networks resulted in better feedback. Sham feedback participants (n = 4) saw a yoked participant’s feedback. During neurofeedback sessions, a 268-node brain atlas (Shen et al., 2013) was warped into subject space. Motion correction and nuisance variable regression were performed during data collection (Scheinost et al., 2013). After each task block, timecourses in each pair of nodes were correlated to generate a 268 × 268 connectivity matrix. High- and low-attention network strength values were calculated as the dot product of the connectivity matrix and the attention network masks defined previously. Demonstrating the feasibility of connectome-based feedback, network strength values calculated in real-time and after data collection using published methods were significantly correlated (mean within-subject r-value = .80; range = .58–.94; p < .05 in all participants). As expected, the relationship between feedback and network strength calculated off-line was lower in the sham feedback group (mean within-subject r-value = .44; p < .05 in one participant). Furthermore, mean feedback was more positively correlated with mean task performance (d’) in the neurofeedback than the sham feedback group (r = .48 vs. r = –.61). Thus, these results provide preliminary evidence that whole-brain connectivity-based neurofeedback is feasible and may be useful for attention training. |
発表タイトル :Visual-verbal working memory training versus visual search training have overlapping and distinct transfer effects on tasks of spatial working memory and cognitive control: An event-related potential study 著者 : T. J. COVEY, J. L. SHUCARD, X. WANG, K. SHERWOOD, J. NAKUCI, L. GOH, D. W. SHUCARD セッション名 : Attention Networks Abstruct : Abstract: Cognitive training may improve aspects of cognitive performance. However, the findings in this literature have been mixed, and the unique impact of different forms of training on distinct cognitive abilities is still not fully understood. We examined the effects of two different forms of cognitive training on brain function and performance. Young adult participants were randomly assigned to one of two different training groups. Both groups underwent 20sessions of adaptive cognitive training (30 minutes per session) over the course of approximately four weeks. One group trained on an n-back task of working memory (WM) with visual letter stimuli (n = 20); the other group trained on a visual search task of selective attention/perceptual discrimination, also with letter stimuli (n = 20). The two tasks were well-matched in terms of difficulty and participant engagement. Participants were administered a battery of tests before and after training (pre- and posttest), which included a Spatial 3-back task and a Go/Nogo Flanker task. The Spatial 3-back task measured transfer of training gains to spatial WM (note, a different domain than the visual-verbal n-back training task); the Go/Nogo Flanker task measured transfer of training gains to cognitive control processes such as response inhibition. Electroencephalographic (EEG) data were obtained during these tasks at pre- and posttest, and event-related potentials (ERPs) were derived for each task. The results indicated that both groups improved on their respective training tasks at a similar rate over the course of training. Only the n-back training group showed improved accuracy (and a greater decrease in RT than the visual search group) from pretest to posttest on the Spatial 3-back task. The n-back training group also exhibited enhancement of the N1 ERP component (within 150 msec after stimulus onset) and reduced latency of the N2 component at posttest on the spatial 3-back task, effects that were not observed for the visual search training group. For the Go/Nogo Flanker task, there was a significant reduction in RT at post- compared to pretest, regardless of group. ERP findings for this task indicated some overlap in training-related changes between the two groups. For example, both groups had reduced P3 latency for trials of the task that required response inhibition. The findings provide evidence that (1) training on a verbal-visual n-back WM task resulted in changes in brain function and cognitive gains on a spatial WM task, and (2) training on tasks that target aspects of attention, regardless of whether they explicitly engage WM, may result in performance gains and changes in brain function on tasks of cognitive control. |
発表タイトル :Neural correlates of an associative memory of elapsed time 著者 : V. G. VAN DE VEN, J. LIFANOV, O. IOSIF, S. KOCHS, F. SMULDERS, P. DE WEERD セッション名 : Attention Networks Abstruct : Abstract: The extent to which time duration is represented in associate memory remains under-investigated. We designed a time paired associate task (TPAT) in which participants implicitly learnt cue-time-target associations between cue-target pairs and specific cue-target intervals ranging from 500 to 2000 msec (van de Ven et al. 2017). Importantly, participants only judged whether a cue and probe item were part of the same pair, while making no explicit judgment about time. During learning, some cue-target pairs became associated to a short interval while others became associated to a long interval. During subsequent memory testing, cue-target pairs were shown with both the short and long intervals. Participants showed increased accuracy of identifying matching cue-target pairs if the time interval during testing matched the implicitly learnt interval. A control experiment showed that participants had no explicit knowledge about the time associations. In subsequent neuroimaging experiments we investigated the neural correlates of TPAT memory performance. Using ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging (UHF-MRI) study at 7 Tesla we found less hippocampal activity (in left Dentate Gyrus and CA1) when time intervals during test trials did not match the learnt interval, compared to when they did match. Further, in an electroencephalography (EEG) study we found decreased Theta oscillation power (centered at 6 Hz) at occipital/parietal scalp locations for the same comparison of trial types. These findings are in line with the role of hippocampus and Theta oscillations in associate memory (Buzsáki 2006) and suggest that the same mechanisms also play a role in representing time in memory (Ranganath and Hsieh 2016). Mismatch between presented and expected associate memory of time may change hippocampal activity and cortical Theta oscillations, possibly through a common neural source. We suggest that cue-dependent retrieval of time in associate memory could perhaps serve as a mechanism for prospective coding of expected visual spatiotemporal events.References: Buzsáki G. 2006. Rhythms of the brain. |
- NeuroScience2017, https://www.sfn.org/annual-meeting/neuroscience-2017
報告者氏名 |
藤原侑亮 |
発表論文タイトル | マインドフルドライビング:運転タスクとPVT時におけるマインドワンダリングの脳機能状態の検討 |
発表論文英タイトル | Mindful Driving: Brain functional state of mind wandering in driving and PVT task |
著者 | 藤原侑亮, 日和悟,廣安知之 |
主催 | Society of Neuroscience |
講演会名 | Neuroscience2017(https://www.sfn.org/annual-meeting/neuroscience-2017) |
会場 | Washington Convention Center Hall A-C |
開催日程 | 2017/11/11-2017/11/15 |
- 講演会の詳細
2017/11/11から2017/11/15にかけて,Washington Convention Center Hall A-Cにて開催されましたNeuroscience2017に参加いたしました.このNeuroscience2017は,Society of Neuroscienceによって主催された学会で,脳や神経系の理解に専念する科学者や医師のための世界最大の神経科学に関する学会である.神経系や脳についての研究を行っている研究者たちの交流や,神経科学に関する学術的発展に寄与することを目的に開催されています.
