
2018/10/05から2018/10/08に東京大学にて開催された fNIRS2018に研究室から4件の発表を行いました。

  • A fNIRS-based hyperscanning study of inter-brain neural synchronization during a cooperative task Megumi Mizuno, Sho Taniguchi, Satoru Hiwa,Tomo Hiroyasu
  • Detecting attentional and inattentional brain metastates based on dynamic functional connectivity analysis, Miyu Nishizawa , Satoru Hiwa,Tomo Hiroyasu


報告者氏名 水野めぐみ
発表論文タイトル 協調課題時の脳間神経同期のfNIRSを用いたhyperscanningの研究
発表論文英タイトル A fNIRS-based hyperscanning study of inter-brain neural synchronization during a cooperative task
著者 Megumi Mizuno, Sho Taniguchi, Satoru Hiwa,Tomo Hiroyasu
主催 The Society for fNIRS
講演会名 fNIRS2018
会場 東京大学 本郷キャンパス
開催日程 2018/10/05-2018/10/08


  1. 講演会の詳細

2018/10/05から2018/10/08にかけて,東京大学 本郷キャンパスにて開催されましたfNIRS2018に参加いたしました.この学会は,光学的方法を用いて生物組織、特に脳機能を理解しようとする基礎科学者および臨床科学者の専門家が意見交換をすることを目的に開催されています.私は,2018/10/05から2018/10/08の全日参加致しました.本研究室からは他に廣安先生,日和先生,西澤美結,池田幸樹,山本渉子,谷口尚が参加しました.

  1. 研究発表
    • 発表概要

私は2018/10/07のPoster Session 「PosterⅡ」にて谷口尚と共に発表致しました.発表の形式はポスター発表で,午前,午後1時間ずつの計2時間,自由に発表および質疑応答を行う時間となっておりました.
今回の発表は,「A fNIRS-based hyperscanning study of inter-brain neural synchronization during a cooperative task」です.以下に抄録を記載致します.

Introduction: Social interaction is a dynamic behavior between individuals who modify their actions and reactions depending on the actions of their partner. In this study, we investigate the relationship between social interaction and brain functions. Cui et al. analyzed the neural synchronization between two subjects who played a cooperation game involving synchronizing each other’s response timing and revealed that the interpersonal brain coherence of the subjects increased during the cooperative task [1]. In this study, to easily facilitate the cooperative behavior of the participants, we improved the experimental design and examined the inter-brain neural synchronization during the cooperative task.
Methods: Twenty-two healthy adult males (11 pairs, age: 22.7 ± 1.0 years old, right-handed) participated in this experiment. The experimental environment is shown in Fig 1. The brains of the two participants during their social interaction were simultaneously measured by hyperscanning using a single functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) device (ETG-7100, Hitachi, Ltd.). A 3 × 10 probe consisting of 47 measurement channels was attached to the forehead of each subject. Participants were instructed: (1) to synchronize the response timing of their partner after the cue (synchronization task), (2) to respond faster than their partner (competition task), and (3) to respond quickly to the cue (single A/B task) [1]. In the synchronization task, the time difference between the responses of the two participants were fed back to each of them. Each participant predicted his partner’s behavior based on the time difference, and was asked to synchronize his responses at the next cue. Wavelet transform coherence was calculated from two sets of time-series data of cerebral blood flow changes. Then we performed a one-sample t-test (p < 0.05) of the coherence increase of each task and investigated the brain regions where the coherence increased.
Results & Discussion: The difference in response time between the two participants in the synchronization task was significantly larger than that of the single A and B task (p < 0.05). This result indicates that the participants not only responded quickly to the cue, but also reacted by anticipating the behavior of their opponents. A t-score map of coherence increase is shown in Fig 2. The coherence within the left superior frontal gyrus (SFG) and left middle frontal gyrus (MFG) increased significantly in the synchronization task. The left SFG is involved in building a trust relationship [2]. Hence, it is assumed that this region affects cooperative behavior. Furthermore, the coherence in these two regions did not increase significantly in either the competitive or single task. Therefore, we suggest that the inter-brain synchronization in these brain regions can be utilized as a metric of cooperativeness.


  • 質疑応答

協調と競争を比較してwavelet coherenceで評価している先行研究が既に報告されているが、新規性は何か。この質問に対して、先行研究の実験を模倣しているが、より多くの領域を計測していますと回答しました.

  • 感想


  1. 聴講


発表タイトル      : Verifying Wavelet coherence analysis on fNIRS data using pseudorandom visual stimulation sequence
著者                 : X. Zhang, J. A. Noah, S. Dravida, Y. Ono and J. Hirsch
セッション名      :PosterⅠ
Abstruct            : Neural mechanisms that underlie dynamic interpersonal interactions are thought to include temporally synchronous signals that reflect coupled processes between two brains [1]. Wavelet coherence analysis of hemodynamic signals acquired simultaneously during hyper-scanning experiments has been proposed for analysis of these neural processes [2,3]. However, this computational approach has not been validated against known markers. Here we generate a set of known neural coherences using pseudo random sequences of reversing checkerboard patterns. It is expected that input sequences that were more highly correlated generated higher cross-brain output correlations of wavelets in the visual cortex across pairs of subjects. Each visual stimulus event was a 2-second full-field reversing checkerboard pattern. Three random sequences, called sequence A, B and C (inset in figure), of such visual stimuli were presented for 2 minutes and repeated twice. The sequences were generated to have varying levels of correlation (e g: A-B more correlated than A-C). The expected coherence (left panel) was obtained by coherence analysis on the modeled fNIRS waveform, which was generated by convolving the stimulus sequence and the hemodynamic response function (HRF).The overall expected coherence is summarized as the average coherence within 0-30 second wavelength range (horizontal lines and numbers in left panel). Ten subjects participated. Subject’s data were randomly paired with every other subject’s data, resulting in ninety possible pairs.
The combinations included A-A, B-B, or C-C, where both subjects viewed identical sequences of the stimuli (green). The other pairings were AB(red), A-C (blue) and B-C (cyan). The wavelet coherence results from measured fNIRS deOxyHB data (right panel) confirmed the expected coherence. Our results validate wavelet coherence as a technique for quanitfying the coherence of brain signals across participants during hyperscanning to study social interaction in ecologically valid paradigms.

Wavelet coherenceが偽陽性を検出しているのではないかとレビューでの指摘もあったため、とても興味深い研究でした.指タップの同期とコヒーレンスの同期が類似していたという,いい結果が示されていました.

発表タイトル      : Interpersonal brain synchronization during social cooperation in
children with Autism: a hyperscanning study using fNIRS
著者                 : Vanessa Reindl, Jana A. Kruppa, Julia Prinz, Eileen Weiß, Christian
Gerloff, Wolfgang Scharke, Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann, Kerstin Konrad and Martin Schulte-Rüther
セッション名      : PosterⅡ
Abstruct            : Background: Interpersonal brain synchronization has repeatedly been demonstrated during joint social tasks for healthy adults and recently also for parent-child dyads [1]. Pioneering studies have demonstrated diminished brain-to-brain synchrony in adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) during such tasks [2]. To date, no study has investigated this in children with ASD and has examined whether the familiarity of the interaction partner modulates interpersonal brain synchronization.
Methods: Using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) hyperscanning, we assessed brain-to-brain synchrony in prefrontal brain regions during a cooperative and a competitive computer task in 43 typically developing (TD) children and 15 children with ASD (8-18 years) while playing with one of their parents. Adult strangers performed the identical tasks with each child. Participants were instructed to either respond jointly via button press in response to a target (cooperation) or to respond faster than the other player (competition). Within each dyad, wavelet coherence was calculated for oxy-hemoglobin brain signals of corresponding channels as a measure of brain-to-brain synchrony.
Results: On the behavioral level, preliminary results showed that the dyad’s cooperative performance was neither influenced by interaction partner nor by group. However, during competition, the child won more often against the parent than against the stranger, and children with ASD won more often against parent/stranger than TD children. On the neural level, preliminary results revealed a significant interaction of partner and group for coherence in two channels located in Brodmann areas 8 and 9: coherence in the ASD group was significantly smaller when playing with the parent compared to a stranger. No significant effect of partner was observed in the TD group.
Conclusion: Data collection in both samples is ongoing. Preliminary results suggest
differential coherence in ASD with respect to the interaction partner’s familiarity. In a larger sample it remains to be seen, whether fNIRS hyperscanning represents a valuable tool for investigating brain-to-brain synchrony during social tasks as a proxy for typical and atypical social interaction.


