【速報】AROB 25th 2020

AROB 25th 2020が別府 B-Con plazaで開催されました。
Computational intelligence and cognitive science for human biosignals and human well-being
OS5-1 Runtime analysis of linear functions using Markov chain method
Satoshi Ikeda, Yu-an Zhang, Hiroshi Furutani, Satoru Hiwa, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu
OS5-2 Mindful driving: The relationship between mindful driving and mind-wandering based upon biological information
Koma Yoshioka, Yuta Kawaratani, Hiroshi Furutani, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu, Satoru Hiwa
OS5-3 Brain functional response to different categories of image stimulation using fNIRS
Ryosuke Shimizu, Hiroshi Furutani, Satoru Hiwa, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu
OS5-4 Effect of two-dimensional crossover on search performance of genetic algorithm
Akihiro Fujii, Hiroshi Furutani, Satoru Hiwa, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu
OS5-5 Molecular graph discovery using machine learning approach
Yutaka Tsujimoto, Yohei Oe, Hiroshi Furutani, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu, Satoru Hiwa


報告者氏名 吉岡昂馬
発表論文タイトル マインドフルドライビング: 生体情報に基づくマインドフルドライビングとマインドワンダリングの関係
発表論文英タイトル Mindful driving: The relationship between mindful driving and mind-wandering based upon biological information
著者 吉岡昂馬,瓦谷優太,古谷博史,廣安知之, 日和悟
講演会名 AROB202020
会場 別府国際イノベーションセンター B-CON PLAZA
開催日程 2020/01/22-2020/01/24


  1. 講演会の詳細

2020/01/23から2020/01/24にかけて,別府国際イノベーションセンター B-CON PLAZAにて開催されましたAROB2020に参加いたしました.このAROB2019は,AROBによって主催された人工生命とロボットに関する国際会議で,コンピュータシミュレーション,ハードウェア設計,および研究者への最先端技術のネットワーク化に関連した人工生命,およびロボット工学,ネットワーキング,複雑さおよび人工生命技術における進歩がいかにして学際的なアプローチに関連するかに関する知見を共有することを目的に開催されています.私は23日と24日の二日間参加いたしました.本研究室からは他に廣安先生,M2の清水君,藤井君,M1の辻本君が参加しました.

  1. 研究発表
    • 発表概要

私は24日の午前のセッション「OS5 Computational intelligence and cognitive science for human biosignals and human well-being」に参加いたしました.発表の形式は口頭発表で,10分の講演時間と5分の質疑応答時間となっておりました.
今回の発表は,「Mindful driving: The relationship between mindful driving and mind-wandering based upon biological information」というタイトルで発表いたしました.以下にアブストラクトを記載致します.

Distracted driving is a major cause of traffic accidents and injuries. We aim to construct a mindful driving system that detects driver’s mind wandering (MW) and promotes a focused attention to driving. In this study, heart rate variability (HRV) analysis based on electrocardiography was used to gauge the driver’s attentional state. Using the driving simulator, the heart rate was measured during the driving task where the driver was required to maintain the appropriate headway distance from the preceding vehicle. The brake reaction time (BRT) in case of sudden deceleration of the preceding vehicle was also measured as a behavioral metric. A probe tone was also used to signal the driver to report their MW state. The HRV metrics between mindful and MW conditions, determined by BRT and self-reports, were also compared. The results suggested that BRT and self-report MW were correlated and LF/HF could be useful in differentiating between MW and mindful conditions.


  • 質疑応答


  • 感想


  1. 聴講


発表タイトル       : New approach to describing Collaborative robot behavior based on process building block
著者                  : Jay Cheong
セッション名       : Plenary Speech 2
Abstract            : Collaborative robots, that work together with the human, are becoming more and more popular in the industrial world. And you know that, the human and the robot complement each other. In this session, introducing process building blocks for designing collaborative robot interaction work systems and calculating accurate cycle times. We must accurately understand the structure and requirements of the upcoming Smart Factory and transform it into a robot of the desired shape in the industrial field. Because of this, recently developed collaborative robots have many sensors that can move with people. In the future, factories will change significantly as consumer patterns change. At the heart of that change is a smart factory. It should be easy to separate and assemble and convenient at the same time. The most important factor is to be with people.
In the coming future, collaborative robots will be exposed to public places as well as industrial sites and work with people. The smart factory strategy is different for each country or factory, but I want to talk about the components that a collaborative robot must have. One of its components is to present an approach to describing robot behavior based on process building blocks. The new collaborative architecture can be combined with existing process building block systems to reflect human-robot interaction and extract accurate cycle times. This method will present a new approach to describing robot behavior based on process building blocks.