- 研究発表
- 発表概要
今回の発表は,Mindful Driving: Brain functional state of mind wandering in driving and PVT taskという題目で行いました.以下に抄録を記載致します.
抄録中身 本研究の目的は,脳活動を用いた運転時におけるマインドワンダリングの検出である.そこで,本実験ではマインドワンダリング状態に陥らせるためにdual taskを用いた.メインタスクはシミュレータを用いての運転課題,サブタスクは持続的注意を測定する課題であるPVTである.その時の脳活動をfNIRSで計測した.反応時間から注意の対象と区間を定義し,その区間の運転評価指標として用いたステアリングの舵角変化と脳血流データを用いて運転時におけるマインドワンダリング状態の検討を行った. |
- 質疑応答
- 感想
- 聴講
発表タイトル : The relationship between cognitive workload and attentional reserve: An empirical investigation 著者 : K. JAQUESS, R. J. GENTILI, L.-C. LO, H. OH, J. ZHANG, J. C. RIETSCHEL, M. W. MILLER, Y. Y. TAN, B. D. HATFIELD セッション名 : Nanosymposium, Attention Networks Abstruct : It has long been considered, on the conceptual level, that cognitive workload and attentional reserve have an inverse relationship. However, to our knowledge, this relationship has never been tested empirically. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between cognitive workload and attentional reserve using objective measures derived from the electroencephalogram (EEG). To assess cognitive workload, we utilized spectral power measures of cortical activation (theta, alpha, beta, and the ratio of theta/alpha). To assess attentional reserve, we utilized components of the event-related potential (ERP) from the presentation of unattended “novel” sounds (N1, P2, and P3a amplitudes). The relationship between these two families of measures was assessed using a canonical correlation methodology. Twenty-seven participants undergoing flight training performed a flight simulator task under three levels of difficulty. Results revealed a strong, negative relationship between measures of cognitive workload and attentional reserve (all canonical correlation coefficients > 0.9). This finding provides empirical support for the theoretical and intuitive notion that cognitive workload and attentional reserve are inversely related. While cognitive workload and attentional reserve are broad concepts and may consist of many elements, these results inform further work investigating the more specific aspects of these constructs and their relationships. |
この発表は,EEGを用いての認知作業負荷と注意に関しての発表でした.実験タスクに飛行機操縦タスクを行い,脳波の周波数帯別のパワースペクトルを指標として用いていました.また,同時にERPも見ていました.以前EEGを使っていたので,EEGの解析には両方の解析をすることが必要だったと感じました. また,タスクの作業負荷の評価にNASA-TLXを用いていて,そのアンケート結果とEEG解析結果も見ていたので,私の研究でも行う必要があると感じました.
発表タイトル :Real-time neurofeedback of functional connectivity in large-scale brain networks that predict attention 著者 : M. D. ROSENBERG, D. SCHEINOST, W.-T. HSU, R. T. CONSTABLE, M. M. CHUN セッション名 : Nanosymposium, Attention Networks Abstruct : Recent work has demonstrated that real-time neurofeedback based on patterns of fMRI activity may be used to train attention (deBettencourt et al., 2015; Zilverstand et al., 2017). Given evidence that attention relies on coordinated activity across the brain, we explored the feasibility of using connectome-based feedback to train focus. Specifically, we used fMRI neurofeedback to modulate functional connectivity in two networks — a “high-attention” network with 757 connections and a “low-attention” network with 630 connections — that predict individuals’ attentional abilities across several independent datasets (Rosenberg et al., 2016a, 2016b). To this end, 10 participants performed the gradual-onset continuous performance task (Esterman et al., 2013) during 3 fMRI runs. Each run included four 3-min task blocks each followed by a 30-s block of feedback, visualized as a gas gauge. Participants were told that a “full” gauge indicated optimal attention whereas an “empty” gauge indicated suboptimal focus, and were instructed to keep the gauge as close to full as possible. For neurofeedback participants (n = 6), the position of the gauge reflected high-attention relative to low-attention network strength during the preceding task block. Stronger high-attention and weaker low-attention networks resulted in better feedback. Sham feedback participants (n = 4) saw a yoked participant’s feedback. During neurofeedback sessions, a 268-node brain atlas (Shen et al., 2013) was warped into subject space. Motion correction and nuisance variable regression were performed during data collection (Scheinost et al., 2013). After each task block, timecourses in each pair of nodes were correlated to generate a 268 × 268 connectivity matrix. High- and low- attention network strength values were calculated as the dot product of the connectivity matrix and the attention network masks defined previously. Demonstrating the feasibility of connectome-based feedback, network strength values calculated in real-time and after data collection using published methods were significantly correlated (mean within-subject r-value = .80; range = .58–.94; p < .05 in all participants). As expected, the relationship between feedback and network strength calculated off-line was lower in the sham feedback group (mean within-subject r-value = .44; p < .05 in one participant). Furthermore, mean feedback was more positively correlated with mean task performance (d’) in the neurofeedback than the sham feedback group (r = .48 vs. r = –.61). Thus, these results provide preliminary evidence that whole-brain connectivity-based neurofeedback is feasible and may be useful for attention training. |
この発表は,connectomeに基づいたフィードバックを使用して焦点を鍛える研究についてでした.手法として,low-network strengthとhigh-network strength のmatrixに分解してこれを説明変数として目的変数 behavioral dataを予測するモデルを構築するものでした.私が注目した点は,ネットワークとフィードバック方法です.なぜなら,高注意ネットワークと低注意ネットワークがあることを知ることが出来たこと,ゲージによってフィードバックするという方法を用いていたからです.なぜこのフィードバック方法を用いたのかは調査が必要だと感じました.