著者                 : Joy Hirsch, Ph.D.
セッション名      : Cognitive & social neuroscience [invited talk]
Abstruct            : Humans are a profoundly social species. However, little is known about the most fundamental brain functions that mediate live social interactions. This knowledge gap between single and social brain processes, is, in part, a consequence of conventional neural imaging methods that are generally restricted to single individuals, static tasks, and nonverbal responses. However, recent developments of fNIRS hyperscanning (imaging two individuals simultaneously) enables rigorous investigation of this unexplored neural domain of human social behavior. Two existing theoretical frameworks converge as a foundation for this new “neuroscience of two”. The first is the Interactive Brain Hypothesis (De Jaegher, et al, 2016) which proposes that social interactions are mediated by dedicated brain processes. This hypothesis provides a general framework for the investigation of neural mechanisms underlying social interaction. The second is a quantifiable model of dynamic neural coupling, i.e. the correlation between temporal patterns of neural signals across two interacting partners (Hasson and Frith, 2016). This model proposes that dynamic coupling is the mechanism by which information is shared between the sender and the receiver across brains. Hyperscanning with fNIRS, together with these emerging theoretical frameworks, establishes fNIRS as the neuroimaging method of choice for investigations of live human-to-human interactions. Paradigms for investigation of two individuals engaged in live and spontaneous communications include developments for imaging in natural environments as well as the computational methods necessary to quantify live cross-brain interactions. We have applied these tools to test specific cases of the interactive brain hypothesis using fNIRS hyperscanning and primary social cues such as real eye-to-eye contact compared to eye gaze at a picture-face (Hirsch, et al., 2017), a video-face (Noah, et al.,2018), and talking and listening (Hirsch, et al., 2018) with and without social interaction. Consistent with the Interactive Brain Hypothesis cross-brain coherence measured by Wavelet Coherence Analysis (MATLAB Wavelet Toolbox) between local brain areas is greater for interactive than non-interactive conditions. Specifically, dynamic neural coupling increases during interactions such as eye-to-eye contact and interactive speaking and listening. Further, the dynamic neural coupling is associated with neural activity in temporal-parietal regions of the brain consistent with specialized cross-brain neural mechanisms for live social interaction regardless of the modality or task. These, and other similar findings recently reported using fNIRS hyperscanning, contribute to an expanding experimental and theoretical foundation for a new neuroscience where the aim is to understand the dynamic signal exchanges and neural mechanisms within a dyad that underlie live episodes of social interaction in natural conditions.

fNIRS hyperscanningの動向を知ることができて興味深い講演でした.CooperationとCompetitionの比較の研究は最も多いテーマであることを知ることができました.一方でアイコンタクトの研究はほぼなく,昨年MISLで取り組まれていたアイコンタクトの研究はいいテーマだったのではないかと思いました.使用装置を研究室にある装置ばかりで実際に同じような実験を行うことも環境的には可能であることも分かりました.

発表タイトル      : Extraction of Synchronizing Cortical Activities between Mother and Infant
著者                 : Satoshi Morimoto, Eiichi Hoshino, Masahiro Hata, Michiko Asano
and Yasuyo Minagawa
セッション名      : Poster Ⅲ
Abstruct            :Background: Hyperscanning studies using functional near-infrared spectrography (fNIRS) have revealed synchronized brain activities between participants who interact each other. However, synchronizing activities between mother and infant could not be evaluated precisely by analysis methods used previously (e.g., wavelet coherence), because those methods assume that two brains have similar hemodynamics, while this is not the case for adult and infant brains. The present study investigated how mother and 3- to 4-month-old infant spontaneously interact each other at brain hemodynamic levels by employing a new analysis method (Fig.1) that we developed.
Methods: 55 mother-infant dyads were participated in fNIRS recording under three
conditions; breast feeding (the feeding condition), resting state during mother holding her sleeping infant (the holding condition), and resting state during separation (the separation condition) [1]. For the following analysis, we utilized data of dyads who completed each condition. After removing artifacts, we obtained power spectrograms of OxyHb signals and combined them into a large matrix. The matrix was decomposed by non-negative matrix factorization, which lead two smaller matrices; a basis matrix and a coefficient matrix. We calculated the mean of the coefficients for each condition and compared these values between the conditions.
Results and discussion: We found several synchronized components which significantly
increased in the feeding condition compared to those in other conditions. These components were shared by mother and infant channels, which related to the social brain network. These results suggested that we successfully extracted synchronized brain activities between mother and infant, and such synchronizations may be a fundamental of social attachment between them.

異なる周波数成分の類似度を算出するために,Non-negative matrix functionを用いていました.Hyperscanningの研究では,解析方法に工夫が見られる研究があまりなかったため,一番面白い内容だと感じました.

  • fNIRS2018 abstract


発表論文タイトル 動的機能的接続分析に基づく注意と不注意メタ状態の検出
発表論文英タイトル Detecting attentional and inattentional brain metastates based on dynamic functional connectivity analysis
著者 西澤美結, 日和悟, 廣安知之
主催 Society for functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy
講演会名 fNIRS2018
会場 the University of Tokyo
開催日程 2018/10/5-2018/10/8


  1. 講演会の詳細

2018/10/5から2018/10/8にかけて,東京大学にて開催されましたfNIRS2018(http://fnirs2018.org/)に参加いたしました.この学会は,Society for functional Near Infrared Spectroscopyによって主催された研究会で,機能的近赤外分光法(fNIRS)の分野におけるあらゆるトピックに関する研究に関心のある研究者・医師・学生が参加し,fNIRSの可能性や方向性についての情報交換や議論の場になることを目的に開催されています.

  1. 研究発表
    • 発表概要

今回の発表は,「Detecting attentional and inattentional brain metastates based on dynamic functional connectivity analysis」という題目で,発表を行いました.以下に抄録を記載致します.

Introduction: Recent studies have revealed changes in intrinsic brain organization using dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) analysis [1]. However, temporal changes in functional network topology owing to extrinsic factors have not been carefully examined. In addition, a lack of extrinsic attention sometimes leads to reduced work productivity or car accidents. It is important to quantify one’s level of attention and distraction toward external stimuli in such situations. In this study, we propose a method for detecting changes in extrinsic attention using a dFC analysis and an evolutionary optimization algorithm.
Methods: Healthy adults (18 males, aged 22.4 ± 1.0 years) participated in the study. The participants were asked to perform a psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) to induce sustained attention to external stimuli. Their brain activity was measured using a 116-channel functional near-infrared spectroscopy covering the entire brain. The measured cerebral blood flow changes were bandpass filtered, and time-varying FC matrices were calculated using a sliding-window approach and then binarized. Here, we assumed that there is a metastate that represents the characteristic network organization for each attentional and inattentional state. The metastate was modelled as a symmetric binary matrix, and its optimum structure was determined using a genetic algorithm. Metastate optimization was performed to maximize the similarity between the optimized metastate and the measured FC matrices obtained from the periods where the fastest or slowest 10% of the response times (RTs) were achieved. We assumed that the attentional and inattentional states could be observed in the fastest 10% of RTs and slowest 10% of RTs, respectively.
Results: The derived attentional and inattentional metastates are shown in Fig. 1 (a). In the attentional metastate, the connections around the left and right midfrontal gyrus (L/R-MFG) were extracted as characteristic connections because MFG is involved in an interaction between the dorsal and ventral attention networks; it also plays a central role in the attention function. In the inattentional metastate, the right superior occipital gyrus (R-SOG) and the medial part of the left superior frontal gyrus (L-SFGmed) connection was extracted. The R-SOG is associated with the visual network, and the L-SFGmed is a component of the default mode network (DMN). Furthermore, a connection between the right supplementary motor area (R-SMA) and R-MFG was found in the attentional metastate,whereas a connection between the R-SMA and L-SFGmed was found in the inattentional metastate. SMA is associated with motion control based on memory.This suggests that the connection with SMA was altered depending on the level of attention. SMA was connected to the attention network in the attentional state and to the DMN in the inattentional state. The temporal changes in RT and the similarity between the metastate and time-varying FC matrices are shown in Figure 1(b). The similarity of the attentional state increased with the fastest 10% of RTs, and the similarity of the inattentional state was high in the case of the slowest 10% of RTs. We suggest that our proposed method can detect the attentional and inattentional state and evaluate the attention level. Even in the absence of behavioral data, such as RT, it was verified that the state of the human brain can be visualized by the occurrence rate of the metastate.
[1] Honey, C. J., et al. “Predicting human resting-state functional connectivity from structural connectivity.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106.6 (2009): 2035-2040.


