2018/6/17-2018/6/21の日程で、シンガポールで開催された The 24th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping にて下記の発表を行いました。
- Generating individual brain atlases reflecting structural and functional characteristics 中村圭佑(M2)
- Mindful Driving: Detecting driver’s attention and distraction using fNIRS 藤原侑亮(M2)
- Extracting functional network differences from multiple brain states based on graph theory metrics 石田翔也(M2)
- Intra-individual variation in graph theoretical properties of functional networks during meditation 大塚友樹(M1)
- Mapping the brain state behavior during meditation in low dimensional feature spac 三好巧真(M2)
- FNIRS study of attentional states based on dynamic functional connectivity analysis 西澤美結(M2)
- Functional connectivity network of Kanizsa illusory contour perception 杉野梨緒(M1)
“【速報】The 24th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping” の続きを読む