発表タイトル : Connectome-based predictive modeling (CPM) of sustained attention: Comparing different methods for feature selection and prediction 著者 : K. R. YOO, K, M. D. ROSENBERG, W.-T. HSU, S. ZHANG, C.-S. R. LI, D. SCHEINOST, R. T. CONSTABLE, M. M. CHUN セッション名 : Nanosymposium, Attention Networks Abstruct : Connectome-based predictive modeling (CPM; Shen et al., 2017) was recently developed to predict individual differences in traits and behaviors, including fluid intelligence (Finn et al., 2015) and sustained attention (Rosenberg et al., 2016a). CPM is a data-driven approach to construct a model predicting individual behaviors from brain connectome data. Here, we compared the predictive power of three different connectivity features (Pearson’s correlation, accordance and discordance) and two different prediction algorithms (linear regression and partial least square regression; PLSR) in CPM for attention function. Accordance and discordance are recently proposed connectivity measures that separately track in-phase synchronization and out-of-phase anti-correlation, respectively (Meskaldji et al., 2016). We defined models over task or rest fMRI data, and tested 1) whether accordance and discordance are more reliable measures than Pearson’s correlation for functional connectivity and 2) whether PLSR or linear regression better relates connectivity features to behavioral traits. Connectome-based predictive models of sustained attention were developed from fMRI data collected while participants performed a sustained attention task (gradCPT), and while at rest (N=25; Rosenberg et al., 2016a). The three other independent fMRI datasets included: 1) data collected during stop-signal task performance and rest (N=83, including 19 participants administered methylphenidate prior to scanning; Rosenberg et al., 2016b), 2) data collected during Attention Network Task performance and rest (N=41), and 3) resting data and ADHD symptom severity from the ADHD-200 Consortium (N=113; Rosenberg et al., 2016a). All models significantly predicted individual performance with correlations between predicted and observed measures of attention as high as 0.9 for internal, and 0.6 for external validation; all p’s < 0.05). Models trained on task-data outperformed models based on rest data. Accordance features generally showed a small numerical advantage over correlation features, while PLSR models were usually better than linear regression models. Overall, in addition to correlation features combined with linear models (Rosenberg et al., 2016a), it is useful to consider accordance features and PLSR for CPM. |
発表タイトル : Visual-verbal working memory training versus visual search training have overlapping and distinct transfer effects on tasks of spatial working memory and cognitive control: An event-related potential study 著者 : T. J. COVEY, J. L. SHUCARD, X. WANG, K. SHERWOOD, J. NAKUCI, L. GOH, D. W. SHUCARD セッション名 : Nanosymposium: Mechanisms of Working Memory Abstruct :Cognitive training may improve aspects of cognitive performance. However, the findings in this literature have been mixed, and the unique impact of different forms of training on distinct cognitive abilities is still not fully understood. We examined the effects of two different forms of cognitive training on brain function and performance. Young adult participants were randomly assigned to one of two different training groups. Both groups underwent 20 sessions of adaptive cognitive training (30 minutes per session) over the course of approximately four weeks. One group trained on an n-back task of working memory (WM) with visual letter stimuli (n = 20); the other group trained on a visual search task of selective attention/perceptual discrimination, also with letter stimuli (n = 20). The two tasks were well-matched in terms of difficulty and participant engagement. Participants were administered a battery of tests before and after training (pre- and posttest), which included a Spatial 3-back task and a Go/Nogo Flanker task. The Spatial 3-back task measured transfer of training gains to spatial WM (note, a different domain than the visual-verbal n-back training task); the Go/Nogo Flanker task measured transfer of training gains to cognitive control processes such as response inhibition. Electroencephalographic (EEG) data were obtained during these tasks at pre- and posttest, and event-related potentials (ERPs) were derived for each task. The results indicated that both groups improved on their respective training tasks at a similar rate over the course of training. Only the n-back training group showed improved accuracy (and a greater decrease in RT than the visual search group) from pretest to posttest on the Spatial 3-back task. The n-back training group also exhibited enhancement of the N1 ERP component (within 150 msec after stimulus onset) and reduced latency of the N2 component at posttest on the spatial 3-back task, effects that were not observed for the visual search training group. For the Go/Nogo Flanker task, there was a significant reduction in RT at post- compared to pretest, regardless of group. ERP findings for this task indicated some overlap in training-related changes between the two groups. For example, both groups had reduced P3 latency for trials of the task that required response inhibition. The findings provide evidence that (1) training on a verbal-visual n-back WM task resulted in changes in brain function and cognitive gains on a spatial WM task, and (2) training on tasks that target aspects of attention, regardless of whether they explicitly engage WM, may result in performance gains and changes in brain function on tasks of cognitive control. |
この発表は,ワーキングメモリの訓練として,n-backを行っている群と行っていない群でselective attention taskにおいて比較を行っている研究でした.EEGで計測を行っており,P1,N1,P2,N2,P3などのERPを解析対象としていました.訓練をしている群の方がN2の潜時を減少させたという結果が報告されました.疑問に思った点は,ERPの解析については,多くの加算平均が必要となるが,タスク時間が長くないのに試行数に関してはどうしているのかという点でした.
発表タイトル : Neural prediction of community support providers 著者 : Y. LEONG, S. MORELLI, R. CARLSON, M. KULLAR, J. ZAKI セッション名 : Nanosymposium: Social Decision-Making Abstruct : The receipt of high-quality social support bolsters individuals’ mental and physical health. It is often beneficial for members of a community to keep in mind the people likely to provide social support, such that one knows whom to turn to in times of distress. Here, we test the hypothesis that people passively keep track of the individuals who are likely to provide social support within their community. We recruited 97 students from two freshman dormitories and had them nominate individuals in their dorm who provide them with eight different types of social support (e.g., companionship, social advice, emotional support). We computed a sociometric index of social support by taking a weighted sum of the number of nominations received by a given individual. Individuals who scored in the top, middle and bottom tercile on this metric were designated as high, medium and low support providers respectively. In a separate session, we scanned a subset of the participants (N=50) as they passively viewed photos of their dormmates. Participants were told to attend to the photos, but were not otherwise instructed on what to think about. We trained a Lasso-PCR algorithm on the BOLD data of participants from one of the dorms (N = 26) to identify a pattern of BOLD activity that monotonically increased when participants viewed dormmates with increasing levels of |
この発表は,Measuring social valueという質問紙でSocial valueが高い人,低い人を見つけることで,これを脳活動から予測するモデルを構築する研究でした.解析手法が興味深いと思いました.なぜなら,脳活動をみて,ハブである人を見つけるよいう方法はよくあると思うが,アンケートから予測しているという点が面白いと感じました.この研究が進むと,アンケートのみでの評価もできるのではないかと思いました。自分の研究には,注意の予測に置き換えると用いることができるのではないかと考えました.