  • 質疑応答

質問者の氏名を控え損ねてしまいました.こちらの質問は,functional connectivityとは何かというものでした.この質問に対してオキシヘモグロビンの時間的相関と答えましたが,シンクロナイゼーションの図との関わりが理解されませんでした.
質問者の氏名を控え損ねてしまいました.こちらの質問は,attention metastateとinattention metastateで検定を行っているかというものでした.この質問に対して,行っていないと答えました.
質問者の氏名を控え損ねてしまいました.こちらの質問は,attention metastateとinattention metastateをどのように作成しているのかというものでした.この質問に対して,各被験者の注意,不注意区間での行列と最適化された行列の類似度が最大になるように最適なメタ状態を検出していると回答しました.

  • 感想

educational courseに参加し,NIRSの基礎的な部分を学ぶことができました.基礎的な内容をもう一度聞くことによって,何があいまいになっているのかを理解することができました.確率的レジストレーション法の原理や計測方法に関しては見直す必要があると感じました.また,ポスター発表では,様々なバックグラウンドを持った方々に研究を説明する機会があり大変有意義な時間になりました.GAの説明部分を増やし,原理を理解できたことが前回からの成長だと思っています.ただ,英語で質問された時に英語で答えることが出来なかったので修士論文までに説明できるようにしたいと思います.また,修士論文に向けて,再度課題を洗い出し,目標を持って研究を進めていきたいと思います.

  1. 聴講


発表タイトル       : Dynamics of Functional Networks in the Developing Brain
著者                  : Fumitaka Homae
セッション名       : Neonatal, pediatric & developmental neuroscience I
Abstruct            : Introduction: Structural and functional organization of the brain occurs rapidly in early infancy. Previous studies report that in neonates and young infants, this neural organization is sensitive to speech sounds, and related functions in distinct brain regions have been partially elucidated (Homae et al., 2014). It is known that short speech sounds induce eventrelated activation in the temporal brain regions in young infants; increases in oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) signals are followed by signal decreases to the onset level within a 10- to 20-second time scale. We can also visualize the static aspects of functional relationships, such as correlations between spontaneous activations in homologous regions (Homae et al.,2010). However, we have limited information on the dynamics of cortico-cortical interactions during the presentation of speech sounds to infants. In the present study, we calculated the dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) of cortical activation in neonates and 3- and 6-monthold infants in response to short sentences in Japanese. We hypothesized that functional relationships will not be constant, but will instead be modulated, during typical cortical hemodynamic responses to speech sounds. We further predicted that functional connectivity between distant cortical regions would change from a local to a global state depending on the stage of development.
Methods: We analyzed data obtained from quietly sleeping neonates (N = 28) and 3- and 6- month-old infants (N = 26 and 27, respectively). We presented auditory sentences while measuring brain activation using 94-channel fNIRS (ETG-7000, Hitachi). The continuous oxy-Hb signals were band-pass filtered from 0.01 to 0.2 Hz. The signal changes in response to speech sounds were examined by averaging the signals over segmented data blocks. We applied the Hilbert transform to the continuous data to estimate the phase of the signals in all channels. We defined dFC using the following equation (Cabral et al., 2017):
Results and Discussion: We found that the frontal and temporal regions in all participant groups demonstrated increases in oxy-Hb signals when the sentences were presented. In addition, 3- and 6-month-old infants exhibited similar changes in the occipital regions, as in our previous studies (Homae et al., 2011; Taga et al., 2018). The dFC between homologous regions increased with age, consistent with our previous findings (Homae et al., 2010). Although frontal regions exhibit dense clusters in all groups, clusters over the temporal, parietal, and occipital regions were observed only in 3- and 6-month-old infants. Overall, we found that the dFC between the frontal and temporal regions changed with the presentation of speech sounds, and the organization of functional networks depended on age. These results support our hypotheses and suggest that the dynamics of functional networks will help in revealing how infants hear speech sounds and acquire their native language.


発表タイトル       :Functional Connectivity Patterns in Monolingual and Bilingual Infants
著者                  : B. Blanco, M. Molnar, E. Amico, M. Carreiras and C. Caballero-Gaudes
セッション名       : Neonatal, pediatric & developmental neuroscience I
Abstruct            :Introduction. In this work we evaluated whether brain adaptations are induced by the effect of an early and continued exposure to a bilingual vs. a monolingual environment by testing between group differences in resting state functional connectivity (RSFC). We also assessed the reliability of our previous results by testing sleeping, as opposed to awake infants, in order to maximize signal quality. Methods. Spontaneous hemodynamic activity was recorded (9 min.) using nearinfrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in 4-month-old infants (n=27 bilinguals, n=25 Spanish and n=26 Basque monolinguals). Within each group we measured the antiphase relationship between deoxy- (HbR) and oxyhemoglobin (HbO2), and perform a hierarchical spatio-temporal clustering. Network based statistics (NBS) (Zalesky et al., 2010) and connICA (Amico et al., 2017) procedures were also employed to explore differences in functional connectivity patterns between groups. Results and Discussion. In our three experimental groups we observed an antiphase relationship between HbR and HbO2 (Fig. 1A) which resembles the results of Watanabe et al., (2017). The spatial configuration of clusters (Fig. 1B) across groups also demonstrates a high degree of consistency with previously reported results (Homae et al., 2010). These results were not replicated in our previous study in awake infants. We assume that our previously reported effects were probably caused by motion artifacts in the signal, and recognize the importance of correct data quality assessment in NIRS studies with infants to avoid this type of spurious results. Pairwise comparisons with NBS revealed a network (Fig. 1C) involving spatially homologous channels of both hemispheres showing stronger synchronization in Spanish monolingual infants than in Basque monolingual infants (p=0.04). The same difference between groups is also observed in HbO2 (p=0.04) in a network showing a similar spatial disposition. ConnICA revealed a FC pattern (Fig.1C) showing a significantly larger presence in Spanish than in Basque monolingual infants, in HbR (p=0.04) and HbO2 (p=0.04), which resembles the results obtained with NBS. Despite their small effect, the observed between group differences are consistent across HbR and HbO2, and show a similar spatial pattern regardless of the procedure being employed.

休止状態機能的接続性における群間の差異に関する研究でした.NIRSデータを用いたネットワーク解析で,オキシ・デオキシを用いて解析を行っており,NBS,COnnICAなど新しいことを知ることができました.この研究では,行列が領域で示されていた点,Grobal signal regression,robust independent FC patternなどポイントとなる点は修士論文までにおさえたいです.

発表タイトル       :Advanced topics in fNIRS data analysis : Motion Artifact Detection and Correction
著者                  :Meryem A. Yücel
セッション名       : Morning tutorial I
Abstruct            : Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a relatively new brain imaging technology. fNIRS allows measurements in relatively unrestrained environments. While this allows its adaptation to populations/studies where other modalities are difficult or impossible to implement such as infants, children, speech studies, gait studies, movement disorders or neuro-intensive care, the resultant fNIRS signal often contain motion artifacts. In this lecture we will go over motion artifact detection and correction in detail. Particularly, we will go over several commonly-used motion artifact correction algorithms and will discuss advantages and disadvantages of each comparatively.


