AROB 23rd 2018

2018年1月18日から20日にかけて大分県別府市のB-Con PLAZAにて開催されました23rd International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics(AROB 23rd 2018)に参加いたしました.本研究室からは廣安先生と石原(M2),横山(M2),小林(M1),齋藤(B4)の5名が参加しました.発表形式は口頭発表でした.発表題目は以下の通りです.

    • “Optimization of electrode placement and frequency band selection using a genetic algorithm during EEG-based motor imagery brain computer interfaces”


    • “Phantom development for examining dynamic influence between fNIRS channels”


    • “Cell quality evaluation by flattening of cultivated human corneal endothelial cells”


  • “Investigation of detection method of fibroblast-like cells in cultured corneal endotherial cell image ~Study of reliability and validity of flattening and area~”

AROB 23nd 2018はISAROBが主催する国内で行われる国際学会で,セッションが多くあり,多岐にわたる分野の講演を聞くことができました.私にとって初めての学会で,英語での口頭発表ということもあり,始まる直前まで不安でした.しかし,先輩方とリハーサルをしたり,先生からも声をかけて頂いたおかげで緊張していましたが,なんとか発表することができました.質疑応答は,海外の方からの英語で聞き取れず,先生に代わりに答えていただくことになってしまったので,英語を勉強する必要性を感じました.また,研究室内だけだと自分の研究がどのくらい注目されているのかわかりませんでしたが,学会で発表することで予想以上に興味を持って頂き,とても貴重な経験となりました.

【文責:B4 齋藤】


報告者氏名 石原知憲
発表論文タイトル Optimization of electrode placement and frequency band selection using a genetic algorithm during EEG-based motor imagery brain computer interfaces
発表論文英タイトル 同上
著者 日和悟,  石原知憲,古谷博史,廣安知之
主催 Science and International Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japanese Government
講演会名 AROB 23rd 2018
会場 B-Con PLAZA
開催日程 2018/01/18~20


  1. 講演会の詳細

The objective of this symposium is to develop new technologies for artificial life and robotics and their applications in various fields listed. Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original research and to discuss development of new technologies concerning artificial life and robotics based on computer simulations and hardware designs of state-of-the-art technologies.

  1. 研究発表
    • 発表概要


EEG-based BCI is a technology to control the external device by brain activity without any physical behavior. However, in using the motor imagery BCI, it is necessary to arrange a large number of EEG signal measurement CHs. Also, the optimum bandwidth of the bandpass filter used for preprocessing has a great influence on the classification accuracy. In the present study, we try to reduce this burden by optimizing it that the channels to acquire EEG signals and the bandpass filter used in processing. In the proposed method, EEG measurement channel selection and the selection of the bandwidth of the filter used in the preprocessing are solved by NSGA-II. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, the experiment was conducted. The result shows that the motor imagery classification accuracy could be improved and chose CH positions and frequency bands strongly related to the task.


  • 質疑応答

 あなたの研究の医療的な応用はどうお考えですか? 実際に人に適応していますか? 

  • 感想

今回の学会は私にとって3回目の国際学会への参加でした.Computational methods for Human Biological informationセッションで10分間の口頭発表を行いました.当日の発表では様々な国籍の方に発表を聞きに来ていただき,研究についてご指導をいただきました.2度目の国際学会での口頭発表ということもあり,昨年よりも緊張することなく発表することができました.本学会では質疑応答の時間が5分と短かったのですが,3件の質問を頂くことができました.限られた時間内で自分の発表をある程度,理解してもらえたように感じました.発表の中で,海外からお越しの先生に質問をいただきましたが,質問内容について理解はできているものの,伝えたいことを英語でお伝えすることができませんでした.最後の学会発表ということもあり,正しく答えることができず悔しかったです.この学会では研究の内容についての発見よりも,発表の仕方や,英語の学習について学ぶことがたくさんありました.卒業間際に国際学会に参加することができ,今回もたくさんの発見があり,毎日が大変有意義な時間でした.卒業まで時間は残りわずかですが,学会で学んだことを研究室に還元していきたいです.