- Neuroscience2017, https://www.sfn.org/annual-meeting/neuroscience-2017
報告者氏名 |
山本渉子 |
発表論文タイトル | |
発表論文英タイトル | Network analysis of brain activity during breath-counting meditation by fNIRS |
著者 | 山本渉子, 日和悟,廣安知之, |
主催 | Society for Neuroscience |
講演会名 | Neuroscience2017 |
会場 | Walter E. Washington Convention Center |
開催日程 | 2017/11/11-2017/11/15 |
- 講演会の詳細
2017/11/11から2017/11/15にかけて,Walter E. Washington Convention Centerにて開催されましたNeuroscience2017に参加いたしました.このNeuroscience2017は,Society for Neuroscienceによって主催された研究会で,学生や教員が参加して,神経科学に関する学術的な発見を目的に開催され,80カ国から3万人以上参加がした大きな学会です.
- 研究発表
- 発表概要
今回は,Network analysis of brain activity during breath-counting meditation by fNIRSというタイトルで発表致しました.以下に抄録を記載致します.
Introduction: Attention deviates from the focused task, and the state that is not related to the task is called mind wandering. About 50% in daily life, people are in a state of mind wandering. Mind wandering is said to lead to a decrease in happiness and work efficiency. Mindfulness meditation is drawing attention. Mindfulness is to pay attention to what is happening now, and effects of stress reduction and concentration are expected by mindfulness meditation. In this study, brain states during breath-counting meditation were compared with meditation novices, and the degree of functional brain network was compared. In the experiments, brain Methods: The meditation task is breath-counting which counts entrance and exit of breathing. Six male meditation beginners participated in the experiment. Brain activity at rest and breath-counting was measured using fNIRS (ETG – 7100). The measurement site was 116 channels in the forehead, crown and occipital area. The measured data was processed by a band pass filter with a frequency of 0.008 Hz to 0.09 Hz. All the channels were correlated by stochastic registration with the sites divided by Automated Anatomical Labeling (AAL). The correlation coefficient matrix between all channels with the correlation of the channel’s blood flow change was calculated at rest and breath-counting, respectively. The order of degree corresponding to an edge density of 15% was compared to rest and breath-counting. Results, Discussion: At breath – counting time compared to rest before pre-task, it was found that the order of the coupling of the middle prefrontal cortex increased in many subjects. The middle prefrontal cortex is reported to be a brain part that acts during meditation and controls attention. The results suggest that the brain part of attention control emphasizes with other regions during meditation. Also, at the time of rest after breath-counting, the degree of coupling of the middle frontal round remained high. This result indicates that the brain state during meditation was preserved even after meditation. It is a new result that brain states at the time of rest and pre-task rest were different. Conclusion: A comparison of the order of the degree of resting time and meditating in a novice was performed. Brain activity was measured by fNIRS. When breath-counting was performed, the order of the degree of the medial frontal gyrus increased compared to that at rest. Therefore, even if a meditate novice, there is a possibility that the brain part of attention control exaggerates with other regions more than at rest. |
- 質疑応答
質問者の氏名を控え損ねてしまいました.こちらの質問は,SMAとはなんという脳領域か,その部位の働きは何かというものでした.この質問に対して,Supplementary motor area,運動制御の働きを持つと回答しました.
台湾からいらしたYu Chenさんから質問いただきました. こちらの質問は,fNIRSをなぜ使っているのかというものでした.この質問に対して,fMRIと比べて日常の生活に近い状態で測定できるからであると回答しました.
同じく,Yu Chenさんから質問いただきました.こちらの質問は,なぜdegreeを使うのかというものでした.この質問に対する回答ですが,degreeとは各ノードの結合本数の和であると回答し,ポスターの図を用いて,各ノードのdegreeがいくつになるか説明しました.
- 感想
- 聴講
発表タイトル : Low trait mind wandering is associated with optimized intrinsic functional connectivity 著者 : J. Z. LIM, S. A. A. MASSAR, J. TENG, Z. HASSIRIM, K. WONG, C. WANG, M. W. CHEE セッション名 : Attention Networks Abstruct : Objective Mind wandering and low meta-awareness are associated with poor cognitive performance and unhappiness in daily life. Furthermore, the tendency to mind wander is trait-like, yet amenable to change through training. Here, we conducted a resting-state fMRI to investigate the individual differences in functional connectivity associated with trait-mind wandering, We hypothesized that lower levels of mind wandering would be associated with greater optimization of the intrinsic functional connectome (i.e. connectivity patterns with higher similarity to that seen during task engagement). Methods 100 healthy young participants were recruited to perform a breath-counting task, a covert measure of meta-awareness and mind wandering. Participants kept track of their breath over an 18-minute period by pressing a button with every 1st to 8th breath, and a separate button for every 9th breath. From this sample, good (accuracy > 81%; N=15) and poor (accuracy < 63%; N=11) performers were invited for an imaging session, which consisted of a second run of the breath-counting task (behavioral), and an ~8 minute resting state (rs)fMRI scan. Whole-brain data were segmented based on the Yeo parcellation, and connectivity was computed using the multiplication of temporal derivatives (MTD) method. Static connectivity maps were calculated as a time-series average, and dynamic functional connectivity analysis was performed using k-means clustering after averaging within a 7-TR sliding window across the MTD time series. Connectivity was compared between the good and poor groups. Results Inter-session reliability of breath counting accuracy was high (ICC = .57; p < .001), and good and poor performers continued to differ significantly in their second test (p = .01). Static rsfMRI connectivity maps showed greater anti-correlation between the dorsal attention network and the default mode network, and greater connectivity strength within the salience network in good performers. Dynamic functional connectivity analysis revealed two reproducible patterns of connectivity, corresponding to optimized (high arousal) and non-optimized (low arousal) brain states. Good performers had significantly more dwell time in the optimized state compared to poor performers. Conclusions Our data demonstrate that breath-counting accuracy is trait-like and reproducible, and indicate that intrinsic functional connectivity is more optimized in individuals with low trait mind wandering. Shifts towards this pattern of optimization may represent a useful biomarker of the gains from training meta-awareness, such as those obtained from mindfulness-based interventions. |