発表タイトル       :NeuroDOT: an extensible Matlab toolbox for streamlined optical brain mapping
著者                  :A.T. Eggebrechta, D. Muccigrosso, J.P. Culver
セッション名       : Data analysis & algorithms
Abstruct            : Multiple challenges exist in standardization of data format and processing pipelines for optical neuroimaging. The goal of this project is to provide a fully self-contained and enduser-friendly workflow that seamlessly integrates with a wide variety of other data processing toolboxes and contains dedicated functions and pipelines for preprocessing, anatomical light modeling, reconstruction, post-processing analyses, and visualization. To meet these goals, we present a tool that provides the flexibility to be used by multiple array-based imaging modalities, format compatibility, spatial registration, ease of use, and analytical breadth and sophistication for post-processing. NeuroDOT is written in MATLAB in the style of a conventional MATLAB toolbox. Its functionality is distributed among several pipelines (Fig. 1), with extensive functions for data quality analysis and visualization. To aid in end-user support at multiple levels of familiarity and expertise, beyond the basic functionality, NeuroDOT contains data samples, support files, help sections, appendices, and tutorials. Specifically, a set of anonymized and published data samples have been chosen to reflect common experimental paradigms in neuroimaging (e.g., retinotopy and language based tasks), and are provided in both raw and pre-processed versions to aid in troubleshooting and training for the new user. The extensive support files – all stored as .matfiles – contain geometric information for some of our diffuse optical tomography caps, sensitivity matrices, spectroscopy matrices, and standard atlases. Together with the documentation, these files provide a blueprint for users to create counterparts for their own systems. The NeuroDOT toolbox currently supports a wide variety of standard data file formats (e.g., NIFTI, GIFTI, and others). Help sections exist for each function and are searchable from the MATLAB command line, with a Help Viewer version as well. Both are written and formatted in the style of their native MATLAB counterparts for familiarity and ease of use. Several appendices detail data structures, pipelines and their construction, and select visualizations of our pipelines’ results for multiple data samples. Several tutorials are also included, each of which runs a data sample through a given pipeline to help the user harness the power and flexibility of NeuroDOT.



報告者氏名 池田幸樹
発表論文タイトル fNIRSを用いた脳機能ネットワークにおけるワーキングメモリ負荷量依存変化の解析
発表論文英タイトル Analysis of working memory-load dependent changes in functional network properties using fNIRS
著者 池田幸樹,日和悟,廣安知之
主催 医療情報システム研究室
講演会名 Neurophotonics
会場 Hongo Campus of The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
開催日程 2018/10/05-2018/10/08


  1. 講演会の詳細

2018/10/05から2018/10/08にかけて,東京大学本郷キャンパスにて開催されましたfNIRS2018に参加いたしました.The Society for functional near-infrared spectroscopy (SfNIRS)は,光学的方法を用いて生物組織,特に脳の機能的特性の理解を深める基礎科学者および臨床科学者の組織で, 本学会はアイデアの交換,学際的協力,教育の促進を目的として開催されました.私は全日程参加し,本研究室からは他に廣安先生,日和先生,水野さん,西澤さん,谷口さん,山本さんが参加されました.

  1. 研究発表
    • 発表概要


はじめに:ワーキングメモリ(WM)は,情報の同時処理と保存のための認知システムである[1].本論文では,fNIRSにより測定されたN-backタスク中の脳活動について,グラフ理論解析により機能的コネクレィビティネットワークにおけるWM負荷量依存変化を調べた.方法:N-backタスク(N = 1,2,3)中の6人の健康な被験者(男性6人,23±1.2人)の脳血流変化を,116チャネルfNIRS(ETG-7100,Hitachi,Ltd. )を用いて計測した. fNIRSの全測定チャネルは,Automated Anatomical Labeling(AAL)に基づく脳領域と関連していた. N-backタスク中の全脳領域間の機能的接続性を示す相関係数行列を計算し,次にエッジ密度を30%に保つように二値化した.グラフ理論特徴量である,degree,clustering coefficient,betweenness centrality,eigenvector centrality,modularity,participation coefficient,within-module degree z-scoreは,Brain Connectivity Toolboxを使用して計算された.各グラフ理論特徴量とWM負荷とのピアソン相関を分析した.結果:左上後頭部回(SOG)のclustering coefficientは,WM負荷と正の相関があった(r = 0.53,p <0.05).左上前頭回内側部(SFGmed)のparticipation coefficientもまた正の相関があった(r = 0.50,p <0.05).また,左中心前回(PreCG)のdegree,eigenvector centralityおよびwithin-module degree z-scoreは,WM負荷と負の相関があった(r = -0.59,-0.57,-0.49,p <0.05).左中心前回周辺のネットワーク構造を図1に示す. 上前頭回内側部と中心前回はWMプロセス[2,3]に関与しているため,これらの領域はWM負荷量変化の特徴量として利用可能である.


  • 質疑応答・意見

 Q. 「edge density」とはどういう意味か?
A. エッジの本数を結合可能なエッジの総数で割ったもの,
 Q. 「feature values」はどうやって算出しているのか?
  A. MATLABのBrain Connectivity Toolbox(BCT)を用いて算出した.
 Q. 成績と特徴量の相関はあったのか?
  A. なかった
 Q. なぜ他の特徴量はみていないのか?
  A. すべて見て,2-backで違う傾向があり,

  • 感想


  1. 聴講


発表タイトル     : Comparison of source localization techniques in Diffuse Optical Tomography for fNIRS application using a realistic head model
著者                : J. Tremblaya , E. Martinez-Montesb , P. Vannasinga , D.K. Nguyend , M. Sawane , F. Leporec , M. Lassondec , A. Gallaghera,c
セッション名      : Poster Session
Abstruct       :
目的: COPD患者,健常な若年者および高齢者のPFC O2Hbの相対的変化,後方スペリングの正確さ,および単一および二重の作業中の歩行の減少を比較すること.
仮説:H1:PFC O2Hbは,ベースライン課題と比較して後方スペリングの間に増加し,COPD患者および健康な高齢者および若年成人の単一のタスクと比べて二重の仕事の間にさらに増加する. H2:単一のタスクと比較して,3つのグループすべての参加者は二重のタスクの間,後方スペリングの精度が低下し,歩行の減少が大きくなる.
方法:被験者は以下の単一タスクを実行した.(1)認知課題(CT)である後方スペリング(2)30mの好ましい歩行歩行(PPW)(3)30m高速歩行歩行(FPW).その後,PPWとFPWのそれぞれとCTをペアにした二重のタスクを行った.fNIRSデータをfnirSoftで処理し,生理学的ノイズおよびモーションアーチファクトを減衰させた.次いで,修正されたBeerLambert法を用いてL. DLPFCのO2Hbの変化を計算した.歩数パラメータは5×0.88mの圧力に敏感なゼノマットを用いて測定した.
結果: 20歳の若年成人(男性=10,女性=10,年齢:28±4歳),20人の高齢者(男性=10,女性=10,64±11歳)および6人のCOPD患者(男性=3,女性=3,年齢:74±8歳)が参加した.DLPFCのΔO2Hbは,若年成人のベースライン課題(p = 0.042)と比較してCT期間中に増加し,高齢者およびCOPD患者においてより大きくなる傾向があった.同様に,FPW + CTではFPWと比較して高齢者で有意に高かった(0.27±0.95μM対-0.49±1.01μM,p = 0.007),若年成人およびCOPD患者ではより高い傾向があった.1対2のタスクを比較すると,若い健常者(-16.9±21.4%,p = 0.002)および古い健康グループ(-20.1±22.2%,p = 0.001)において,後方スペリングの精度が低下しCOPD群では(-32.2±45.7%,p = 0.191),FPW + CTではCTと比較して高かった.(1)FPW + CT中の速度が3群すべてにおいてFPWと比較して減少した(p <0.05).(2)FPW + CT中の高齢者およびCOPD患者においてFPWと比較してスイング時間の変動性が増加した(p = 0.030およびp = 0.038).(3)FPW患者と比較してCOPD患者におけるFPW + CTの間に立位時間変動が増加した(p = 0.026).

この発表で着目した点は, 図の見せ方です.

発表タイトル    : The Brain at Work: Neural Correlates of Cognitive and Motor Performance

著者                : W. D. Reida , S. A. Hassanb , L. V. Bonettic , K. K. Pattersona , D. S. Beald and A. C. Ruoccoe
セッション名      : Poster Session
Abstruct       :
方法:実験には訓練を受けた2人の俳優と1人の劇場監督が参加した.両方の俳優は120Hzで頭部と四肢の位置を捕捉するPerception Neuronから全身,慣性センサベースのmocapスーツを着用しました.1人の俳優(B)は,5Hzで前頭前野皮質に神経活動を記録する,16チャンネルの線維性のfNIRSシステム(WOT,日立)を装着した.記録は10x10mのブラックボックスの劇場空間で行われた.20分のレコーディングセッションでは,シェイクスピアのテンペストからの2つのショートシーン(a)ミランダはキャリバンの進歩を拒否し,b)キャリバンはプロスペロの背後で驚いて,彼を驚かせる.俳優は各シーンを3回演奏し,次にロールを交換し,3~6回繰り返し再生する.