発表タイトル       : Exploring Parameters for Generating Semi-Realistic Traffic Flow with Data Assimilation Approach
著者                  : Taro NISHIURA, Hiromitsu HATTORI
セッション名       : OS13 Social simulation and supercomputers
Abstract            : Multi-Agent Social Simulation (MAAS) can model complex systems and compute social phenomena within the system, and traffic is one of the most popular subjects. When we conduct multiagent-based traffic simulations, it is typical to be required to achieve the reproduction of real-life traffic flow in MAAS. Since large-scale traffic phenomena are consisting of individuals, each of which has his/her preferences on its behaviors, it is still difficult to successfully reproduce the realistic traffic flows. One simple approach is to conduct a simulation using precise behavioral models constructed personal data on the movement of the entity though, obtaining personal data on the daily move is difficult even in the current big data-era. Thus, authors have tried to develop a method to generate semi-realistic traffic flow based on data assimilation perspective. In the proposed method, we first carry out a simulation with arbitrary simulation parameters, and then compare the simulation results with the actual data on the cross-section traffic volume at several intersections to assess the difference. After that, the approximation to the actual data is tried by repeating the change of the parameters, execution of the simulation, and comparison of the cross-section traffic volume. In this paper, we realize traffic flow in the parts of Kusatsu City in Shiga Prefecture using multi-agent traffic simulator on GAMA and show quality evaluation of generated traffic flow based on the proposed method.


  • AROB 25th 2020, https://isarob.org/symposium/


報告者氏名 藤井 光央
発表論文タイトル 遺伝的アルゴリズムにおける二次元交叉が探索性能に与える影響
発表論文英タイトル Effect of two-dimensional crossover on search performance of genetic algorithm
著者 Akihiro Fujii, Hiroshi Furutani, Satoru Hiwa, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu
学会名 AROB 25th 2020
会場 別府国際コンベンションセンター B-CON PLAZA
開催日程 2020/01/22-2020/01/24


  1. 講演会の詳細

2020/01/23から2020/01/24にかけてThe International Society of Artificial Life and Robotics(AROB2020)に参加しました.このシンポジウムは,人工生命やロボティクスに対する新たな技術の発展と,それらの幅広いトピックへの応用を目指して開催されています.
今回のシンポジウムは第25回目で,例年同様,大分県別府市国際コンベンションセンター B-CON PLAZAで開催されました.私たちの研究室からはM2の藤井,清水,吉岡とM1の辻本が参加し,英語での口頭発表を行いました.
ISAROBホームページ https://isarob.org/symposium/

  1. 研究発表
    • 発表概要

私は24日の10:45~12:00にかけてのorganized session: Computational intelligence and cognitive science for human biosignals and human well-beingに参加致しました.
発表は10分間の口頭発表と,5分間の質疑応答形となっておりました.今回はEffect of two-dimensional crossover on search performance of genetic algorithm というタイトルで発表しました.以下に抄録を記載致します.

In the Genetic Algorithm (GA), the role of crossover in search performance is significant. Generally, if distance and geographic information suitable for the problem are used at the time of the crossover, then the crossover will be enhanced. In this research, we approached the improvement of the search performance using a GA was approached by expressing a genotype in two dimensions rather than in one dimension, as is typically performed in a conventional GA. In this study, we investigated the effects of two-dimensional genes and two-dimensional crossover on solution search performance was investigated. As a numerical experiment, two types of benchmark problems were proposed in which geographic information and variable dependencies were assigned to genes arranged in a two-dimensional matrix. In addition, a performance comparison between two-dimensional crossover and general crossover operators was performed. As a result of numerical experiments, GA using block crossover, one of the two-dimensional crossover methods, showed the best performance in the proposed benchmark problem.


  • 質疑応答


  • 感想


  1. 聴講


発表タイトル:Exploring Parameters for Generation Semi-Realistic Traffic Flow with Data Assimilation Approach

著者:Taro Nishiura, Hiromitsu Hattori

セッション名: Social simulation and supercomputers
Abstruct: Mul-Agent Social Simulation (MASS) can model complex systems and compute social phenomena within the system, and traffic is one of the most popular subjects. When we conduct multiagent-based traffic simulations, it is typical to be required to achieve the reproduction of real-life traffic flow in MASS. Since large-scale traffic phenomena are consisting of individuals, each of which has his/her performances on its behavior, it is still difficult to successfully reproduce the realistic traffic flows. One simple approach is to conduct a simulation using precise behavioral models constructed personal data on the movement of the entity though, obtaining personal data on the daily move is difficult even in the current big data-era. Thus, authors have tried to develop a method to generate semi-realistic traffic flow based on data assimilation perspective. In the proposed method, we first carry out a simulation with arbitrary simulation parameters, and then compare the simulation results with the actual data on the cross-section traffic volume at several intersections to assess the differences. After that, the approximation to the actual data is tried by repeating the change of the parameters, execution of the simulation, and comparison of the cross-section traffic volume. In this paper, we realize traffic flow in the parts of Kusatsu City in Shiga Prefecture using multi-agent traffic simulator on GAMA and show quality evaluation of generated traffic flow based on the proposed method.