発表タイトル :Deficits and compensation in visual attention networks in schizophrenia 著者 : G. H. PATEL, S. C. ARKIN, E. C. JAMERSON, R. SMITH, III, D. C. JAVITT セッション名 : Attention Networks Abstruct : Background: Selective visual attention is governed by the interactions of low-level visual (striate/extrastriate), high-level visual (lateral/ventral occipital), dorsal attention, ventral attention, and task control networks. Schizophrenia patients (SzP) may be impaired in one or more of these networks, resulting in significant disability. Methods: We compared these networks in 20 SzP and 20 healthy controls (HC) with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) task-evoked activity and resting state functional connectivity (RSFC). We defined regions of interest (ROIs) in each group by activation/deactivations evoked by the monitoring and detection of targets in the RSVP stream. These ROIs were used to calculate task-evoked activity magnitude and inter-ROI RSFC strength in each individual. Results: In the task data, detection rates and activation magnitudes did not differ between groups. However, TPJ deactivation by RSVP stream monitoring strongly correlated with detection rate in SzP (r=-.60, p=.0051), but not HC (r=.0091). In the RSFC data, only connectivity of high-level visual areas was weaker in SzP than HC (p<.0128). Detection rate correlated positively with RSFC of high-level visual areas to low-level visual areas and negatively with RSFC of dorsal to ventral attention areas (p<.05). TPJ deactivation correlated with RSFC of right prefrontal cortex (PFC) to both high- and low-level visual cortex (p=.0196). Two alternative linear models combined these measures to predict detection rate more than TPJ deactivation alone (p<.05). Model 1 included TPJ deactivation, high/low-level visual cortex RSFC, and dorsal/ventral attention network RSFC (r2=.655, adjusted r2=.581, F=8.84). Model 2 replaced TPJ deactivation with right PFC-visual connectivity (r2=.695, adjusted r2=.634, F=11.4). Conclusion: We found that while performance and task activation of the visual/attention networks were similar in the two groups, SzP had an underlying deficit in the RSFC of visual cortex areas. SzP compensated for these deficits with improved connectivity of visual and attention areas, allowing for efficient use of the TPJ to suppress the processing of distracting stimuli. TPJ deactivation in turn relied on intact connectivity of PFC to visual areas, as predicted by the model by Corbetta et al. The results demonstrate how SzP may use the attention network to overcome visual processing deficits. |
発表タイトル :A novel mobile video game to assess the neural correlates of working and visual spatial memory for the brainstation wearable electroencephalography system 著者 : R. GIL-DA-COSTA, M. LOPES, M. ZINNI, M. CASWELL セッション名 : Mechanisms of Working Memory Abstruct : The measurement of the brain bases of cognition has long been restricted to laboratory environments with specialized equipment and staff, limiting the ability for applications at a large-scale and in real-world settings. With a rapidly growing number of persons affected by working and/or spatial memory deficits (prevalent in neurological and psychiatric disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases or Depression), it is imperative to develop novel technologies with engaging assessments to enable monitoring of memory processes over time. To address this need, we used the Brainstation®, Neuroverse’s fully integrated wearable electroencephalographic (EEG) system and software application for testing and analysis in mobile platforms (e.g. smartphones and tablets), to measure the neural correlates of working and visual spatial memory during performance of a novel memory game in healthy adults. Naturalistic images from a given semantic category (e.g. animals) were rapidly displayed on the screen, one at a time, at random locations in a grid of cards. Subjects were asked to detect and memorize the identity and location of matching pairs of cards, and subsequently tap the locations at which the matching cards had appeared. Subjects were given feedback on their performance after each trial and, using an adaptive algorithm based on the subject’s performance, game parameters were adjusted in real-time to maintain engagement and promote potential training. Due to the nature of the game, subjects were not aware of the identity of the paired images until the presentation of the second image of the matching pair, thus requiring retention of the identity and location of every presented image until the paired image was detected. A first-level analysis of the correct trials using event-related brain potentials (ERPs) suggests that successful memory use in this game is correlated with an attentional focus strategy. Subjects maintain visual attention until the matching card is detected, and withdraw it immediately after in order to aid memory retention of the location of the matching cards, as expressed by a statistically significant amplitude reduction of the P300 ERP for cards presented after the matching pair. This finding provides both an interesting insight into memory and attention compensation strategies, and a memory correlated neural measure that can be used, with this wearable EEG system, in healthy aging individuals and neurological and psychiatric patients for regular “at home” large-scale monitoring and assessment. Additionally, future and ongoing research is investigating the efficacy of this system and game for cognitive training and rehabilitation. |
発表タイトル :Face processing is attenuated during mind wandering: An ERP investigation 著者 : E. DENKOVA, E. BRUDNER, K. ZAYAN, J. DUNN, *A. P. JHA セッション名 : Functional Basis of Attention Abstruct : How do you perceive a face when your mind wanders? Mind wandering (MW), defined as self-generated thinking that is unrelated to the task at hand, has been recently investigated in an escalating number of studies. It has been suggested that, during MW, processing of external stimuli is diminished in favor of internal thoughts. This phenomenon has been referred to as perceptual decoupling and has been investigated in event-related potential (ERP) studies, which have good temporal resolution that allow for the examination of the temporal dynamics of MW. Yet, perceptual decoupling during MW has never been investigated in a task involving attention to faces, nor has it been examined using the early ERP component associated with face processing, the N170. Here, we investigated the modulation of the N170 as a function of subjective reports of MW to tackle perceptual decoupling in the context of faces. We collected ERP data from 36 participants while they completed a sustained attention to response task with faces. Participants were instructed to respond to upright faces (non-targets, 90% of trials) and to withhold their response to inverted faces (targets, 5% of trials). Two questions related to mind wandering and metacognition were presented in succession on 5% of trials. The first question assessed participants’ experience of task engagement vs. mind wandering using a dichotomous judgment of ‘on task’ vs. ‘off task’. The second question assessed participants’ level of confidence in their ‘on task’ and ‘off task’ reports using a 3-point Likert scale. The behavioral (intra-individual coefficient of variation in reaction time, ICV) and ERP (N170 amplitude) responses to the 6 non-targets preceding the first question were examined as a function of ‘on task’ vs. ‘off task’ reports. Behavioral results revealed greater ICV for periods preceding ‘off task’ vs. ‘on task’ reports (p < .01), suggesting less stable attentional performance during MW. ERP results revealed attenuated N170 amplitude to faces preceding ‘off task’ vs. ‘on task’ reports (p < .05). The latter findings are in line with perceptual decoupling literature and suggest attenuated visual processing of faces during MW, which may have implications for social neuroscience research. |