  1. 聴講


発表タイトル          : Engine-verseology: a new mathematical physics solving 100-year-old mysteries of subatomic, biological, cerebral, cosmic, and mechanical
engines in the universe and engendering versatile technologies on medicine,
information, energy, and mobility
著者                  : Ken Naitoh
セッション名       : Plenary speech
Abstruct :Phenomena in the universe are mathematically and physically similar to those in a small mechanical engine : expansion flow during engine combustion and the Big Bang and breakup of flexible particles such as fossil fuel droplets, biological cells, biological molecules, stars, and subatomic ones. This eye-opening idea of similarity and two mathematical principles on indeterminacy and stability posit new stochastic differential equation systems lying between the Boltzmann, Langevin, and Schroedinger ones for explaining the mysteries of subatomic, biological, mechanical, and cosmic engines and also bringing their solutions. This approach leads to seven interdisciplinary sciences: (A) Quantum fluid mechanics, (B) Computational statistical fluid mechanics for solving transition phenomena, (C) Cyto-fluid dynamics that can explain the proliferation, differentiation and replication of biomolecules, (D) Onto-biology that clarifies the relationship between information, structure, and function, (E) Hyper-gourd theory that clarifies masses of particles such as quarks and leptons related to the super-magic numbers, including the asymmetric silver ratio and symmetric yamato ratio (aqua ratios), and also reveals further mechanisms underlying symmetry breaking, (F) Bio-standard network theory describing the standard network pattern of somatic and neural cells and biological molecules, and (G) Morpho-psychological economics for dodging catastrophes. Thought and computer experiments based on the seven sciences and actual experiments also show possibilities for engendering three technologies of a Big Bang-like engine (Fugine & Fusine) with very high thermal efficiencies due to
nearly complete air-insulation and nuclear condensed matter for versatile usages on the ground and in aerospace, universal medicine against aging (Prognostic medicine), and an artificial ageless genius for creating soothing music and verse (Agenius). Thus, “Engine-verse-ology” is a new hyper-interdisciplinary physics that explains a very wide range of scales and also provides driving force for evolving the universe, which leads to two quantum leaps from complexity research in a labyrinth to ultimacy exploration in paradise and also from innovation to invention.


発表タイトル       : Development of Prediction Model for the Degree of Needed Support with UPI
著者                  : Chikako Miyamoto, Nahoko Furukawa1, and Tatsushi Tokuyasu
セッション名       : Data mining
Abstruct : This paper proposes a prediction model to estimate the possibility of that college students will have a trouble which needs a certain support based on the questionnaires for the assessment of mental health degree. This study focused on the
University Personality Inventory student mental health investigation (UPI). From the UPI data of 809 students we have prepared for the basic research of this study, 22 students who used the counseling. This study applies our UPI data to the logistic regression analysis in order to a prediction model. Since The AUC of 76.4% is not enough as the screening system, we discuss the strategy to improve the accuracy of logistic regression model.


発表タイトル   : An impact-echo testing method using self-organizing map-
著者                  : Takumu Shimada, Hiroto Komatsu, Yuuki Kawahara
セッション名       : Bio-inspired theory and application(2)
Abstruct            :The purpose of this research is to increase accuracy of the impact-echo method for concrete defect-detection by applying SOM (Self-Organizing Map) to the method. SOM has been applied to the impact-echo method for similarity visualization of defects in some actual concrete structures, but not to the defect-detection yet. In the SOM learning, we used a learning data set that were taken from a standard concrete specimen, in which artificial defects were embedded. And the detection accuracy was measured using test data sets that were taken from three regions in an actual concrete bridge, which were judged as all normal, or no-defect by a skilled human-examiner. In the two regions, we obtained high detection, or judgement accuracies of 92% and 80 % using the SOM. In contrast, however, rather low accuracy of 55% was also measured in one of the three regions.


  • AROB2018 プログラム
  • AROB2018


報告者氏名 小林渓太郎
発表論文タイトル 培養角膜内皮細胞の扁平率による細胞品質評価
発表論文英タイトル Cell quality evaluation by flattening of cultivated human corneal endothelial cells
著者 日和悟, 小林渓太郎, 奥村直毅, 小泉範子, 古谷博史, 廣安知之
講演会名 AROB 23rd 2018
会場 別府国際コンベンションセンター B-CON PLAZA
開催日程 2018/01/18-2018/01/20


  1. 講演会の詳細

2018年1月18日から20日かけて大分県別府市のB-Con PLAZAにて開催されました,23rd International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 23rd 2018)に参加いたしました.この学会は,International Society of Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB)によって主催され,様々なフィールドでの人工生命とロボット工学とそれらのアプリケーションのための新技術の開発を目的として開催されています.

  1. 研究発表
    • 発表概要

私は18日の午前のセッション「Computational methods for Human Biological information」で口頭発表いたしました.発表の形式は10分の講演時間と5分の質疑応答時間でした.
今回の発表は,Cell quality evaluation by flattening of cultivated human corneal endothelial cellsで,以下に抄録を記載致します.

One method of corneal regenerative medicine is culturing corneal endothelial cells (CEC) and transplanting them to a patient. At present, experts evaluate the quality of cultured human corneal endothelial cells (HCEC) visually by culture indicators such as shape, density, and area variation, however, this visual inspection is difficult and time consuming. For that purpose, we present a system that automatically quantifies the culture quality indicators from cultured HCEC images. It is assumed that only cultured HCEC images are used. In the culturing of CECs, HCECs termed fibroblast-like cells (FLC) are transformed, and it is difficult to detect the cells in which the function of CEC is lost. In this work, flattening was proposed as a culture index showing the difference in shape between cultured HCEC and FLC, and the reliability of this index was investigated. The flattening index is shown to determine statistically significant differences between HCEC and FLC.