発表タイトル    : Seeing into the brain of an actor with fNIRS and mocap

著者                : A. Hamilton1, P. Pinti1,2, D. Paoletti2, J.A. Ward2
セッション名      : Poster Session
Abstruct           :
fNIRSは,非侵襲的なイメージング技術であり研究や臨床応用への関心が高まっている.過去10年間,脳組織におけるヘモグロビン変化の有効な源をイメージするための数学的枠組みを開発する取り組みがなされてきた.病気の脳画像を再構成する際,追加の情報または制約を課すためにさまざまなアプローチがある.本研究の目的は,被験者ごとにMRIを使用して光伝播をモデル化するfNIRS断層撮影のコンテキストで,いくつかの線源位置特定技術の性能および限界を比較することである.順問題は組織内の光伝搬のモンテカルロシミュレーションを用いて解決される.逆問題はRytov近似を用いて線形化される.次にTikhonov正則化は最小二乗法に適用され,特異値分解,バックプロジェクション,L1-ノルム正規化,最小規範推定,低分解能電磁トモグラフィ,ベイジアンモデル平均化技法は,特性分析,ぼかしおよび局在化誤差測定を動作させる受信機を使用して比較される.現実的なシミュレーション(N = 450)および成人の被験者から得られたデータを用いて,この研究はこれらの音源定位技法が人間の頭部fNIRS断層撮影法においてどのように挙動するかを描写する.Bayesian Model Averagingは,他の方法と比較してDOTの有望な方法として提案されており,特異性や精度を向上させる可能性が高く,騒音や深い情報源がある場合でもぼやけや局在誤差を低減する可能性が高い.正規化された最小二乗法などの古典的な再構成方法は,より良い感度を提供するが,より高いぼかしを提供する.より斬新なL1ベースの方法は,わずかなぼかしおよび高い特異性を有するが感度は低い疎溶液を提供する.これらの方法の適用は,成人の被験者との視覚的fNIRS実験を用いて実験的にも実証されている.

この発表で面白かったところは,拡散光トモグラフィ(Diffuse optical tomography,DOT)に着目していた点です.順問題・逆問題を方程式を用いて解いていて,普段あまり聞きなれない話だったので難しかったですが,本ポスター以外にもDOTの発表をしている人が多く見受けられました.

発表タイトル      :Comparison of Kernels in Online SVM Classification of fNIRS Data
著者                : Ruisen Huanga , Ho-Ryong Yoob and Keum-Shik Honga
セッション名      : Poster Session
Abstruct           :
目的:SVM(Support Vector Machine)は脳信号分類において広く用いられているが,SVMのための最適化されたカーネルは未知のままである.
方法:8名の健康な被験者から取得した脳信号を調べた.fNIRSを用いてmental arithmetic (AR)課題とmental counting (MC)課題中の前頭前野からの信号を取得した.各チャネルから傾き(最小二乗回帰近似),平均,分散,最大および最小特徴を抽出し,最終的にバイナリおよびマルチクラス分類タスクにSVMを使用した.このプロセスでは線形,ガウス,多項式などのいくつかの異なるカーネルがテストされた.
結果と考察:分類率は,カーネルごとに非常に異なった. ガウシアンカーネルの標準偏差や多項式カーネルの0次項などのパラメータは,分類精度に大きく影響する可能性がある.その結果,これらの調整可能パラメータの最適化された値は被験者固有であることが証明される.これは,同じ値で分類率が85%を超える場合や32%より低くなる場合があるためである. 各カーネルの長所と短所をまとめ議論した.

この発表で着目したのは, NIRSデータに対してSVMを用いている点です.2つの手法を比較しており,提案手法の結果について熱く語ってくれたのが印象的でした.

発表論文英タイトル A fNIRS study of attentional state
induced by breath-counting meditation
著者 山本渉子, 日和悟,廣安知之,
主催 Society for fNIRS
講演会名 fNIRS2018
会場 東京大学
開催日程  2018/10/05-2018/10/08


  1. 講演会の詳細

2018/10/05から2018/10/08にかけて,東京大学にて開催されましたfNIRS2018に参加致しました.このfNIRS2018は,Society for fNIRSによって主催された研究会で,Society for fNIRSは,光学的方法を用いて生物,特に脳機能特性を理解しようとする基礎科学者及び臨床科学者の専門組織です.この学会の目的は,アイデアの交換や,学際的協力,教育を促進することです.

  1. 研究発表
    • 発表概要

今回は,A fNIRS study of attentional state induced by breath-counting meditationというタイトルで発表致しました.以下に抄録を記載致します.

Introduction: Mindfulness, nonjudgmentally paying attention to the present moment, is expected to promote our mental well-being. One of the important components of meditation is attention. In the meditation practice, practitioners try to sustain their attention on their physical sensation so as to improve their interoceptive attention. In this study, we aim to investigate whether meditation induces our interoceptive attention using fNIRS scanning of brain activity during breath-counting meditation. To emphasize the characteristics of the interoceptive state, we also measured the exteroceptive state of practitioners during responding to and counting the external auditory cues. The brain states between two states were compared and discussed using functional connectivity analysis.
Methods: Meditation novices (10 males, aged 21.4 ± 1.0 years) who had never experienced meditation practices or retreats participated in the experiment. They were asked to perform two tasks: 1) breath-counting task (BCT) and 2) auditory counting task (ACT). BCT is first proposed by Levinson et al. and shown to be effective as a behavioral measure of mindfulness meditation [1]. In the BCT, participants counted their breaths from 1 to 9 repeatedly, not with voice but just mentally. With breaths 1–8 they pressed one button, and on ninth breath they pressed another. In the ACT, they were asked to quickly press the button responding to the auditory cues and counted them from 1 to 9 as same as the BCT. In both tasks, they restarted counting from one if they got distracted as well as pressing a third button. An fNIRS device (ETG-7100, Hitachi, Ltd.) whose probes were placed on frontal region (47 CH), occipital region (47 CH) and parietal region (22 CH) was used to measure the brain activity during two tasks. The measured data was band-pass filtered with the pass band of 0.008 – 0.09 Hz. Pearson’s correlation coefficient matrix of the cerebral blood flow changes among all the brain regions were calculated for each participant. Each matrix was binarized so as to preserve the edge density of 15%. Graph theoretical metrics, degree centrality and betweenness centrality were calculated for each matrix. Differences in functional connectivity network between two tasks were compared based on these graph metrics.
Results: We found that degree centrality of the right dorsal superior frontal gyrus (SFGdor) was significantly higher in the BCT than the ACT, while couldn’t find no significant differences in betweenness centrality. The SFGdor is included in dorsal attention network and involved with top-down attention [2]. We assume that the BCT induced active attention to the participants’ interoceptive sense, while the ACT induced the passive states to the external stimuli. Also, our study has revealed that the difference between the two states was reflected on the nodal degree of the SFGdor. The future study should be performed to further test these assumptions together with the analysis of correlations between neural states and behavioral metrics such as a counting accuracy.
[1] D.B. Levinson, E.L. Stoll, S.D. Kindy, H.L. Merry and R.J. Davidson, “A mind you can count on: validating breath counting as a behavioral measure of mindfulness,” Frontiers in psychology, vol. 5, p.1202, 2014.
[2] R.N. Spreng, J. Sepulcre, G.R. Turner, W.D. Stevens and D.L. Schacter, “Intrinsic architecture underlying the relations among the default, dorsal attention, and frontoparietal control networks of the human brain,” Journal of cognitive neuroscience, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 74-86, 2013.


  • 質疑応答

質問者の氏名を控え損ねてしまいました.こちらの質問は,Counting accuracyとはなにかというものでした.この質問に対して,実験中どのようにボタンプレスを行っているかを説明し,正しいボタンプレスのセット数を総セット数で割ることで算出していると回答しました.

  • 感想

私たちの研究室としても初めて参加する学会で,どんな学会なのか楽しみにしていました.私としては2度目の国際学会の参加,そして東京で行われたこともあり,前回の国際学会ほど緊張はせず臨むことができました.初日にはeducational courseにも参加させていただき,NIRSの計測や処理方法などを再度確認することができました.2日目からはポスター発表もはじまり,聴講もたくさんさせていただきました.NIRSについての学会のため,今まで知らなかった解析ソフトを知ることができたり,今後自分たちの研究に活かせそうなこともたくさん聞くことができ,とても貴重な経験をさせていただきました.私のポスター発表は学会最終日でしたが,たくさんの方が聞きに来てくださり,質問もたくさんいただきました.前回に比べると緊張もしすぎずに対応できたため,冷静に質問を聞くことができました.しかし,まだ英語力が乏しく議論が深められない場面もありました.また,計画性が足りず準備もかなりぎりぎりとなってしまったところも反省点です.しかし,今回の学会を通して直前までやり続ける粘り強さをさらに身につけ,英語力向上,そして自分の研究に対するモチベーションも上げることができました.今後活かすことができるよう,英語力も高め,自分の研究もさらに深めながら進めていきたいと強く思います.