立命館大学の学生による発表で,滋賀県草津市の一部の交通量をmulti-agent traffic simulationによってシミュレーションするという研究でした.道路状況の正確なシミュレーションには,ドライバー個々人の好み(どの道路を通るのか)など,膨大なデータを集める必要があり非常に困難であることが言及されていました.シミュレーションモデルの道路状況のパラメータを変えながら,実際の交通状況データを考慮して,近づけていくという作業(data assimilation)とパラメータ調整の苦労を知り,シミュレーションモデルを作る苦労がわかるような発表でした.

発表論文タイトル fNIRSを用いたさまざまなカテゴリの画像刺激に対する脳の機能的応答
発表論文英タイトル Brain functional response to different categories of image stimulation using fNIRS
著者 清水亮佑,廣安知之,古谷博史,日和悟
講演会名 AROB2020
会場 別府国際コンベンションセンター B-CON PLAZA
開催日程 2020/01/22-2020/01/24


  1. 講演会の詳細

2020/01/22-24に別府国際コンベンションセンター B-CON PLAZA にて開催されたThe International Society of Artificial Life and Robotics(AROB2020)に参加しました.この学会は最先端の技術のコンピューターシミュレーションとハードウェア設計に基づいて、人工生命とロボット工学に関する新しい技術の開発について議論し、人工生命とロボット工学の技術の進歩に関する知見を共有することを目的に開催されています.
本研究室からは,廣安先生,M2 吉岡,清水,藤井,M1辻本,が参加し,発表を行いました.

  1. 研究発表
    • 発表概要

私は24日の午前のセッション「OS5 Computational intelligence and cognitive science for
human biosignals and human well-being」に参加いたしました.発表の形式は口頭発表で,10分の公演時間と5分の質疑応答時間となっておりました.
今回は,Brain functional response to different categories of image stimulation using fNIRSというタイトルで発表しました.以下にアブストラクトを記載いたします.

Emotion is the movement of the mind in response to external stimuli. It is accompanied by physical expressions such as changes in the heartbeat and in the facial expressions. To elucidate emotional function, it is important to use more appropriate emotion-inducing stimulation. However, the mechanism of emotion is not yet clear. In emotion-related research, the method of selecting each image that induces positive, neutral, and negative emotions in a dataset is such that the variance of the valence value, which is the emotion dimension, is equal to the variance of the arousal value. In most cases, the effect of the content of visual emotion stimulus on emotion is not considered. In this study, it was confirmed that the brain function status differed according to the category of the presented stimulus image. It is suggested that the region that controls emotion may differ depending on the category of the image presented.


  • 質疑応答

この質問に対して私は,object positiveタスクでは、視覚野のIOGと社会的感情の小脳で相関が見つかり,faceタスクでは、社会的感情に関する小脳で相関がみられた.と回答しました.

  • 感想


  1. 聴講


発表タイトル          : New approach to describing Collaborative robot behavior based on process building block

著者                  : Jay Cheong
セッション名       : Plenary Speech 2
Abstruct : Collaborative robots, that work together with the human, are becoming more and more popular in the industrial world. And you know that, the human and the robot complement each other. In this session, introducing process building blocks for designing collaborative robot interaction work systems and calculating accurate cycle times. We must accurately understand the structure and requirements of the upcoming Smart Factory and transform it into a robot of the desired shape in the industrial field. Because of this, recently developed collaborative robots have many sensors that can move with people. In the future, factories will change significantly as consumer patterns change. At the heart of that change is a smart factory. It should be easy to separate and assemble and convenient at the same time. The most important factor is to be with people.
In the coming future, collaborative robots will be exposed to public places as well as industrial sites and work with people. The smart factory strategy is different for each country or factory, but I want to talk about the components that a collaborative robot must have. One of its components is to present an approach to describing robot behavior based on process building blocks. The new collaborative architecture can be combined with existing process building block systems to reflect human-robot interaction and extract accurate cycle times. This method will present a new approach to describing robot behavior based on process building blocks.