発表タイトル : Neural prediction of community support providers 著者 : Y. LEONG, S. MORELLI, R. CARLSON, M. KULLAR, J. ZAKI セッション名 : Social Decision-Making Abstruct : The receipt of high-quality social support bolsters individuals’ mental and physical health. It is often beneficial for members of a community to keep in mind the people likely to provide social support, such that one knows whom to turn to in times of distress. Here, we test the hypothesis that people passively keep track of the individuals who are likely to provide social support within their community. We recruited 97 students from two freshman dormitories and had them nominate individuals in their dorm who provide them with eight different types of social support (e.g., companionship, social advice, emotional support). We computed a sociometric index of social support by taking a weighted sum of the number of nominations received by a given individual. Individuals who scored in the top, middle and bottom tercile on this metric were designated as high, medium and low support providers respectively. In a separate session, we scanned a subset of the participants (N=50) as they passively viewed photos of their dormmates. Participants were told to attend to the photos, but were not otherwise instructed on what to think about. We trained a Lasso-PCR algorithm on the BOLD data of participants from one of the dorms (N = 26) to identify a pattern of BOLD activity that monotonically increased when participants viewed dormmates with increasing levels of sociometric social supportiveness. We then tested the algorithm on the BOLD data of participants from the other dorm (N = 24). Neural activity in the mentalizing network reliably predicted when participants were viewing dorm members who were low, medium and high support providers. On average, the predicted and actual levels of social supportiveness were moderately correlated (r = 0.35, p < 0.001). As a second measure of prediction accuracy, we computed the forced-choice classification accuracy when the algorithm was used to classify which of two patterns was associated with viewing faces of individuals who score higher on social supportiveness. Classification accuracy was significantly above chance when distinguishing between viewing high support providers and viewing medium or low support providers, but not significantly different from chance when distinguishing between viewing medium and low support providers. These results suggest that participants’ brains automatically detect high social support providers, even when not explicitly instructed to do so. Our method also demonstrates the possibility of out-of-sample prediction of high support providers from the brain activity of a subset of individuals in a community. |
この発表でアンケートからsocial networkを構築してハブとなっている人を見つけ,それを脳活動から予測するモデルを構築するという手法をとっていました.脳活動とアンケートの結果を比較して検討する研究はよく見かけますが,先にアンケートの結果から検討するというのをはじめて見たので興味深かったです.この発表でも脳領域の名前がたくさん出てきましたが,研究し始めたときから比べてかなり覚えてきたなと思った反面,まだまだ学ぶべきことがたくさんあるなと思いました.
発表タイトル :The neurobiological mechanisms supporting mindfulness-based analgesia: A longitudinal perspective 著者 : F. ZEIDAN, R. C. COGHILL, Y. JUNG, A. ADLER-NEAL, S. FARRIS セッション名 : Advances in Pain Neuroimaging Abstruct : The experience of pain is mediated by sensory, cognitive, and affective factors, rendering the treatment of chronic pain difficult and often a financial burden. New far-reaching policy guidelines by the Centers for Disease Control have advocated for the utilization of non-pharmacological pain therapies. To this extent, mindfulness meditation, a cognitive practice premised on sustaining non-judgmental awareness of arising sensory events, significantly attenuates experimental and clinical pain. Yet, the neural mechanisms supporting mindfulness-based analgesia remain poorly characterized. This presentation will provide a comprehensive understanding of the brain processes supporting the modulation of pain by mindfulness meditation from a longitudinal perspective. Novel findings, from our laboratory, reveal that healthy individuals (with no prior meditation experience) exhibiting higher levels of dispositional mindfulness report significantly lower pain ratings in response to noxious heat stimulation (49°C). Employing arterial spin labeling functional magnetic resonance imaging (ASL fMRI), we found that greater trait mindfulness was also associated with greater deactivation of the precuneus/ posterior cingulate cortex during noxious stimulation, brain regions critically involved in facilitating self-referential processes. In two ASL fMRI studies, mindfulness meditation, after a brief, four-session (20min/session) meditation-training regimen, significantly reduced pain through greater activation of the orbitofrontal cortex, subgenual anterior cingulate cortex, right anterior insula and deactivation of the thalamus. These findings demonstrate that mindfulness meditation reduces pain through unique cortico-thalamo-cortical interactions. We will also discuss findings showing that mindfulness meditation, after brief mental training, does not engage endogenous opioids to attenuate pain, an important consideration for the millions of pain patients seeking a fast-acting, non-opioid pain therapy. Finally, we will present findings demonstrating that meditation-induced analgesia, after extensive meditation training (> 1000 hours), is associated with greater activation in somatosensory cortices and deactivation of the prefrontal cortex during noxious heat stimulation, likely reflective of a decoupling between sensory and appraisal systems. These findings suggest that mindfulness meditation after brief training engages brain mechanisms supporting unique reappraisal processes, while meditation-based analgesia after long-term training employ non-appraisal mechanisms. |
- Neuroscience2017, https://www.sfn.org/annual-meeting/neuroscience-2017
報告者氏名 |
中村清志郎 |
発表論文タイトル | 自動車運転時の脳活動と眼球運動の検討 |
発表論文英タイトル | Discussions of brain activity and eye movement during driving |
著者 | 中村清志郎,日和悟,廣安知之, |
主催 | Society for Neuroscience |
講演会名 | Neuroscience 2017 |
会場 | Walter E. Washington Convention Center (801 Mt Vernon Place NW, Washington, DC 20001) |
開催日程 | 2017/11/11–15 |
- 講演会の詳細
2017/11/11–15にWalter E. Washington Convention Center (801 Mt Vernon Place NW, Washington, DC 20001)にて開催されましたNeuroscience 2017(https://www.sfn.org/annual-meeting/neuroscience-2017)に参加いたしました.この学会は,脳と神経システムに関する世界最大規模の組織であるSociety for Neuroscienceによって主催されています.この組織は1969年に設立され,世界中に130の支部を擁しています.脳や神経系に関する研究全般を対象としており, 90以上の国から38000人ほどの科学者や医師が参加する規模の大きい学会です.
- 研究発表
- 発表概要
私は4日目の11/14 13:00~17:00のポスターセッション” Functional Mechanisms of Attention”に参加いたしました.発表の形式はポスター発表で,4時間の発表となっておりました.
