2018年8月31日~9月1日にかけて中国深セン南方科技大学にて開催されました2018JPNSEC International Workshop on Evolutionary Computationに参加いたしました.本研究室からはM1藤井が発表を行いました.このワークショップにて私はフラッシュトーク及びポスターによる研究発表を行いました.発表題目は以下の通りです.
- “Data-driven approach for functional brain image analysis
-Solution exploration of important functional connectivity using the Pareto solution set-”
このワークショップは、進化計算学会によって主催された国際学会で、進化計算学会研究会としては14回目で初の海外開催となりました.また基調講演では,香港城市大学のQingfu Zhang氏をはじめ計算科学の分野をリードする先生方による講演が行われました.講演にて進化計算や深層学習の基本的な知識から最先端の研究まで聞くことができ,非常に有意義な時間を過ごすことができました.
【文責:M1 藤井】
報告者氏名 | 藤井 光央 |
発表論文タイトル | Data-driven approach for functional brain image analysis |
著者 | 藤井光央, 日和悟, 廣安知之 |
主催 | 進化計算学会 |
学会名 | 2018 JPNSEC International Workshop on Evolutionary Computation |
会場 | Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China |
開催日程 | 2018/08/31-2018/9/1 |
- 講演会の詳細
2018/08/31から2018/09/1にかけて、中国深センにて開催されました2018JPNSEC International Workshop on Evolutionary Computationに参加いたしました。今回のワークショップは、進化計算学会によって主催された国際学会で、進化計算学会研究会としては14回目で初の海外での開催となりました。今回は、29件のポスター発表があり、M1藤井が発表しました。私は1日の15:20~17:20で2分間のフラッシュトーク及びポスターによる研究発表を行いました.脳機能を進化計算で解明する我々の研究発表には、多くの方に足を運んで頂き、様々な議論を交わすことができました。
進化計算学会ホームページ: http://www.jpnsec.org/symposium201802.html
- 研究発表
- 発表概要
Our group conducted a research related to computational intelligence vigorously for a better understanding of brain functions. In the human brain, several brain regions are similarly activated and, accordingly, the task-process is executed. By using functional brain imaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI), the activation of brain regions is measured, the degree of similarity of the obtained time series data is calculated, and brain regions that show similar activations are identified. Subsequently, the obtained information is represented by networks consisting of nodes, that show a similar activation and edges whose weights increased when the degree of similarity was is high. This network is called the functional brain network. The network representing brain states differ depending on the stimulus of each task and the network representation describes the corresponding brain states. In the conventional approaches for the finding of this kind of network, first, the region of interest (ROI) is set up as hypothesis and then the hypothesis is verified. Therefore, sufficient knowledge and experience are necessary for setting hypotheses. In our group, on the other hand, the network that can be one of the ROIs is extracted from the candidate network combination by using a data-driven approach. This extracted network is specially called an important functional brain network. In our data-driven approach, the functional brain imaging data of two states are prepared, and the important network that classify these two states with the highest accuracy is determined by numerical calculation. Thus, even if knowledge and experience are not sufficient, ROIs and hypotheses are set. However, in experiments for obtaining functional imaging data, in most cases, the number of obtained samples is smaller than the number of brain regions in the candidate network. In such cases, for the problem of classifying two states, there is a possibility that the network composed of a large number of brain regions is a network leading to oversampling. On the other hand, the accuracy of two states by classifying a network composed of a few brain regions is low. To solve this problem, the problem is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem, whereby both the classification error and the number of brain regions are to be minimized, and the Pareto solution set is obtained by using an evolutionary computation method. The obtained Pareto solution set is composed of multiple networks. Sub-networks are explored, and a network composed of an appropriate number of brain regions is determined. By using this procedure, an important functional brain network for classifying two states is obtained. In this presentation, the outline of the problem, how the Pareto solution set is obtained, and how to decide the important functional brain network are explained for the resting- and meditative-state fMRI data. Furthermore, an initial analysis of the obtained functional brain network is performed. |
- 質疑応答
- 感想
初めての海外での発表で、二分間のフラッシュトークは英語で発表を行いました。日本語で発表する予定で準備していたため、急遽英語の原稿を準備することになりましたが、なんとか詰まらず発表を終えることが出来ました。普段からGL班MTGの準備を英語で行っていたのが助けになったのだと思います。他の発表者のポスター発表を聴講する中で、自分には不足している知識が多いことを再確認することが出来ました。よく耳にしたのはやはりDeep Learningで、近年の計算科学においてホットなこの分野の知識は欠かせないなと感じました。また、最適化の各手法の基本的な知識は身に着けておこうと思いました。自分がこれから学ぶべきことが分かったのは、自分にとってとても大きな成長だと思います。そして学会中に他の大学の学生とも親しくなることができました。次回以降の学会では成長した姿で先生方や学生たちと会えるよう努力していきたいと思います。
- 聴講
発表タイトル:Vegetation Evolution for Numerical Optimization 著者: Jun Yu and Hideyuki Takagi セッション名: Poster Presentations 2 The main objective of this paper is to summarize a general mechanism from vegetation growth and reproduction, then develop a new population-based evolutionary algorithm by simulating two different periods of vegetation, i.e. growth period and maturity period, to emphasize different optimization capabilities. The secondary one is to analyze the performance of the proposed algorithm as well as its applicability. Finally, we introduce some topics for open discussions. |
発表タイトル:Preliminary Study of Multi-Objective Air Traffic Optimization by using Step Back Cellular Automaton 著者: Katsuhiro Sekine,Tomoaki Tatsukawa,Shinsuke Nagaoka、Kozo Fujii セッション名:Poster Presentations 2 概要: The air traffic demand is rapidly growing in re-cent years on the background of economic growth of Asia-Pacific area and popularization of Low- Cost Carriers. Every aircraft is planned to y along the flight plan. However, most of all aircrafts are not able to follow the scheduled plans due to various factors. One of the severe factors is the over-capacity of the arrival airport. When the number of aircraft exceeds the capacity of the airport, the air traffic controller does not allow air-planes to land. In this case, aircrafts have to take a detour, so-called “vectoring”, or keep making circles on the particular points, so-called “holding” to adjust the arrival time. The time adjustment such as vectoring and holding affects not only the delay of arrival time but also an increase in fuel consumption. If there is a efficient way to prepare a schedule with less time adjustment beforehand, it will be useful for future air traffic control. The objective in this study is to make efficient flight schedules with less congestion and enough resilience against traffic problems. In this study, we conduct a preliminary multi-objective optimization for air traffic ow by using NSGA-II. The number of objectives is three, and the number of design variables is 579. For simulating air traffic ow, we adopt cellular-automaton-based model because air traffic ow not only consists of many complicated rules, but also strongly affected by installed equipment and weather. |