発表タイトル       : Analysis of OD Data of Ondemand Transportation by Non-negative Matrix Factorization
著者                  : Itsuki Noda, Junichi Ochiai,
セッション名       : Social simulation and supercomputers
Abstract            : We propose a method to analyze OD data of on-demand transportation services like Smart Access Vehicle Service (SAVS) and AI-bus by non-negative matrix factorization (NMF), which enables to visualize and investigate features od data and OD places for design of future transportation service. OD data represents properties of usage of transportation services, but is composed by complicated and mixtured way with many noise and uncertainly. NMF can decompose OD data into few bases, by which we can get abstracted properties of usage of transportation services. The abstracted properties provides a way to understand the difference among dates or places and to enable to plan for future operation of SAVS and AI bus.

1) AROB 25th 2020, https://isarob.org/symposium/

報告者氏名 辻本豊
発表論文タイトル 機械学習手法を利用した分子グラフの発見
発表論文英タイトル Molecular graph discovery using machine learning approach
著者 辻本豊, 大江洋平, 古谷博史, 廣安知之, 日和悟
講演会名 AROB202020
会場 別府国際イノベーションセンター B-CON PLAZA
開催日程 2020/01/22-2020/01/24


  1. 講演会の詳細

2020/01/22から2020/01/24にかけて,別府国際イノベーションセンター B-CON PLAZAにて開催されたAROB2020に参加致しました.今回の開催は本学会の25回目の開催にあたります.

  1. 研究発表
    • 発表概要

私は24日の午前のセッション「OS5 Computational intelligence and cognitive science for human biosignals and human well-being」に参加いたしました.発表の形式は口頭発表で,10分の講演時間と5分の質疑応答時間となっておりました.
今回の発表は,「Molecular graph discovery using machine learning approach」というタイトルで発表いたしました.以下にアブストラクトを記載致します.

Discovering new organic compounds with desired chemical properties is an important task in drug discovery and material design. However, discovering new compounds requires a significant amount of time. As an alternative, research for artificially generating graphs representing compounds using deep learning has been actively conducted in recent years. In this paper, MolGAN will be introduced; it is a method used to artificially generate graphs representing organic compounds. MolGAN uses a general adversarial network  and it directly generates molecular graphs having the desired chemical properties. Furthermore, we aim to generate a new molecular graph with a desired chemical property, and a larger molecules than before, by applying a learning method that considers graph connectivity using MolGAN. Using MolGAN and the proposed mechanism, a new molecular graph with desired chemical properties was generated using ZINC-250k, a molecular data set, and the results were examined.


  • 質疑応答


  • 感想


  1. 聴講


発表タイトル       : New approach to describing Collaborative robot behavior based on process building block
著者                  : Jay Cheong
セッション名       : Plenary Speech 2
Abstract            : Collaborative robots, that work together with the human, are becoming more and more popular in the industrial world. And you know that, the human and the robot complement each other. In this session, introducing process building blocks for designing collaborative robot interaction work systems and calculating accurate cycle times. We must accurately understand the structure and requirements of the upcoming Smart Factory and transform it into a robot of the desired shape in the industrial field. Because of this, recently developed collaborative robots have many sensors that can move with people. In the future, factories will change significantly as consumer patterns change. At the heart of that change is a smart factory. It should be easy to separate and assemble and convenient at the same time. The most important factor is to be with people.
In the coming future, collaborative robots will be exposed to public places as well as industrial sites and work with people. The smart factory strategy is different for each country or factory, but I want to talk about the components that a collaborative robot must have. One of its components is to present an approach to describing robot behavior based on process building blocks. The new collaborative architecture can be combined with existing process building block systems to reflect human-robot interaction and extract accurate cycle times. This method will present a new approach to describing robot behavior based on process building blocks.

この発表は,人間と一緒に働くCollaborative robotsに関する発表でした.このロボットは産業界でますます必要とされている事が分かりました.特にこの発表ではファナックが開発しているロボットと人間が自動車のタイヤを協働してタイヤをはめ込む動画が紹介されました.このように人間とロボットが互いに補完する事で,より良いシステムが構築されると感じました.また,このロボットはロボット工学だけでなく,画像認識やセンサー技術が重要であると紹介されました.このように一つの技術だけでなく,技術を上手く組み合わせる事で一つの先端技術が構築されると感じました.

発表タイトル       : Application of deep neural network to traffic simulation
著者                  : Luning Zhang, Naoki Yoshioka, Daigo Umemoto, Nobuyasu, Ito
セッション名       : OS13 Social simulation and supercomputers
Abstract            : Simulation results from an agent-based traffic simulator of Kobe city were used as learning data for deep autoencoding neural network(DANN). Numbes of cars passed though more than 33,000 road segments were one set of learning data, and thousands sets from simulations were used. The trained DANN successfully reproduce input data set, and a k-means clustering of the inner-most neural layer activities classified different traffic parameters.


  • AROB 25th 2020, https://isarob.org/symposium/