[Background and Objective] 90% of traffic accidents are caused by human errors. Human errors are existed by errors in recognition, judgment, and operation in driving. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a driving support system that assists driver recognition, judgment, and operation. In the future driving support system, the quality of driving is improved by using the biological information of the driver. In recent research, acquisition of brain function information using fNIRS, EEG and the like has been carried out. In this study, brain activity and eye movements by fNIRS during driving are measured, and their correlation is examined. [Methods] In the experiment, driving movie was presented to four subjects. The state of driving by a third person was recorded with driver’s viewpoint, and the movie was presented to the examinees. During Rest, plus mark was presented for 30 seconds. During Task, a total of four types of moving images (turn left, two types of straight, turn right) were presented for 30 seconds. Brain activity was measured with the fNIRS device (LABNIRS).Measurement points are the forehead 22 ch and the back head 22 ch. Eye movements were measured with an eye tracker (Tobii X2 – 60).Also, to confirm the driving history, a questionnaire on the latest driving day, driving frequency, and licensing acquisition years questionnaire was conducted. The rest of the cerebral blood flow change model and the integrated value at the time of the task were obtained. Also, gaze point, gaze time and saccade time were calculated. [Results and Discussion] Subjects were divided into two groups in two-dimensional space of gaze time and saccade time. As a result, it was classified into a group with a lot of gazes and a group with many saccades. The gaze distribution during the left turn of a group with a lot of gazes was concentrated in one central point of the screen. Furthermore, there was a tendency that gaze was more frequent in groups with more gaze than groups with many saccades. It is said that gaze will gather on one point while driving idly. There is no significant difference from the brain function data, and future study is necessary. As a tendency, in the group in which attention was frequently observed, there were many channels with small integrated values at the time of left turn. Therefore, it is described that the subjects in the group with a high degree of gaze are in a state of seeing the front but in a state in which the brain is not active. In other words, it is conceivable that the subject can’t concentrate on the driving. [Conclusions] Subjects who had less Saccade while driving and focused on one point were observed. In that case, there is a possibility that the concentration status is lacking. |
- 質疑応答
質問者の氏名を控え損ねてしまいました.こちらの質問はFixationとSaccadeの閾値はどの程度なのかというものでした.この質問に対する回答ですが,Tobiiに用いられているI-VTフィルタを用いており,20 [ms]の窓で,30度/s以上で移動したときをSaccadeとしていると回答しました.Micro Saccadeに関しての研究もおこなわれているのでそれを参考にする必要もあると助言もいただきました.
- 感想
- 聴講
発表タイトル : Real-time neurofeedback of functional connectivity in large-scale brain networks that predict attention 著者 : M. D. ROSENBERG, D. SCHEINOST, W.-T. HSU, R. T. CONSTABLE , M. M. CHUN セッション名 : Nanosymposium Abstract : Recent work has demonstrated that real-time neurofeedback based on patterns of fMRI activity may be used to train attention (deBettencourt et al., 2015; Zilverstand et al., 2017). Given evidence that attention relies on coordinated activity across the brain, we explored the feasibility of using connectome-based feedback to train focus. Specifically, we used fMRI neurofeedback to modulate functional connectivity in two networks — a “high-attention” network with 757 connections and a “low-attention” network with 630 connections — that predict individuals’ attentional abilities across several independent datasets (Rosenberg et al., 2016a, 2016b). To this end, 10 participants performed the gradual-onset continuous performance task (Esterman et al., 2013) during 3 fMRI runs. Each run included four 3-min task blocks each followed by a 30-s block of feedback, visualized as a gas gauge. Participants were told that a “full” gauge indicated optimal attention whereas an “empty” gauge indicated suboptimal focus, and were instructed to keep the gauge as close to full as possible. For neurofeedback participants (n = 6), the position of the gauge reflected high-attention relative to low-attention network strength during the preceding task block. Stronger high-attention and weaker low-attention networks resulted in better feedback. Sham feedback participants (n = 4) saw a yoked participant’s feedback. During neurofeedback sessions, a 268-node brain atlas (Shen et al., 2013) was warped into subject space. Motion correction and nuisance variable regression were performed during data collection (Scheinost et al., 2013). After each task block, timecourses in each pair of nodes were correlated to generate a 268 × 268 connectivity matrix. High- and low- attention network strength values were calculated as the dot product of the connectivity matrix and the attention network masks defined previously. Demonstrating the feasibility of connectome-based feedback, network strength values calculated in real-time and after data collection using published methods were significantly correlated (mean within-subject r-value = .80; range = .58–.94; p < .05 in all participants). As expected, the relationship between feedback and network strength calculated off-line was lower in the sham feedback group (mean within-subject r-value = .44; p < .05 in one participant). Furthermore, mean feedback was more positively correlated with mean task performance (d’) in the neurofeedback than the sham feedback group (r = .48 vs. r = –.61). Thus, these results provide preliminary evidence that whole-brain connectivity-based neurofeedback is feasible and may be useful for attention training. |
この発表は注意状態と不注意状態の脳機能ネットワークを用いて,それをコントロールするためのフィードバックを行うという発表でした. ネットワークに関する説明がとても分かりやすく,自分が発表するうえで非常に参考になった発表であったと思います.
発表タイトル : Maintenance mechanisms of the content and the rule during visuomotor working memory 著者 : *R. QUENTIN, J. KING, E. SALLARD, N. FISHMAN, E. BUCH, R.THOMPSON, L. COHEN セッション名 : Nanosymposium Abstract : Working memory is our ability to temporarily hold information available for processing. It is required for learning, reasoning, updating information, and performing everyday visuomotor tasks. Intra-cortical recordings in nonhuman primates and functional MRI studies in humans demonstrated the involvement of an extended group of cortical and subcortical brain areas during working memory. However, the spatiotemporal neural mechanisms of memory content and recall rule maintenance are unknown. In this experiment, we used magneto-encephalography (MEG) recordings and novel machinelearning algorithms to determine the spatiotemporal neural dynamics of memory content and recall rule maintenance. Two visual stimuli with different line orientations and spatial frequencies were briefly presented to the participant. After a short delay, a post-cue instruction indicated which visual feature (spatial frequency or orientation) of which stimulus (left or right) the participant had to remember in order to perform a motor action. We applied machinelearning algorithms to the MEG brain signal to decode i) the visual features of the stimuli immediately after their presentation; ii) the specific visual content maintained in memory (cued item) and iii) the maintenance of the rule that specify which visual feature has to be remembered. At the group level, we were able to decode i) visual perceptual features embedded in early stages of processing, ii) the working memory content and, weakly, the un-cued item (distractor) and iii) the working memory rule during several seconds after its presentation with a strong generalization across time. We conclude that persistent and stable neural activity in a distributed brain network underlies working memory content and recall rule maintenance. Thus, our ability to act appropriately in our changing environment depends on the capacity of our neural networks to encode the task-relevant information via a persistent neural activity. |
この発表は,ワーキングメモリで記憶されている内容とその時の脳活動を判定するために機械学習を用いて探索するというものでした.Morlet Waveletが使われており,解析手法について今までよりも理解が深まったと思います.