  • 質疑応答


  • 感想


  1. 聴講


発表タイトル       : Development of Prediction Model for the Degree of Needed Support with UPI
著者                  : Chikako Miyamoto, Nahoko Furukawa and Tatsushi Tokuyasu
セッション名       : Data mining 1
Abstruct            : This paper proposes a prediction model to estimate the possibility of that college students will have a trouble which needs a certain support based on the questionnaires for the assessment of mental heath degree. This study focused on the University Personality Inventory student mental health investigation (UPI). From the UPI data of 809 students we have prepared for the basic research of this study, 22 students who used the counseling. This study applies our UPI data to the logistic regression analysis in order to a prediction model. Since The AUC of 76.4% is not enough as the screening system, we discuss the strategy to improve the accuracy of logistic regression model.


発表タイトル       : An impact-echo testing method using self-organizing map
著者                  : Takumu Shimada, Hiroto Komatsu, Yuuki Kawahara, Noriyuki Utagawa, Chitose Kuroda, Ikuo Yoshihara and Moritoshi Yasunaga
セッション名       : Bio-inspired theory and applications (2)
Abstruct            : The purpose of this research is to increase accuracy of the impact-echo method for concrete defect-detection by applying SOM (Self-Organizing Map) to the method. SOM has been applied to the impact-echo method for similarity-visualization of defects in some actual concrete structures, but not to the defect-detection yet. In the SOM learning, we used a learning data set that were taken from a standard concrete specimen, in which artificial defects were embedded. And the detection accuracy was measured using test data sets that were taken from three regions in an actual concrete bridge, which were judged as all normal, or no-defect by a skilled human-examiner. In the two regions, we obtained high detection, or judgement accuracies of 92% and 80 % using the SOM. In contrast, however, rather low accuracy of 55% was also measured in one of the three regions.

この発表は,Self-Organizing Map(SOM)を手法とした,コンクリートの欠陥検出のためのインパクトエコー法の精度向上についてでした.この研究では,欠陥の直径や深さが違う,8つのデータセットを用いて評価を行いました.発表では,何故その8つが組合せとして選ばれたのか言及されていなかったため,このことに疑問を持ちましたが,質疑応答の時間が短く,質問することが出来ず残念でした.この発表で,SOMという手法を知り,私の研究に応用できるか検討したいと感じられました.

発表タイトル       :Engine-verseology: a new mathematical physics solving 100-year-old mysteries of subatomic, biological, cerebral, cosmic, and mechanical engines in the universe and engendering versatile technologies on medicine, information, energy, and mobility
著者                  : Ken Naitoh
セッション名       : Plenary Speech
Abstruct            : Phenomena in the universe are mathematically and physically similar to those in a small mechanical engine: expansion flow during engine combustion and the Big Bang and breakup of flexible particles such as fossil fuel droplets, biological cells, biological molecules, stars, and subatomic ones.
This eye-opening idea of similarity and two mathematical principles on indeterminacy and stability posit new stochastic differential equation systems lying between the Boltzmann, Langevin, and Schroedinger ones for explaining the mysteries of subatomic, biological, mechanical, and cosmic engines and also bringing their solutions. This approach leads to seven interdisciplinary sciences: (1) Quantum fluid mechanics, (2) Computational statistical fluid mechanics for solving transition phenomena, (3) Cyto-fluid dynamics that can explain the proliferation, differentiation and replication of biomolecules, (4) Onto-biology that clarifies the relationship between information, structure, and function, (5) Hyper-gourd theory that clarifies masses of particles such as quarks and leptons related to the super-magic numbers, including the asymmetric silver ratio and symmetric yamato ratio (aqua ratios), and also reveals further mechanisms underlying symmetry breaking, (6) Bio-standard network theory describing the standard network pattern of somatic and neural cells and biological molecules, and (7) Morpho-psychological economics for dodging catastrophes. Thought and computer experiments based on the seven sciences and actual experiments also show possibilities for engendering three technologies of a Big Bang-like engine (Fugine & Fusine) with very high thermal efficiencies due to nearly complete air-insulation and nuclear condensed matter for versatile usages on the ground and in aerospace, universal medicine against aging (Prognostic medicine), and an artificial ageless genius for creating soothing music and verse (Agenius).
Thus, “Engine-verse-ology” is a new hyper-interdisciplinary physics that explains a very wide range of scales and also provides driving force for evolving the universe, which leads to two quantum leaps from complexity research in a labyrinth to ultimacy exploration in paradise and also from innovation to invention.