  1. 聴講


発表タイトル       : fNIRS Technology and Applications
著者                  : Robert J Cooper
セッション名       : fNIRS Training Course,Principles & Methodology
In this session, I will outline the past, present and future of fNIRS technologies, with a specific emphasis on what are and what are not appropriate experimental applications of fNIRS methodologies. I will also review a number of key papers that have employed fNIRS technology over the last 25 years.


発表タイトル       : Guide to the probabilistic spatial registration methods for fNIRS : Brain atlas handling
著者                  : Daiske Tsuzuki
セッション名       : fNIRS Training Course,Measurement & Analysis
Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) measures regional cerebral blood flow and monitors relative regional changes of hemoglobin concentration noninvasively from the head surface. On the other hand, fNIRS in a standalone setting lacks structural and anatomical information of the underlying brain. In this session, I will introduce both the concept of atlas model based on the standardized brain space such as Montreal Neurogical Institute (MNI) space, and methods to solve the spatial registration issue and realize the functional mapping at the gyrus level through the technical descriptions of Virtual spatial registration, Probabilistic registration, Anchor-based probabilistic registration, and Anatomical labeling.


発表タイトル       :Functional Connectivity Patterns in Monolingual and Bilingual Infants
著者                  : B. Blanco, M. Molnar, E. Amico, M. Carreiras and C. Caballero-Gaudes
セッション名       : Neonatal, pediatric & developmental neuroscience I
Introduction. In this work we evaluated whether brain adaptations are induced by the effect of an early and continued exposure to a bilingual vs. a monolingual environment by testing between group differences in resting state functional connectivity (RSFC). We also assessed the reliability of our previous results by testing sleeping, as opposed to awake infants, in order to maximize signal quality.
Methods. Spontaneous hemodynamic activity was recorded (9 min.) using nearinfrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in 4-month-old infants (n=27 bilinguals, n=25 Spanish and n=26 Basque monolinguals). Within each group we measured the antiphase relationship between deoxy- (HbR) and oxyhemoglobin (HbO2), and perform a hierarchical spatio-temporal clustering. Network based statistics (NBS) (Zalesky et al., 2010) and connICA (Amico et al., 2017) procedures were also employed to explore differences in functional connectivity patterns between groups.
Results and Discussion. In our three experimental groups we observed an antiphase relationship between HbR and HbO2 (Fig. 1A) which resembles the results of Watanabe et al., (2017). The spatial configuration of clusters (Fig. 1B) across groups also demonstrates a high degree of consistency with previously reported results (Homae et al., 2010). These results were not replicated in our previous study in awake infants. We assume that our previously reported effects were probably caused by motion artifacts in the signal, and recognize the importance of correct data quality assessment in NIRS studies with infants to avoid this type of spurious results. Pairwise comparisons with NBS revealed a network (Fig. 1C) involving spatially homologous channels of both hemispheres showing stronger synchronization in Spanish monolingual infants than in Basque monolingual infants (p=0.04). The same difference between groups is also observed in HbO2 (p=0.04) in a network showing a similar spatial disposition. ConnICA revealed a FC pattern (Fig. 1C) showing a significantly larger presence in Spanish than in Basque monolingual infants, in HbR (p=0.04) and HbO2 (p=0.04), which resembles the results obtained with NBS. Despite their small effect, the observed between group differences are consistent across HbR and HbO2, and show a similar spatial pattern regardless of the procedure being employed.
Watanabe H. et al. (2017). Hemoglobin phase of oxygenation and deoxygenation in early brain development measured using fNIRS. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 114(9), E1737–E1744. Homae F. et al. (2010). Development of global cortical networks in early infancy. J. Neurosci. 30(14), 4877– 4882. Zalesky A. et al. (2010). Network-based statistic: identifying differences in brain networks. Neuroimage, 53(4), 1197-1207. Amico E. et al. (2017). Mapping the functional connectome traits of levels of consciousness. NeuroImage, 148, 201-211.


発表タイトル       : Dynamics of Functional Networks in the Developing Brain
著者                  : Fumitaka Homae
セッション名       : Neonatal, pediatric & developmental neuroscience I [invited talk]
Introduction: Structural and functional organization of the brain occurs rapidly in early infancy. Previous studies report that in neonates and young infants, this neural organization is sensitive to speech sounds, and related functions in distinct brain regions have been partially elucidated (Homae et al., 2014). It is known that short speech sounds induce eventrelated activation in the temporal brain regions in young infants; increases in oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) signals are followed by signal decreases to the onset level within a 10- to 20-second time scale. We can also visualize the static aspects of functional relationships, such as correlations between spontaneous activations in homologous regions (Homae et al., 2010). However, we have limited information on the dynamics of cortico-cortical interactions during the presentation of speech sounds to infants. In the present study, we calculated the dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) of cortical activation in neonates and 3- and 6-monthold infants in response to short sentences in Japanese. We hypothesized that functional relationships will not be constant, but will instead be modulated, during typical cortical hemodynamic responses to speech sounds. We further predicted that functional connectivity between distant cortical regions would change from a local to a global state depending on the stage of development.
Methods: We analyzed data obtained from quietly sleeping neonates (N = 28) and 3- and 6- month-old infants (N = 26 and 27, respectively). We presented auditory sentences while measuring brain activation using 94-channel fNIRS (ETG-7000, Hitachi). The continuous oxy-Hb signals were band-pass filtered from 0.01 to 0.2 Hz. The signal changes in response to speech sounds were examined by averaging the signals over segmented data blocks. We applied the Hilbert transform to the continuous data to estimate the phase of the signals in all channels. We defined dFC using the following equation (Cabral et al., 2017): dFC(p, q, t) = cos(θ(p,t) – θ(q,t)), where p and q are channels and t is a time point.
Results and Discussion: We found that the frontal and temporal regions in all participant groups demonstrated increases in oxy-Hb signals when the sentences were presented. In addition, 3- and 6-month-old infants exhibited similar changes in the occipital regions, as in our previous studies (Homae et al., 2011; Taga et al., 2018). The dFC between homologous regions increased with age, consistent with our previous findings (Homae et al., 2010). Although frontal regions exhibit dense clusters in all groups, clusters over the temporal, parietal, and occipital regions were observed only in 3- and 6-month-old infants. Overall, we found that the dFC between the frontal and temporal regions changed with the presentation of speech sounds, and the organization of functional networks depended on age. These results support our hypotheses and suggest that the dynamics of functional networks will help in revealing how infants hear speech sounds and acquire their native language.
Acknowledgements: This study was partly supported by Japan Society for Promotion of Science KAKENHI Grant Nos. JP16H06524, JP16H06525 and 26220004.