発表タイトル : Neural correlates of an associative memory of elapsed time 著者 : V. G. VAN DE VEN, J. LIFANOV, O. IOSIF, S. KOCHS, F. SMULDERS, P. DE WEERD セッション名 : Nanosymposium Abstract : The extent to which time duration is represented in associate memory remains underinvestigated. We designed a time paired associate task (TPAT) in which participants implicitly learnt cue-time-target associations between cue-target pairs and specific cue-target intervals ranging from 500 to 2000 msec (van de Ven et al. 2017). Importantly, participants only judged whether a cue and probe item were part of the same pair, while making no explicit judgment about time. During learning, some cue-target pairs became associated to a short interval while others became associated to a long interval. During subsequent memory testing, cue-target pairs were shown with both the short and long intervals. Participants showed increased accuracy of identifying matching cue-target pairs if the time interval during testing matched the implicitly learnt interval. A control experiment showed that participants had no explicit knowledge about the time associations. In subsequent neuroimaging experiments we investigated the neural correlates of TPAT memory performance. Using ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging (UHF-MRI) study at 7 Tesla we found less hippocampal activity (in left Dentate Gyrus and CA1) when time intervals during test trials did not match the learnt interval, compared to when they did match. Further, in an electroencephalography (EEG) study we found decreased Theta oscillation power (centered at 6 Hz) at occipital/parietal scalp locations for the same comparison of trial types. These findings are in line with the role of hippocampus and Theta oscillations in associate memory (Buzsáki 2006) and suggest that the same mechanisms also play a role in representing time in memory (Ranganath and Hsieh 2016). Mismatch between presented and expected associate memory of time may change hippocampal activity and cortical Theta oscillations, possibly through a common neural source. We suggest that cue-dependent retrieval of time in associate memory could perhaps serve as a mechanism for prospective coding of expected visual spatiotemporal events.References: Buzsáki G. 2006. Rhythms of the brain. OUP; Ranganath C, Hsieh LT. 2016. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1369: 93-110; van de Ven V et al. 2017. Learn Mem 24: 158-162. |
この発表は,time paired associate taskでMRIとEEGを用いてtask時の記憶力に関係する相関のある脳部位を突き止めるというものでした.MRIとEEGを用いている実験に関する発表を聞くのは初めてでしたのでとても興味がわきました.
発表タイトル : Cooperation and trust between identity groups: An fMRI study 著者 : *S. HONG, A. MOORE, N. ROBERTS, K. NICOL, L. CRAM セッション名 : Nanosymposium Abstract : Perceived trustworthiness of other race groups has been found to influence social decisions (Stanley et al 2012), but there are no equivalent studies that investigate trust decisionmaking with regard to national bias. We investigate the neural correlates of cooperation and defection when participants engage in a cooperative game with opponents of different perceived nationalities using a Stag Hunt (SH) task. We predicted that cooperation with opponents of different perceived nationalities would modulate brain regions involved in Theory of Mind and reward processing: medial prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex and ventral striatum. We also predicted that emotional brain regions would be modulated depending on perceived opponent nationality in the task. Right-handed, healthy Scottish participants underwent blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) contrast fMRI scanning (N28, mean age 27.81, fifteen females). We modified the stimuli of SH task (Yoshida et al, 2010) by adding different identity groups as opponents using UK and EU national flags (the Saltire, St George’s Cross, Union Jack, or EU). Participants could choose whether to cooperate with opponents for greater mutual reward (20 points) or to defect and gain a lower reward individually (10 points). fMRI results showed activation in superior occipital lobe, calcarine, and cuneus to be significantly greater when participants cooperated with English and EU opponents(out-groups) compared to when they cooperated with Scottish opponents(in-group). Defecting on Scottish opponents compared to defecting on English opponents significantly activated putamen, caudate, insula, orbital superior frontal cortex, superior temporal pole, inferior orbital frontal cortex, and pallidum. The results suggest that cooperation with different identity groups may increase visual attention and can be related to reward expectation (Thomas et al, 2013). Ventral striatum and anterior insula involvement in defection suggests that defecting on the in-group rather than the out-group may require increased emotional processing |
発表タイトル : The neurobiological mechanisms supporting mindfulness-based analgesia: A longitudinal perspective 著者 : F. ZEIDAN, R. C. COGHILL, Y. JUNG, A. ADLER-NEAL, S. FARRIS セッション名 : Nanosymposium Abstract : The experience of pain is mediated by sensory, cognitive, and affective factors, rendering the treatment of chronic pain difficult and often a financial burden. New far-reaching policy guidelines by the Centers for Disease Control have advocated for the utilization of nonpharmacological pain therapies. To this extent, mindfulness meditation, a cognitive practice premised on sustaining non-judgmental awareness of arising sensory events, significantly attenuates experimental and clinical pain. Yet, the neural mechanisms supporting mindfulnessbased analgesia remain poorly characterized. This presentation will provide a comprehensive understanding of the brain processes supporting the modulation of pain by mindfulness meditation from a longitudinal perspective. Novel findings, from our laboratory, reveal that healthy individuals (with no prior meditation experience) exhibiting higher levels of dispositional mindfulness report significantly lower pain ratings in response to noxious heat stimulation (49°C). Employing arterial spin labeling functional magnetic resonance imaging (ASL fMRI), we found that greater trait mindfulness was also associated with greater deactivation of the precuneus/ posterior cingulate cortex during noxious stimulation, brain regions critically involved in facilitating self-referential processes. In two ASL fMRI studies, mindfulness meditation, after a brief, four-session (20min/session) meditation-training regimen, significantly reduced pain through greater activation of the orbitofrontal cortex, subgenual anterior cingulate cortex, right anterior insula and deactivation of the thalamus. These findings demonstrate that mindfulness meditation reduces pain through unique cortico-thalamo-cortical interactions. We will also discuss findings showing that mindfulness meditation, after brief mental training, does not engage endogenous opioids to attenuate pain, an important consideration for the millions of pain patients seeking a fast-acting, non-opioid pain therapy. Finally, we will present findings demonstrating that meditation-induced analgesia, after extensive meditation training (> 1000 hours), is associated with greater activation in somatosensory cortices and deactivation of the prefrontal cortex during noxious heat stimulation, likely reflective of a decoupling between sensory and appraisal systems. These findings suggest that mindfulness meditation after brief training engages brain mechanisms supporting unique reappraisal processes, while meditation-based analgesia after long-term training employ nonappraisal mechanisms. |
Neuroscience 2017