発表タイトル       : NIRSTORM, a Brainstorm plugin inspired by electrophysiology dedicated to fNIRS data analysis, advanced 3D reconstructions and optimal probe design
著者                  : T. Vincent, Z. Cai, F. Tadel, A. Spilkin, A. Machado, S. Baillet, L. Bherer, J.M. Lina, C. Grova
セッション名       : Data analysis & algorithms
Abstract: Measurements of bioelectrical activity using EEG or hemodynamic processes using fNIRS enable wearable neuroimaging in realistic lifestyle and clinical conditions. Despite measuring different physiological signals, EEG and fNIRS are sharing several similarities: (i) they consist in scalp measurements, (ii) they offer an excellent temporal resolution, (iii) their spatial resolution is limited and 3D reconstruction of the generators of these scalp recordings requires solving an ill-posed inverse problem. Brainstorm software is internationally recognized for EEG/MEG processing [Tadel et al. Comp Intell Neurosci 2011], featuring advanced databasing, visualization, signal processing, source localization and statistical analysis methods. Benefiting from powerful ergonomic features available in Brainstorm, we are proposing NIRSTORM, a plugin dedicated to fNIRS data analysis.
Methods: NIRSTORM provides classical channel-space fNIRS processing consisting in band pass filtering, Modified Beer-Lambert Law, motion correction and window averaging. To allow advanced fNIRS modeling, NIRSTORM is now featuring integration with MCXLab software [Fang and Boas Opt. Express 2009] to estimate light sensitivity profiles within head tissue, using head models derived either from a standard template MRI (Colin 27) or a subject-specific MRI. Segmentation of the template was carefully computed and accurate Monte Carlo simulations were launched to generate fluence data for 690 and 830 nm wavelengths. This fluence template consists in ~6000 head vertices with a spatial resolution of ~5mm (Fig.A). Using light sensitivity profiles estimated from any vertex of the scalp, we implemented our proposed personalized optimal montage design targeting a predefined brain region. This method consists in linear programming optimization maximizing light sensitivity to the target region, while ensuring spatial overlap between sensors to allow local 3D reconstruction [Machado et al JBO 2014, JNS-Meth. in rev, Pellegrino et al Front. Neurosc. 2016] (Fig.B: optimal montages targeting the hand knob). The optimal montage can be estimated from the MRI template or from an individual MRI, using any freely defined optode position available on the scalp or positions from the 10/20 system. Integration within Brainstorm allowed adapting to NIRS advanced 3D reconstruction methods we developed and validated for EEG/MEG source imaging [Pellegrino et al HBM 2018] within the Maximum Entropy on the Mean framework [Cai et al submitted] (Fig.C: 3D reconstruction for a visual task, left checkerboard reversal).
Conclusion: NIRSTORM is an open-source initiative and welcomes any contribution. It is currently hosted on github(https://github.com/Nirstorm/nirstorm), where the wiki pages of our first training session organized in Montreal in May 2018 are available. We expect NIRSTORM to become an ideal platform for multimodal EEG/fNIRS integration.


発表タイトル       : The Role of Mirror Neuron System in Encoding Motor Complexity
著者                  : Xinge Li, Manon A. Krol, Sahar Jahani, David A. Boas, Helen Tager-Flusberg and Meryem A. Yücel
セッション名       : Cognitive & social neuroscience
Background: The mirror neuron system (MNS), including pars opercularis of the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and adjacent ventral premotor cortex (PMv) and inferior parietal lobule (IPL), is activated when individuals execute an action and when they observe a similar action performed by another individual¹. Converging neuroimaging evidence has shown the functional role of the MNS in action understanding. Although most studies have focused on the effects of modulations in goals and kinematics of observed actions on MNS activity, little research has explored the effects of manipulations in motor complexity. Thus, the present study adopted fNIRS to examine MNS activity, aiming to better understand the functional role of this system in encoding motor complexity. We hypothesized that, compared with observed and executed simple actions, MNS will activate more during observed and executed complex actions in order to reinforce motor planning and precision.
Methods: Twenty-one healthy adults executed as well as observed two hand actions that differed in motor complexity. The simple action was to place a card into an open box, while the complex action was to insert a card into a box with a narrow slot on the lid (Fig.1 c-f). MNS activity was recorded by an fNIRS system with 16 sources and 24 long-separation and 8 short-separation detectors. Hemodynamic response function was estimated by a general linear model with short separation regression.
Results: Our results show that the observation complex and execution complex tasks both resulted in stronger brain response in the ipsilateral mirror neuron regions compared to contralateral. Motor complexity, represented as the contrast between the simple and complex task conditions, on the other hand, is represented in IFG, IPL and motor regions during execution and in IPL and motor regions during observation (Fig.2). Discussion: Our findings suggest that the MNS encodes motor representation of varying motor complexity in the observed and executed actions and facilitates action understanding in a direct, pre-cognitive and motor-based way.
References 1. Rizzolatti, G., & Sinigaglia, C. (2016). The mirror mechanism: A basic principle of brain function. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 17(12), 757–765.


  • fNIRS2018, http://fnirs2018.org/


谷口 尚
発表論文タイトル 協調課題時の脳間神経同期のfNIRSを用いたhyperscanningの研究
発表論文英タイトル A fNIRS-based hyperscanning study of inter-brain neural synchronization during a cooperative task
著者 Megumi Mizuno, Sho Taniguchi, Satoru Hiwa, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu
主催 The Society for fNIRS
講演会名 fNIRS2018
会場 東京大学 本郷キャンパス
開催日程 2018/10/05-2018/10/08


  1. 講演会の詳細

2018/10/05から2018/10/08にかけて,東京大学本郷キャンパスにて開催されましたfNIRS2018に参加いたしました.この学会は,The Society for fNIRSによって主催され,光学的方法を用いて生物組織,特に脳の機能特性を理解しようとする基礎科学者および臨床科学者の集まりで,アイデアの交換,学際的協力,教育を促進することを目的に開催されています.

  1. 研究発表
    • 発表概要

私は10/07のPoster Session「PosterⅡ」にて水野と共に発表いたしました.発表の形式はポスター発表で,午前,午後共に1時間ずつ自由に発表と質疑応答を行う時間となっておりました.
今回の発表は,「A fNIRS-based hyperscanning study of inter-brain neural synchronization during a cooperative task」です.以下に抄録を記載致します.

Introduction: Social interaction is a dynamic behavior between individuals who modify their actions and reactions depending on the actions of their partner. In this study, we investigate the relationship between social interaction and brain functions. Cui et al. analyzed the neural synchronization between two subjects who played a cooperation game involving synchronizing each other’s response timing and revealed that the interpersonal brain coherence of the subjects increased during the cooperative task [1]. In this study, to easily facilitate the cooperative behavior of the participants, we improved the experimental design and examined the inter-brain neural synchronization during the cooperative task.
Methods: Twenty-two healthy adult males (11 pairs, age: 22.7 ± 1.0 years old, right-handed) participated in this experiment. The experimental environment is shown in Fig 1. The brains of the two participants during their social interaction were simultaneously measured by hyperscanning using a single functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) device (ETG-7100, Hitachi, Ltd.). A 3 × 10 probe consisting of 47 measurement channels was attached to the forehead of each subject. Participants were instructed: (1) to synchronize the response timing of their partner after the cue (synchronization task), (2) to respond faster than their partner (competition task), and (3) to respond quickly to the cue (single A/B task) [1]. In the synchronization task, the time difference between the responses of the two participants were fed back to each of them. Each participant predicted his partner’s behavior based on the time difference, and was asked to synchronize his responses at the next cue. Wavelet transform coherence was calculated from two sets of time-series data of cerebral blood flow changes. Then we performed a one-sample t-test (p < 0.05) of the coherence increase of each task and investigated the brain regions where the coherence increased.
Results & Discussion: The difference in response time between the two participants in the synchronization task was significantly larger than that of the single A and B task (p < 0.05). This result indicates that the participants not only responded quickly to the cue, but also reacted by anticipating the behavior of their opponents. A t-score map of coherence increase is shown in Fig 2. The coherence within the left superior frontal gyrus (SFG) and left middle frontal gyrus (MFG) increased significantly in the synchronization task. The left SFG is involved in building a trust relationship [2]. Hence, it is assumed that this region affects cooperative behavior. Furthermore, the coherence in these two regions did not increase significantly in either the competitive or single task. Therefore, we suggest that the inter-brain synchronization in these brain regions can be utilized as a metric of cooperativeness.


  • 質疑応答


  • 感想


  1. 聴講


発表タイトル       : Verifying wavelet coherence analysis to measure neural coupling using pseudo-random visual stimulation sequences and fNIRS
著者                  : Xian Zhang, J. Adam Noah, Swethasri Dravida, Joy Hirsch
セッション名       : PosterⅠ
Abstruct    : Neural mechanisms that underlie dynamic interpersonal interactions are thought to include temporally synchronous signals that reflect coupled processes between two brains [1]. Wavelet coherence analysis of hemodynamic signals acquired simultaneously during hyper-scanning experiments has been proposed for analysis of these neural processes [2,3]. However, this computational approach has not been validated against known markers. Here we generate a set of known neural coherences using pseudo random sequences of reversing checkerboard patterns. It is expected that input sequences that were more highly correlated generated higher cross-brain output correlations of wavelets in the visual cortex across pairs of subjects. Each visual stimulus event was a 2-second full-field reversing checkerboard pattern. Three random sequences, called sequence A, B and C (inset in figure), of such visual stimuli were presented for 2 minutes and repeated twice. The sequences were generated to have varying levels of correlation (e g: A-B more correlated than A-C). The expected coherence (left panel) was obtained by coherence analysis on the modeled fNIRS waveform, which was generated by convolving the stimulus sequence and the hemodynamic response function (HRF).The overall
expected coherence is summarized as the average coherence within 0-30 second wavelength range (horizontal lines and numbers in left panel). Ten subjects participated. Subject’s data were randomly paired with every other subject’s data, resulting in ninety possible pairs. The combinations included A-A, B-B, or C-C, where both subjects viewed identical sequences of the stimuli (green). The other pairings were A- B (red), A-C (blue) and B-C (cyan). The wavelet coherence results from measured fNIRS deOxyHB data (right panel) confirmed the expected coherence. Our results validate wavelet coherence as a technique for quanitfying the coherence of brain signals across participants during hyperscanning to study social interaction in ecologically valid paradigms.

この発表ではhyperscanning研究でよく使われているwavelet coherence解析の検証を行っていました.空間フィルタリングされたデータの方が生データよりも本来の予測されたコヒーレンスの値をよりよく表しているとのことでした.今後の解析方法などに参考にしていきたいと思いました.

発表タイトル       :Transition of phase synchrony of fNIRS signals depending on sleep states in infants
著者                  : G. Taga, H. Watanabe, R. Saji, F. Homae
セッション名       : PosterⅢ
Abstruct    : Sleep reflects spontaneous activity of the brain and includes sleep state transitions such as NREM sleep and REM sleep. The gold standard for classification of sleep state is to use electroencephalogram (EEG) and electrooculogram (EOG). On the other hand, fNIRS can measure brain tissue oxygenation dynamics related to spontaneous activity of the brain and is expected to provide complementary information to the electric method with respect to the sleep state. Especially, studying infants’ sleep is important for elucidating the developmental mechanism of the brain. fNIRS has been used to study spontaneous activity (Taga et al. 2000), stimulus induced activity (Taga et al. 2018), functional network (Homae et al. 2010), and hemoglobin phase of oxygenation and deoxygenation (hPod) (Watanabe et al. 2017) in sleeping infants. The present study aims to clarify the spatiotemporal dynamics of spontaneous activity of the brain according to sleep state of infants using fNIRS.
We measured 2- and 3-month-old infants. 94 channel probe of the NIRS device (ETG 7000, Hitachi) and the electrodes of electroencephalogram (EEG) and electrooculogram (EOG) were attached to infants while they were naturally sleeping in the laboratory in the daytime. Measurement was terminated when the infant woke up or when 25 minutes passed while sleeping. Sleep states were classified into active sleep (AS), quiet sleep (QS), AS/QS and wake every 30 seconds using EEG, EOG and video recordings. Data on infants whose sleeping states showed transition from AS to QS, each of which lasted more than 10 minutes, were selected, and 16 2-month-old (2M) and 19 3-month-old (3M) infants were used for the further analysis. Time-series data of oxygenated hemoglobin were bandpass-filtered (0.05 to 0.1 Hz) and subjected to Hilbert transformation to obtain instantaneous phases. Furthermore, the vector sum of instantaneous phases of 94 channels were taken at each time, and then time series of phase synchronization index (PSI) was obtained (Taga et al. 2011). PSIs were time-averaged within the sleep state and compared between the states.
In the 2M group, PSI = 0.70 for AS and PSI = 0.48 for QS. In the 3M group, PSI = 0.73 for AS and PSI = 0.46 for QS. Analysis of variance of age x sleep state showed a significant main effect on sleep state (p <0.001). This result implies that when the sleep changes from AS to QS, the synchrony decreases from spatially synchronous state to asynchronous state. There was no significant difference in age.
It has been assumed that AS and QS in infants correspond to REM and NREM sleep in adults, respectively. REM and NREM sleep have been thought to reflect synchronous and asynchronous neural activity of the cerebral cortex, respectively. While the spatiotemporal scale of the signals is different between EEG and fNIRS, the present study showed that the sleep state dependence on synchronization property of fNIRS signals is opposite to the one of EEG. This study suggests that the functional connectivity among the global network is enhanced in AS and diminished in QS. In future, further investigations are needed to understand functional roles of cortical activity in different sleep states in infants.


発表タイトル       :Inter-brain synchronization during a freestyle PC game: an fNIRS hyperscanning study
著者                  : M. Xu, S. Morimoto, E. Hoshino,
セッション名       : PosterⅢ
Abstruct    : Motivation: Human social interaction is a highly dynamic process consisting of continuous live social signal exchanges. Thus, studying interaction between multiple humans is critical to understanding the brain basis of social behavior, which is an emerging field of interest. fNIRS hyperscanning has played a significant role in advancing this field by enabling real-world neuroimaging. However, previous studies mainly adopted tasks during which multiple participants had performed synchronized actions. It remains largely unclear about the underlying mechanisms and any influential factors of inter-brain couplings during real-world interactions when participants have a common goal but much flexibility in action.
Method: Thirty-nine same-sex dyads played a turn-based PC game (Fig.1) cooperatively or independently while their hemodynamic responses in the right frontal and temporal regions were measured simultaneously. At the same time, their physiological responses (heart rate and skin conductance response) were recorded simultaneously as well. Any type of verbal/nonverbal interaction was allowed during the cooperative sessions (the dyads were prompted to design the interiors of a big room that satisfy both themselves and their partners) but not during the independent sessions (to design the interiors of two small rooms without considering their partners). Their behaviors during the tasks were videotaped. The inter-brain synchronization (IBS) was evaluated using wavelet transform coherence (WTC) (1).
Results and discussion: The IBS was found to display different patterns during the cooperative sessions and the independent sessions, and the IBS was more prominent during cooperation. Moreover, the period during which the IBS occurred was shown to correlate with the dyads’ span of turn-takings. These findings indicate that cooperative behaviors facilitate between-brain neural couplings. The relationship between the IBS and other types of interactive signals (e.g., eye contact, verbal communication, etc.) and physiological synchronization will be further examined.


著者                  : Joy Hirsch
セッション名       : Cognitive & social neuroscience
Abstruct    : Humans are a profoundly social species. However, little is known about the most fundamental brain functions that mediate live social interactions. This knowledge gap between single and social brain processes, is, in part, a consequence of conventional neural imaging methods that are generally restricted to single individuals, static tasks, and nonverbal responses. However, recent developments of fNIRS hyperscanning (imaging two individuals simultaneously) enables rigorous investigation of this unexplored neural domain of human social behavior.
Two existing theoretical frameworks converge as a foundation for this new “neuroscience of two”. The first is the Interactive Brain Hypothesis (De Jaegher, et al, 2016) which proposes that social interactions are mediated by dedicated brain processes. This hypothesis provides a general framework for the investigation of neural mechanisms underlying social interaction. The second is a quantifiable model of dynamic neural coupling, i.e. the correlation between temporal patterns of neural signals across two interacting partners (Hasson and Frith, 2016). This model proposes that dynamic coupling is the mechanism by which information is shared between the sender and the receiver across brains. Hyperscanning with fNIRS, together with these emerging theoretical frameworks, establishes fNIRS as the neuroimaging method of choice for investigations of live human-to-human interactions.
Paradigms for investigation of two individuals engaged in live and spontaneous communications include developments for imaging in natural environments as well as the computational methods necessary to quantify live cross-brain interactions. We have applied these tools to test specific cases of the interactive brain hypothesis using fNIRS hyperscanning and primary social cues such as real eye-to-eye contact compared to eye gaze at a picture-face (Hirsch, et al., 2017), a video-face (Noah, et al.,2018), and talking and listening (Hirsch, et al., 2018) with and without social interaction. Consistent with the Interactive Brain Hypothesis cross-brain coherence measured by Wavelet Coherence Analysis (MATLAB Wavelet Toolbox) between local brain areas is greater for interactive than non-interactive conditions. Specifically, dynamic neural coupling increases during interactions such as eye-to-eye contact and interactive speaking and listening. Further, the dynamic neural coupling is associated with neural activity in temporal-parietal regions of the brain consistent with specialized cross-brain neural mechanisms for live social interaction regardless of the modality or task. These, and other similar findings recently reported using fNIRS hyperscanning, contribute to an expanding experimental and theoretical foundation for a new neuroscience where the aim is to understand the dynamic signal exchanges and neural mechanisms within a dyad that underlie live episodes of social interaction in natural conditions.


  • fNIRS2018, http://fnirs2018.org